Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 8 Virtual world, enter the Star Tower!

"Vade, my good friend."

"I remember you telling me three days ago."

"You just killed a dark demon ape."

"Did your astral creature experience a huge improvement in just three days?"

Young Song Ling teased.

"Didn't I almost say that?"

"Almost understand?"

Black Vader shrugged his shoulders and didn't care.

"Royal Star Tower?"

When Zhao Xin heard this, his heart moved.


How could he forget about the virtual world.

This Royal Star Tower with the title of ‘Top of the World’?

This world may be because of the power of the Star Envoy.

As a result, technological weapons have not received much attention and their development has been slow.

But in other respects——

The level of technology is extremely high.

The virtual world is one of them.

And the ‘Royal Star Tower’——

But it is one of the hottest places in the virtual world!

"You have just become the Star Envoy, haven't you been to the Star Tower yet?"

The petite Zhou Xi looked excited and said:

"Then you must experience it."

"Can pass the first level——"

"You will be rewarded with five pounds of gold coins."

"And through the second level—"

"You can even get a reward of ten pounds of gold coins and the title of 'Elite'!"

"By the way, what is your astral creature?"

"My astral creature is the Death Wolf."

"Brother Song's astral creature is a suture monster."

"Vader's astral beings are the abominable daemons."

The young Song Ling and the black man Wade also looked curiously.

Will come to the execution hall.

Astral creatures are definitely of the death type.


What kind of death creature could it be?

They are all very interested.

"My astral creature is a little skeleton."

Zhao Xin replied.

He couldn't wait to go to the Star Tower.

Why is the Royal Star Tower called the ‘Top of the World’?

Just because——

This is a place where astral creatures compete for the purest combat power!

All astral beings.

They will all be suppressed at the first level.

And the more powerful you can be at the first level, the stronger your combat power will be.

Then you can climb to a higher tower level!

Through the tower level -

You'll get rewards.

The higher the tower level passed.

The rewards you get are higher!

"...little skeleton?"

Zhou Xi, Song Ling, and Wade looked at each other in confusion.

There was astonishment in their eyes.

The three of them didn't expect it at all.

This new brother——

Breeding astral creatures——

It could actually be the little skeleton known as the weakest astral creature?


There is simply no future left.

It’s difficult to get promoted with a small skeleton, and the potential is low.

Zhao Xin wants to be promoted to the second-level Royal Star Envoy and have a second pregnancy——

Almost impossible!

Think of this.

The expressions on the faces of Song Ling and Wade suddenly became cold, and they sneered.

He didn't say another word to Zhao Xin.

Go directly back to your position and put on the virtual helmet again.

This kind of rubbish-like Royal Star Envoy.

Where is their time worth wasting?

When Zhao Xin saw this scene, his expression did not change at all.

He felt at peace.

Being looked down upon?

If he really just gave birth to little skeletons, he might feel resentful.

but now?

He didn't care at all.

On the contrary, I saw clearly the character of these two colleagues in advance, which saved me a lot of trouble.

"...Don't worry about it."

The girl Zhou Xi's face turned red and she felt a little embarrassed.

after all--

It was she who asked Zhao Xin what the star world creature was.

That's why the other party received such cold treatment.


Zhao Xin shook his head.

He is in this execution hall to work hard.


The less the better.

After all, if you have many friends, trouble will inevitably come to your door.

And he least likes trouble.

No more friends, no more troubles.

This is to solve the problem at its source.

"...Actually, little skeletons can also become stronger..."

"Come on..."

Zhou Xi probably has never comforted anyone.

After saying that, he quickly ran back to his place.

But before putting on the virtual helmet, he also made a cheering gesture to Zhao Xin.


Zhao Xin shook his head.

He also came to his place.

Pick up the virtual helmet placed on the table and put it on.

At the same time, I also sighed.

The treatment in the torture hall is very good.

Only one task needs to be completed each day.

The rest of the time can be arranged as you wish.

Moreover, the Xingtang also provides each member with a virtual helmet.


It's just that the death rate is higher.

As a result, few people dared to join the torture hall.


His vision dimmed, then lit up.

"Welcome to the virtual world again."

"I am your assistant 'Xiao Mei' in the virtual world."

In a square house.

A girl with soft lines stood in the center of the house, looking at Zhao Xin with a smile.

The voice is also very soft, soft and delicate.

But the body reflects the metallic luster.

Clearly a robot type.

"I want to adjust my appearance."

Zhao Xin said.

He jumped curiously and twisted his waist.

Marvel at the discovery.

There is almost no difference from reality.

If the other party hadn't told you clearly, this was a virtual world.

He would think——

Have you traveled through time again?

What an amazing technology...

He sighed inwardly.

If this kind of technology could have appeared in the world before he traveled through time.

Then everyone will go crazy.

Compared with the metaverse and the virtual world, the gap is simply thousands of miles away.


"Please adjust as directed."

The soft girl is still smiling.

It took a full quarter of an hour.

Zhao Xincai stopped with his thoughts still unfinished.

Face pinching is indeed the easiest thing to get addicted to... He muttered secretly.

But looking at his powerful and domineering look in the mirror.

He was still very satisfied.

"Change my name to—"


Zhao Xin thought for a moment and said again.

An anime flashed through his mind.

The protagonist of that anime.

But I often say things like, ‘My ideal is to become a king’.


He truly became a king.

"The modification has been completed."

"Which area do you need to go to?"

the lithe girl asked.

A light tap of your finger.

Blue light blooms.

A curtain of light appeared in front of Zhao Xin.

There are tons of area names on it.

For example, Star Tower, battles, training, games, movies, animation, variety shows...etc.

"Go to the Royal Star Tower."

Zhao Xin spoke.

"Now go to the Royal Star Tower——"

A soft voice sounded.

Zhao Xin's eyes changed.

When he reappeared, he had arrived at a huge square.

In front of the square.

It is a huge black tower towering into the clouds.

The giant tower seemed to be inserted into the sky.

It is majestic, towering and terrifying.

"Is this the Royal Star Tower?"

"Fortunately, this is a virtual world."

"If there was such a majestic tower in the real world——"

"It's almost impossible to imagine how it was built."

Zhao Xin looked at the Royal Star Tower in front of him and whispered to himself.

Without any hesitation.

He stepped across the square and entered the Royal Star Tower.

A piece of information emerged.

[Name: King]

[Level: Apprentice Royal Star Envoy]

[Number of passed levels: failed]

[Achievement Points: None]

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