Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 86 The power of angels crushes everything! (Added 1/4 update for the alliance leader ‘Shangx

Chapter 86 The power of angels crushes everything! (Additional update 14 for the alliance leader ‘Shangxian Qitian’)

"Is there a third pseudo-king-level astral creature?"

"It's very strong."

Zhao Xin looked at the young woman below with a somewhat aggressive gaze, and said in a cold voice:

"Why do I need to explain to you when I act as a death tribunal?"


"You are far from enough to repay the blood debt of three million people."

"Do it."

His voice was indistinguishable from male to female, carrying an unspeakable indifference and terrifying murderous intent.

"Since you are looking for death."

"This saint will help you!"

Mekira knew there was nothing left to talk about.

There was a cold murderous intent in her eyes, and she had a thought in her mind.


The four-winged light wolf let out a terrifying roar, flapped its light wings behind it, and rushed towards Zhao Xin as fast as lightning!

And at the same time.

Thousands of densely packed tentacles extended out from the hundred-meter-tall ghost-faced troll, like black snakes flying all over the sky, winding out toward the Angel of Death Zhao Yan!


The eight-headed war ape king roared.

He is more than twenty meters tall, and his eight heads are fused together to form eight faces, looking in all directions.

A pair of arms were covered with black hair, and the muscles were bulging like metal, reflecting the dusk light.

Holding a huge metal rod that was difficult for anyone to hold, he rushed up and smashed the metal rod at the Angel of Death!

The air explodes!

Disturbed airflow!

The wind is wild!

The place on the ground where he had just stepped was completely sunk, and smoke was rising into the sky!

Meqila's strategy.

It was the two pseudo-kings who were his guardians who held back the extremely terrifying 'Sea City Angel'.

And her pseudo-king-level four-winged light wolf went straight to Huanglong and killed the Star Envoy!


She could tell.

The Royal Star Envoy was wearing an Eight-Wing Level Meteor King battle suit.

Can defend against all attacks from the pseudo-king level.


But there is an attack that the Fallen King's suit cannot defend against.

Soul attack!

And her four-winged light wolf is an astral creature that is good at soul attacks!

"Want to use me as a breakthrough?"

"I really think too much..."

Zhao Xin looked at the four-winged light wolf charging towards him, but his expression was calm.

Not to mention that he can summon other astral creatures at any time.

Just the silver sky snake on his right hand, redisguised as a silver bracelet——

It's not like this four-winged light wolf can match it.

"On behalf of death, I grant you death!"

Zhao Yan's cold voice echoed throughout the world.

The gray wings behind her back surged with a deathly gray light.

The sword in his hand shot up a pillar of deathly gray light that penetrated the sky and the earth.

The deathly gray light in the sky surged like a sea, as if a vast dark cloud was suspended in the sky, which was very terrifying.

boom! !

Three huge death-gray swords fell from the dark clouds.

Look from afar.

This scene is amazing.

It was as if there was an ancient god standing in the terrifying dark clouds, throwing out three terrifying long swords to penetrate all enemies!


The four-winged light wolf suddenly accelerated, its speed skyrocketing.

In just a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Zhao Xin, with a terrifying light emitting from his ferocious eyes.

A small four-winged light wolf rushed out, with a transparent body, roaring and killing Zhao Xin between his eyebrows!

this moment.

Time seemed to slow down.

"This is the four-winged light wolf's most powerful killing move."

"Specialized in killing souls."

"Even if you are a real king, you will suffer big losses if you are caught off guard."

"And this is a forbidden type of killing move that can only be performed at the cost of losing one-tenth of the four-winged light wolf's mental power."

"Whoever you are—"

"They're all dead."


Mei Qila smiled when she saw this scene, as if she had seen Zhao Xin's soul being destroyed and his body and soul gone.

As long as Zhao Xin, the Royal Star Envoy, dies.

No matter how strong that 'Haicheng Angel' is, he will be greatly implicated and his strength will be reduced drastically.

The three swords that landed in the sky were no longer a threat.

This is why.

Any Star Master pays special attention to his own safety.

Because the Star Master himself is the weak point in the battle!

But the next second.

The smile on her face froze and her eyes widened.

Where have you gone? ! !

What about the forbidden magic type killer move performed by the four-winged light wolf?

Why is it missing? !

He was clearly within half a meter of the Royal Star Envoy just now.

Why did the Royal Star Envoy raise his right hand and disappear? ! !

Not only did she feel like she had seen a ghost.

Even after performing this forbidden technique, the four-winged light wolf, which had become much weaker, seemed to have seen a ghost.

His ferocious eyes looked again and again.

But he just couldn't find the forbidden killer move he used.

boom! !

The death-gray sword, whose power had not been weakened in any way, was stabbed into his body.

The terrifying power of death surged out.


The four-winged light wolf screamed and was shot down from mid-air to the ground, with blood all over the ground!


The ghost-faced troll's tentacles exploded to pieces, and a death-gray sword was inserted into its body, and black blood flowed out.

Only the eight-headed war ape king was uninjured.

However, the body also flew out and hit the ground.

Zhao Xin put down his raised right hand.

Naturally, Silver Sky Snake took action just now.

Use the new ability 'primary swallowing' that you got not long ago.

One bite swallowed up the attack from the four-winged light wolf.

after all--

The godhead that the Silver Sky Snake originally merged——

But it comes from a space devourer!

The spatial ability he is best at is undoubtedly devouring.

"The Sword of Angels."

Zhao Yan flapped her wings behind her, turning into a deathly gray light and rushing towards the ghost-faced troll.

The angel sword in her hand was filled with terrifying death energy, forming a huge sword light a hundred meters long, and slashed past the ghost-faced troll.

boom! !

The death aura was so overwhelming that it even ignited deathly gray flames.

The ghost-faced troll let out a silent scream, and its body was ignited by the death energy, turning into a giant torch that burned in the air.

"The whispers of hell."

Zhao Yan looked at the eight-headed ape king and killed him with her sword.

Her feet were looming.

It seems that there are layers of hell emerging, darkness, despair, and lifelessness!

A large number of unspeakable whispers came out, instantly filling the mind of the Eight-Headed War Ape King.

This whisper caused the eight-headed war ape king to let out a terrifying scream, drop his weapon and roll on the ground holding his head.


An astonishing death-gray sword light fell from the sky, slicing the neck of the Eight-Headed War Ape King and separating his body and head.

at last--

Zhao Yan stood in mid-air, with dense gray sword energy flying out from the wings behind her.

Directly penetrate and kill the four-winged light wolf struggling to get up from the ground!

The sword energy is like a tornado.

Spin in the air.

Directly involve all the astral creatures summoned by the seventh-level, eighth-level, and ninth-level star envoys of the Ancha organization.

The sword energy is flying.

A star creature screamed and was dismembered by the sword energy, with blood flowing into a river!

Huge pieces of corpses were everywhere. The scene was so horrifying that the audience in the live broadcast room fell into silence.

Immediately afterwards.

The sword energy in the sky is like a sword dragon.

One more turn.

All those Royal Star Envoys were involved, and blood rained all over the sky, dyeing the void red!

Just a blink of an eye.

There are only two people left alive in the Ancha organization.

Meqila and the old woman stared blankly.

The situation develops too quickly.

They were all a bit unresponsive.

Just a moment.

The three false kings are all dead!

And the rest of the Royal Star Envoys were all dead!

Without the pseudo-king-level astral creatures, what are they?

It’s no longer considered a super limit level at all.

"you you……"

Mei Qila's face turned pale, and the fear she had felt when she saw Zhao Yan rise tenfold.

She looked at Zhao Xin, who was high in the sky, looking down at her like a demon.

No need to think for half a second.

She suddenly knelt on the ground, looking pitiful with tears streaming down her face:

"Sir! Spare my life! You can do anything you want me to do!"

"I can even be a slave girl for you..."


Zhao Xin said indifferently:

"Kill him."

"It's useless to stay."

Regarding the four major evil organizations, he killed every one he saw.

No matter how beautiful the other person is, he can't keep her.

Zhao Yan took the order.


Two cold death-gray sword energy flew out, killing Meqila and the old woman on the spot with despairing expressions on their faces.

So far.

This important base of the Ancha organization has lost all life.

The demiplane was also destroyed.

It can be said.

The Ancha organization suffered huge losses.

after all--

A super-limited existence, no matter where it is placed, it is an absolute powerhouse!

In the sea city.

There is only one super-limited existence, the Lord of Haicheng City.

The loss of a super-limited person is a big deal even for the Red Moon Kingdom.

Not to mention the loss of two super-limited beings, the loss to the Ancha organization, which is far inferior to the official Red Moon Kingdom.

Zhao Xin suspected——

Are there a total of five super-limited existences of the Ancha Organization?


He put the bodies of Meqila and the old woman into a space ring.

His body flashed and he appeared in the air in front of the big anchor Ye Qimei, looking down at this extremely charming woman:

"Are you live streaming?"

Ye Qimei thought smartly and saluted respectfully:

"Yes, my lord!"

She felt very uneasy.

After all, this is an extremely terrifying existence.

If she is dissatisfied with her live broadcast and the 'Haicheng Angel' next to her comes over with a sword, she will have no tomorrow.

"How many viewers are there?"

Zhao Xin said calmly again.

"...Now there are more than 46.2 million."

Ye Qimei glanced at the screen on the smart machine. She was startled and stuttered a little.

Although she used to be one of the top ten anchors in the Red Moon Kingdom.

But a live broadcast has never exceeded one million viewers.

But now——

But more than 40 million people are watching!

"very nice……"

There was a strange look in Zhao Xin's eyes, and he left a seed in Ye Qimei's heart by using the soul magic to 'enslave' him.

This is a very good missionary...

He thought to himself.


He turned around and shot into the sky.

Death Angel Zhao Yan followed closely behind, and the two disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ye Qimei was in a daze.

I don’t know what this gentleman means.

After flying two or three kilometers.

Zhao Xin landed on a hill and took out the bodies of Mei Qila and the old woman.

The symbol representing the soul magic 'enslavement' flew out in his eyes.

Faintly above the two corpses, two half-dead souls were nailed in the air.

"Tell me the location of all the important strongholds of your Ancha organization."

Zhao Xin's voice was somewhat dreamy.

It seemed like it was coming from the distant past.

Since the super-limited existence of the Ancha organization has been killed.

Then he would naturally use it to find out the address of the Ancha organization.

Then completely wipe out this evil organization!

"Inside the ninety-fifth peak of the Qilian Mountains is our headquarters..."

Asking for a monthly ticket.

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