Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 85 Saint Ancha, the demiplane is broken!

"They're going down!"

"Is there really something underneath the ruins of Pingjiang County?"

"It's definitely not normal! Otherwise, how could we attract the 'Haicheng Angel'?"

"Is the eight-winged being next to him the star ambassador of the 'Haicheng Angel'?"

"I heard that people in Haicheng now regard the 'Haicheng Angel' as a real angel, and some people even believe in it spontaneously."

"How I wish that an 'angel' would appear when Tai'ancheng was there!"

"If an 'angel' appeared to save me when I was about to be killed, I would also devoutly believe in angels!"

"They went underground!"

"Hurry, anchor! Come up and have a look!"

"Aren't you going crazy? The anchor is only a fourth-level star-improving envoy. Are you asking her to watch the fake king-level?"

"Anchor, you'd better run away, I have a bad feeling."

In the live broadcast room, a large amount of information kept passing by.

Ye Qimei glanced at the information in the live broadcast room, her charming eyes flashed, and she bit her lip slightly.

She wanted to go and have a look.

But she also knew it.

She is too weak on her own.

Once something happens, death is inevitable.

Facing the existence of the pseudo-king, her followers of the eighth-level Star Envoy are also very weak.

"Retreat first."

She whispered to the people around her.

Several people nodded solemnly and escorted Ye Qimei out.

Underground cave.

Zhao Xin and Zhao Yan were suspended in mid-air, looking at the slightly twisted stone wall in front of them.

The Silver Sky Snake showed its tiny head and was also watching.


The silver sky snake spit out the snake letter, looked at Zhao Xin, and made a sound.

"You mean, this is really a door?"

Zhao Xin guessed what Silver Sky Snake meant.


The Silver Sky Snake made a sound again.

"Behind the door, is it indeed a demiplane as I thought?"


"Isn't the demiplane very large?"


"Isn't this door very stable?"

Zhao Xin looked thoughtful.


Death Angel Zhao Yan has several black lines on her forehead.

She felt that there might be some misunderstanding between her and the Silver Sky Snake.

"I see."

"Silver Sky Snake, you go in first."

Zhao Xin nodded and ordered.

Silver Sky Snake blinked his eyes and looked at Zhao Xin in confusion.

Did he not speak clearly enough, or did the master not hear clearly?


He spoke again.

"You don't dare to go in alone, do you want Zhao Yan to accompany you?"

Zhao Xin guessed.

Yin Kong Snake was anxious.

He could only emit mental fluctuations and convey his thoughts to Zhao Xin.

"Not going in?"

"Can you just hang out outside for a while?"

"Can you move the demiplane to the ground and completely integrate it into the real world?"

Zhao Xin nodded.

It's definitely a lot safer.

He agreed.

The silver sky snake's body flashed with silver light, and it was already flying in front of the twisted stone wall.

An astonishing silver light burst out of him, blending into the twisted stone wall.



There seemed to be a huge pale silver bubble emerging.

The pale silver bubble has a radius of more than a hundred meters and rises towards the ground.

The dirt, stones, etc. along the way seemed to be passing through them as if they were not in the same space.

Zhao Xin and the Angel of Death Zhao Yan followed.


Pale silver bubbles appeared on the ground, and they were rapidly becoming real.


Suddenly there was a loud earthquake.

The pale silver bubble shattered, and a real scene appeared.

Mei Qila is a Qianye Tea Girl of the Ancha Organization and also a saint of the Ancha Organization.

She herself is only an eighth-level Star Envoy.

But the astral creatures have already reached the pseudo-king level.

So she has great hope of reaching the royal level.


Only then would she be appointed as a saint by the leader of the Ancha Organization, inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

"It's a pity that I didn't participate in Tai'ancheng's battle..."

"With the death of three million people, the emotions of despair, unwillingness, and fear must be extremely strong, right?"

"I really want to taste the emotion of extreme fear and despair..."

She said with longing.

Sitting by the only stream in this demiplane, her bare white feet gently touched the surface of the stream, causing splashes of water.

The black skirt is extremely short, revealing a pair of slender white legs.

Seems a little bored.


But that's it.

The demiplane is broken.

She saw a cold figure like an angel, looking down at the ground indifferently.

this moment.

She had the feeling that she was an insignificant ant, while the other party was a supreme god.

This feeling is amazing.

It caused a nasty feeling of fear to appear in her heart.

The big anchor Ye Qimei, who had already retreated more than 200 meters away, stared at the scene that suddenly appeared with his eyes wide open and was extremely shocked.

"The legendary demiplane!"

"That's the symbol of the Ancha Organization, the green tea leaves!"

"This is an important base for the Ancha Organization!"

Beside her, the eighth-level Star Royal Envoy lost his voice.

As an eighth-level Star Royal Envoy, he is naturally well-informed.

But the demiplane.

She had only heard of it but had never seen it.

I didn’t expect to see it now.

And it was still broken before her eyes and merged into the real world!

And all this.

It was also broadcast live by the intelligent machine meticulously.

Even her voice was no exception.

The entire live broadcast room was immediately shocked:

"An important base of the Ancha Organization!"


"Holy shit! Did the Angel of Haicheng come here to destroy an important base of the Ancha organization?"

"You are worthy of being an angel from Haicheng! You are worthy of being an angel!"

"The important base of the Ancha organization is actually hidden in the demiplane. Could it be that the kingdom cannot find it!"

"Why can the Angel of Haicheng be found?"

"Stop Angels of Haicheng and Angels of Haicheng. The Royal Star Envoy is terrifying, and the forces behind him may be even more terrifying. Otherwise, how would you have found this place!"

The news is like having wings, flying all over the sky in an instant.

In Ye Qimei's live broadcast room, the number of viewers began to skyrocket.

Two million!

five million!

Ten million!

Twenty million!

Not only a large number of people from the Red Moon Kingdom, but also people from other countries tried their best to enter the live broadcast room and watch.

after all--

Most of the day passed.

Officials of the Red Moon Kingdom have not found an important base of the four evil organizations.

But now the 'Haicheng Angel', who was rumored to be so miraculous and like a real angel coming, has been found.

This naturally attracts attention.

Even now.

Even the senior officials of the Red Moon Kingdom are watching.

"Haicheng Angel? What do you think of this Death Tribunal?"

Lin Jiuxin, the head of the first hospital, looked at the huge live broadcast screen in front of him and said.

He is meticulous with his silver hair and his expression is very serious.

"There's so little news."

"I have never heard of the name Tribunal of Death before, nor have I heard the names of Tribunal of Thunder and Tribunal of Ice and Snow."

Archon Ferdinand Weitz shook his head.

He was wearing a red consul's uniform, had a middle-aged appearance and was very elegant.

"It has never happened before in the whole world."

“It’s either a big organization that’s rebranded, or it’s just been established.”

Rossetti Moira, the deputy director of the first hospital in charge of intelligence, said solemnly.

As for the deeply hidden organization?

She didn't believe it.

For any organization to grow, it requires a lot of resources.

How could it have been hidden all this time?

Do you really think that those who engage in intelligence can only eat but not work?

"Is it possible that there are only a few powerful people in these tribunals?"

General ‘Zhao Kaixin’ of the military department guessed.

As for maybe it's just one person?

No one thinks that.

After all, the two people shown by the Death Tribunal revealed five ninth-level and pseudo-king-level astral creatures.

The Thunder Tribunal is even suspected of controlling a large number of Thunder Beasts.

"Since there is no conclusion."

"Let's watch the live broadcast first."

"Rossetti, you know lip reading. If there is a conversation between them, translate it."

The live broadcast is a bit far away.

Although extremely clear, it was still difficult to hear the sound.

I can only rely on magnification to barely decipher the lip reading.

"Ancha Organization?"

Zhao Xin was suspended in the air and said coldly.

The demiplane disintegrated, revealing a metal building that occupied a small area.

At this time, one after another, the Royal Star Envoys rushed out of the metal building, looking shocked and deeply uneasy.


The demiplane suddenly disintegrated, which was beyond their imagination!

Zhao Xin glanced at these Ancha organization members.

Fifteen at the seventh level, seven at the eighth level, and four at the ninth level.

The rest are all below level seven.

"Is there another super-limited person?"

"No, that eighth-level guy is also super-limited."

His eyes finally fell on a young woman and an old woman beside the stream.

This young woman has bare feet, wears a miniskirt, has a very thin waist, and looks very delicate.

The old woman was wearing coarse linen clothes, which was very simple, but her eyes were cold, like poisonous snakes.

"Haicheng Angel?"

"You are not a strong man from the Red Moon Kingdom, why do you want to be my enemy, Ancha?"

"Do you know that anyone who is an enemy of Ancha, even a true king-level existence, will die completely!"

Mei Qila also looked at Zhao Xin and said coldly.

She hated that feeling of fear.

Although she likes fear, what she likes is that others are afraid of her!


A giant wolf ten meters tall with two pairs of light wings appeared silently in front of her.

The giant wolf has green eyes, is very ferocious, and very scary.

And the top of the old woman's head.

A group of cold black mist appeared.

The mist surged, forming a ghost face a hundred meters high, with scarlet eyes staring at Zhao Xin and the Angel of Death.

Saw these two astral creatures.

Ye Qimei in the distance gasped and said in shock:

"The four-winged light wolf and the ghost-faced troll! They are both pseudo-king-level astral creatures!"

"Those two are both super-limited existences!"

As soon as these words came out.

The large number of viewers in the live broadcast room were shocked.

"Two...two super-limited existences?!"

"The four-winged light wolf and the ghost-faced troll, two false kings, the Angel of Haicheng is in trouble!"

"What are you afraid of? The Angel of Haicheng is a strong man who can kill the blue demon's clone with his sword. They are just two fake kings... just..."

"This is definitely a very important base for the evil organization Ancha!"

"Where are the strong men in our kingdom? Why don't you go support the Angels of Haicheng!"

"Look! The old woman summoned another eight-headed war ape king of pseudo-king level!!"

"Hiss! The eight-headed war ape king! I heard that these are among the pseudo-kings, and they are all astral creatures with extremely terrifying combat power!"

"It's over! Support is coming quickly!!"

Many people in the live broadcast room became anxious.

I was sweating for the Angel of Haicheng.

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