Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 7 The woman in the crystal coffin has new abilities!

"Then below——"

After closing the iron door.

Zhao Xin also came to the side of the little skeleton and looked towards the crack.

He didn't know what method the little skeleton used.

This made the demon corpse slide down very slowly.


This crack has also been open.



He stared into the crack.

The gray lifeless energy below was billowing like mist.

But the light emerged from the little skull’s eyebrows.

But it made the death energy appear much more transparent.

Under tens of meters.

He saw four women in black, carrying a crystal coffin and standing quietly on the white corpse.

This underground space.

There are countless corpses of various creatures.

Inside the crystal coffin——

A pale woman lay.

The woman has a beautiful face and is wearing a long white dress.

A large amount of death energy was swallowed up by the woman's body like a long snake.

"Who is this?"

"It's not a dead creature, but it's actually devouring death energy?"

Zhao Xin was surprised.

Living people practice with death energy?

Do you want to become a living dead?

"That's not right either."

"That woman is lying in the crystal coffin. Maybe she is a dead person?"

"But the four women in black are obviously alive."

"What do they want to do?"

"Sacrifice the corpse?"

"Or want to resurrect that body?"

His eyes flashed.

At this time, the werewolf corpse had completely slid down.

The rift begins to close.

And at the time of closure.

Zhao Xin found that the four women in black also left carrying the crystal coffin.


The little skeleton closed his mouth in satisfaction.

All the dark gold lines on his body have disappeared.

The bones on his body turned pale white again.

The soul fire in his eyes also calmed down without any fluctuation.

"Looking like you've had a good meal?"

"I wonder if the strength has changed?"

Zhao Xin didn't think too much about the crystal coffin.

This has nothing to do with him.

He looked at the little skeleton with interest.

Summon the little skeleton back to the star realm and check the information.

[Name: Little Skeleton]

[Attribute: Death System]

[Level: Unknown]

[Level: Lower level one]

[Combat power: 4.5]

[Ability: Undead resurrection, elementary sword skills, suppressing the undead, death erosion, undead roar, enslaving the undead (not mastered), medium sword skills (not mastered), soul armor (not mastered), power of death (not mastered), Skeleton Guard (not mastered),...】

"The combat power has increased by 0.3!"

"This is equivalent to the combat power of directly descending from the fourth level——"

"It has been promoted to the fourth level!"

"And the ability also has an additional 'Roar of the Undead'!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Zhao Xin's eyes.

This execution hall——

It’s really the perfect place for him to improve his strength!

That dead air space beneath the ground.

Don't know how long it has existed.

Probably since the establishment of the Demon Slayer Department.

It was created synchronously.

The corpses of the monsters killed in the execution hall were all thrown into the dead air space.

Over time and over time.

The death energy contained in it is so rich that it is simply unimaginable.


"I will work hard in the execution hall from now on."

"Strive to take on more tasks and become an excellent employee."

"It doesn't matter whether you're dead or not."

"Mainly to reduce the burden on other colleagues in the execution hall."

"I heard that members of the execution hall have the highest death rate?"

"Hey, if I don't go to hell, who will?"

"As a good young man with morals and ideals, how can he bear to see his colleagues die?"

He sighed softly and his expression became determined.

I walked out of Room 37 in a good mood.

Close the iron door and take out the token key.

Follow the strange corridor that glows with faint blood.

He walked towards the hall master's office.

The entire execution hall.

He has found out.

Almost a 'T' shape.

Come to the end of the corridor and go right to the end.


This is the hall master's office.

Dong dong dong——

He knocked on the wooden door.

"Come in."

A slightly lazy voice came from the room.

Zhao Xin pushed the door open and entered.

However, he found that there was only one person in the room except the red-dressed hall master.

There was also a woman wearing black clothes, stockings and blond hair standing aside.

The woman's figure is exaggerated, but her face is cold.

And it's a little pale, as if there is insufficient blood.

Seeing this woman in black——

Zhao Xin was slightly shocked.


He saw four women in black carrying crystal coffins in the dead air space——

One of them is the person in front of me!


Why are you in the hall master's office?

Could it be that the leader of the crystal coffin is the leader of the Red Dress Hall?

The beautiful woman in the crystal coffin——

Who is it again?

Thoughts kept running through his mind.

However, there was no hesitation in the movements of his hands, and he cupped his hands and said:

"Hall Master, my subordinates are here to return Token No. 37."

The master of the red skirt hall waved his hand and said casually:

"Just put it on the table."

"Yes, I am resigning."

Zhao Xin put the token on the table, turned and left.

From beginning to end.

The women in black just looked at him coldly.

The expression on Zhao Xin's face remained unchanged as she closed the wooden door.

"There are many secrets in this execution hall..."

Walking on the corridor, Zhao Xin muttered to himself.

But this has nothing to do with him.

He just wants to work in the execution hall peacefully.

Strive to be an excellent employee.

I can share more tasks with other colleagues every day.

Anything else.

They all have to step aside.

"To be promoted from a trainee Star Envoy to a first-level Star Envoy——"

"It not only requires the star power within the body to achieve the perfection of apprenticeship."

"It also requires the assistance of three special items."

"First-order demon core, water of star power, fixed star array."

"The three items put together are worth almost eight pounds of gold coins."

"And my total wealth is less than two pounds."

"There's still more than six pounds left..."

he mused.

With Little Skull’s current amazing combat power of 4.5.

The speed at which he accumulates star power will be astonishing.

The perfection of novitiate will soon be achieved.

so now.

He has to find a way to make money.

And the treatment of the Demon Slayer——

He was a one-star bronze demon slayer who had just become a full member.

The salary was four pounds twenty silver.

And the salary won’t be paid until the fifth of next month.

"make money……"

He was thinking about this problem.

While coming to his lounge.

There are six places in this lounge.

Three of the positions were occupied.

But at this time, they were all wearing virtual helmets with a full sense of technology and a white and silver color.

Clearly immersed in a virtual world.

But the moment Zhao Xin came in——

The virtual helmets worn by the three people all flashed red.

This reminds them that a stranger is coming.

They immediately took off their helmets and looked at Zhao Xin.

One of the petite girls put the helmet on the table and said happily:

"Are there new people here?"

"I'm Zhou Xi, hello."

The other two were both young men, and one was a black man. He grinned and said:

"Hello, I'm Turner Vader."

"Hello, I'm Song Ling."

"Hello, I'm Zhao Xin."

Zhao Xin stretched out his right hand and shook hands with the three of them one by one.

Is this the next colleague in the torture hall...

He thought to himself.


"Are you going to break into the Star Tower?"

"We were just breaking into the Star Tower."

"Damn it, I almost made it through the second level and got a reward of ten pounds of gold coins."

Black Vader said in annoyance.

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