Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 6: Steal the Death Energy of the Demon Slayer and improve it!

"The previous passage was an illusion?"

Zhao Xin understood.

He looked at the black rooms and felt as if he could smell the strong smell of blood in his nose.

Tap tap tap——

He walked forward.

In this silent corridor.

The sound of his own footsteps sounded quite scary.

The whole corridor.

Completely illuminated by the faint blood-colored light flashing in the black room.

It makes the whole corridor feel weird.

The little skeleton followed him quietly.

Holding the scythe in his hand, the fire of the soul in his eyes showed no trace of emotion.

But between walking.

The bones rub against each other, making a 'click-click' sound.

The corridor is very long.

It took Zhao Xin nearly ten minutes to reach the end.

"It does have some psychological qualities."

"It's a pity that the astral creatures that were conceived are just little skeletons."

"Come with me."

In the shadow of the end.

At some point, a woman wearing a red dress and a veil appeared.

The woman has shawl black hair that falls softly.

She has a slim body with amazing curves, and her slender legs are wearing black stockings and deerskin boots.

He glanced at Zhao Xin with a faint look.

Then he walked aside.

Zhao Xin followed without hesitation.

Not long.

The two of them came to a modern-style office one after another.

This world is very technologically advanced.

It’s just that demons are rampant and ancient customs are strong.

"I am the master of the torture hall."

"I already understand your situation."

"Don't worry, everyone will be treated equally in the execution hall."

"You can't blame anyone even if you die."


"I don't want you to die. After all, we don't have many people in the execution hall."

The woman in the red dress sat down, her long skirt stretched straight with an astonishing curvature.

She picked up a pair of scissors and trimmed the potted plant in front of her while speaking.

In the pot is a strange blood-red plant.

The branches were twisting and squirming.


A black token flew towards Zhao Xin:

"Go to room 37 and kill the monsters in the room."

"The room is in the same corridor you passed before."

"Keep the body intact and don't move it."

"Return the token when you're done."

"This is your mission today."

"Come to me every day to receive tasks from now on."

Zhao Xin took the token.

There is a number 'thirty-seven' on it.

He bowed to the red-skirted hall master:


This hall leader acts vigorously and resolutely...

He thought secretly.

And there doesn’t seem to be much shelf?

He had just thought that this was just an ordinary member of the torture hall.

Unexpectedly, he was the leader of the Punishment Hall?

A hall master actually welcomes newcomers in person?

This surprised him a little.

Is it so friendly to the people?


Kill the monster?

He was a little eager to try.

I am still quite curious about monsters in my heart.

In my memory, I have only watched some monster videos.

And the real demon——

Never seen it before.

As for the possible dangers of killing monsters?

He wasn't very afraid.

after all--

The little skeleton possesses fourth level strength.

And the fourth level strength.

It’s no longer considered weak.

If even his life is in danger.

Then it was really hard for him to imagine.

How did the rest of the torture hall members survive?

He didn't believe it.

Ordinary members of the execution hall.

Everyone can have astral creatures of level four or above.

Return to the monster corridor.

Zhao Xin quickly found room No. 37.

Press the black token in your hand into the groove on the iron door.


There was a click.

The iron door opens.

Zhao Xin took a step back and ordered the little skeleton to push the iron door open.

He is still just a trainee as a Star Envoy.

Physical fitness is not much different from ordinary people.

If you want to be promoted to the first level of Star Envoy, you need to practice star power.

Only star power accumulates to a certain extent.

Only then can he be promoted to the first level Star Envoy.

The more powerful the astral creatures are, the stronger they are.

The speed of star power cultivation will be higher.

As he is now.

The little skeleton's combat power reaches an astonishing level of 4.2.

And he is a trainee Star Envoy, with a level of zero.

Then the speed of cultivating planetary force is 4.2 times.

This is the terrible influence of astral creatures on the Star Envoy.

Why do others think he has no potential?

It's because the normal little skeleton's combat power is only 1.1.

But it is even more difficult to cultivate and improve.

After he is promoted to a one-star Royal Star Envoy.

The little skeleton may only have a combat power level of 1.1.

And the combat power is only 1.1——

Then his cultivation speed would only be 0.1 times at the one-star Star Envoy realm.

0.1 times the cultivation speed.

What kind of desperate cultivation speed is this?


The iron door was pushed open by the little skeleton.

A blood-red werewolf was tied to a cross in the center of the room.

The werewolf is more than two meters tall, with thick hair and muscles bulging like rocks.

A pair of scarlet eyes were opened, full of ferocity and violence.

Seeing Zhao Xin come in, he immediately struggled wildly.


While roaring, he stared at Zhao Xin, choosing people to devour.

Wisps of black mist surged out of the werewolf.

However, there is a magic circle at the foot of the werewolf, which absorbs all the black mist.

"Is this an extraordinary demon?"

"A bloody werewolf among the werewolves?"

Zhao Xin looked at it.

Lots of information about extraordinary demons.

It's in the memories he received.

Everyone in this world must learn these things when going to school.

"Low-level monsters often have low intelligence."

"And he is bloodthirsty, cruel and violent."

"The bloody werewolf has second-level strength as an adult."

"This bloody werewolf looks like an adult."

"Little skeleton, kill him."

"Leave the whole body behind."

After watching for a moment, his curiosity dissipated and he ordered.


The black sword flashed.

It was like a black thunder streaking across.

The speed was so fast that Zhao Xin could not see clearly.

Hot blood immediately spattered out from the bloody werewolf's neck.


The bloody werewolf struggled a few times and then became silent again.

Only a pair of blood-red eyes were still open, ferocious and violent.

Wisps of weak death air flew out.

The little skeleton opened its mouth and sucked gently.

The breath of death was swallowed up by the little skeleton.

After smashing it a few times, you can see the white bone mouth of the upper and lower jaws.

It seems a little unfinished.

And just then.

The chains binding the demon's body were automatically released from the cross.

A crack opened at the foot of the demon's corpse.

The demon corpse slid down towards the crack.

And seeing this crack——

The soul fire in the little skull's eye sockets suddenly fluctuated violently and became obviously stronger.

He came directly to the breach.

The eyebrows glowed, and a deathly gray light rushed into the crack.


The extremely rich aura of death flew out from the crack.

The little skeleton swallowed it one bite after another.

Skeleton face.

They all showed a humane look of satisfaction.

And it’s visible to the naked eye——

On the skeleton's body, the dark gold lines flashed out again!


It seems to constitute a special ability.


Zhao Xin was stunned.


He almost reflexively——

He immediately closed the iron door behind him that was not closed.

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