Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1090


Chapter 1090 plot against (please subscribe)

After that, the Disciples of the Duanmu family also quickly dispersed and left Around the Martial Practice Stage...

Zhou Qingruo's amber beautiful eyes looked at Xu Sheng, seriously opened the mouth and said "Xu Sheng, if you refused because of me, in fact It's totally unnecessary!"

Although she doesn't want to have an intersection with the Duanmu clan, she can't affect Xu Sheng because of this. If he really wants to stay here, he won't say anything to stop him!

Xu Sheng heard this, with a faint smile on his face, reached out and stroked Zhou Qingruo's soft blue silk, and said softly, "Qingruo, don't think about it, I don't stay in the Duanmu family. It's not because of you!"

Zhou Qingruo's lovable body trembled, pursed her red and tender thin lips and said, "Is it?"

Remembering that she killed her by touching her head, her aloof appearance instantly melted, making people want to get in touch with her...

Seeing the two of them being so close, Duanmu Lian smacked his lips. Said "tsk tsk tsk, if Xu Sheng stays here, then if you are going to leave alone, when the time comes, I will do it!"

This sentence is half true half false, her heart for Xu Sheng doesn't seem to be fake, after all, a man like this is acceptable even if he has multiple partners!

Zhou Qingruo's beautiful eyes froze, and icily said "Duanmu Lian, do you want to die?"

Xu Sheng was quite puzzled and said, "Miss Lian, you just said What hand?"

Duanmu Lian blinked her eyes and waved her hand, "No... nothing, just... um..."

After thinking about it for a long time, she didn't know How should I explain it, just forcibly perfunctory it...

Zhou Qingruo gave her a look, and changed the subject aloud, "Let's go, Xu Sheng, since you want to enter the Profound Abyss domain, then I can Let me tell you the specific situation!"

Xu Sheng didn't refuse, nodded "en!"

Immediately, the two left while talking and laughing...

Duanmu Lian, who was left alone, was messed up...

Annoyed scolded "Hey! Why are you ignoring me again? Don't you know wait for me?"

After finishing speaking, I took steps to catch up...


At this moment, the foreign patriarchs and elders who left...

I saw the patriarch of the Xu Family glanced coldly at the silent Elders behind him, angrily shouted "What a bunch of rubbish, so many people will lose to three people!!"

After these words blurted out, another A patriarch narrowed his eyes and said, "Shut up, it's not your turn to scold my Elder of the Long Family!"

Mo Family patriarch on the far left glanced at the two of them, and coldly said "this one The Duanmu family must pay the price, don't they want to enter the Profound Abyss domain? Then let them enter!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone's eyes were wide open. He looked at him suspiciously, and his eyes were full of deep puzzlement!

Upon seeing this, the Mo Family patriarch coldly said, "Didn't the Duanmu clan step into that realm Old Patriarch with half a foot? My father is about to leave the customs!!"

Everyone who hears this sentence is holding breath cold air. The words of this Mo Family patriarch clearly want to do something to the Duanmu family! ! !

Xu Family patriarch frowned and said "Mo patriarch, do you know the price of waging war between families?

Mo Family patriarch coldly said "hmph! old man Naturally we know, but if we Three Great Families attack together, the trifling Duanmu clan will be our opponents, otherwise, our three clans will definitely be qualified to enter the Profound Abyss domain! "

Xu Family patriarch's eyes gleamed, looked thoughtful and said, "I understand!" Mo, patriarch, what do you mean by taking advantage of the fact that the Duanmu clan will send Elder into the Profound Abyss domain, the overall strength will be greatly weakened, and we can launch an attack at this time! "

After listening to this explanation, the Long Family patriarch was also nodded and said "Indeed, if we Three Great Families work together, we can completely take down the Duanmu family!" "

Xu Family patriarch was a little excited when they saw them, said with a sneer "Patriarch Xu, dragon patriarch, what do you two mean?" "

After thinking for more than ten seconds, Xu Family patriarch and Long Family patriarch looked at each other, and they both saw the coldness in each other's eyes...

They said in unison" I, Xu Family (Long Family) agree! "

This kind of good opportunity, once passed, there will be no next time!!

Mo Family patriarch said with satisfaction, "Okay! Since both patriarchs have agreed, let's go to my Mo Family to discuss! ”

His Mo Family Old Ancestor is not fake, but...

Only Mo Family can enter the Profound Abyss domain!

Xu Family and Long Family, what is it?

As for the negotiation, if the people of the Xu Family and the Long Family know that their patriarch was killed by the Old Patriarch of the Duanmu family...

Don't think about it, you all know what to do...


Duanmu Shuo, who just returned to the great hall of the Duanmu family, suddenly felt an extremely ominous feeling in his heart. With a premonition, I can't help frowning...

"Patriarch, what's the matter with you? Is it because Elder Xu refused to join the Duanmu clan? "

"A genius like Elder Xu would not choose to be restricted by his family!" "

"That's right, but don't forget, patriarch, pity Elder, and your daughter, both have a close relationship with Elder Xu, and you can take advantage of this"

If Leaving a monster like Xu Sheng in the Duanmu family, it won't take many years to lead the family to Peak!

Duanmushuo shook the head and said, "No, I don't think about these things anymore, but have An ominous foreboding! "

After listening to his words, the expressions of these Elders were all grim...

"Unknown premonition?" Could it be that someone from another family was moved? With their characters, it is really possible to take the opportunity to do it! "

"en! Letting the Elders enter the Profound Abyss domain will indeed weaken the family defenses, but with the Old Patriarch around, it shouldn't be happening, right? "

"I am not afraid of any family, the Duanmu family, but I am afraid that they will join forces!" In that case, even if there is Old Patriarch, it may not be able to resist! After all, although the Old Patriarch is strong, the spiritual power will also be exhausted.”

Duanmushuo shouted the head, “Maybe it’s just my illusion, let’s discuss sending those Elders into the Profound Abyss domain, first of all, Xu Sheng must have

these Elders saw this, and did not continue to talk about the issue just now...

"The other four places, the elders will also be one of them! But For the safety of the clan, you can send Duanmu Qing Ruo and the two Disciples to go”

“en! Xu Elder and Lian Elder have both gone, Duanmu Qing will not refuse if possible!”


"That's right, but it's up to you, patriarch, to decide what to do!"

Duanmushuo raised his chin and thought, "Patriarch, Lian'er, Xu Sheng and two Do you want to go with a Disciple? It’s not impossible, but you have to send someone to ask if you don’t want to, then choose one of you to join!”

There Xu If Sheng, Duanmu Lian, and Duanmu Qing go together, based on their strength, in the Profound Abyss domain, there should be no family that can compete with them!


(End of this chapter)

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