Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1091


Chapter 1091 The Day of Leaving (Subscribe)

Other elders heard the words, looked at each other and nodded…

At present, this is the only way that is more reasonable! After all, there are only five people who can enter the Profound Abyss domain!

Surely the safety of Duanmu Clan is paramount!

Duanmushuo nodded, opened the mouth and said "en! That's it..."

But all of a sudden, only heard a "click", the great hall's The door was pushed open, and an old man with a hunched back stepped in...

Don't guess! It is Duanmu Family Old Patriarch, Duanmu Xun!

When the elders saw the latter walk in, they all stood up from their positions, and Duanmushuo was no exception!

in unison "Old Patriarch (father)"

Duanmu Xun just glanced at them with his cloudy eyes, opened the mouth lightly and said "en!"

Duanmushuo asked in a grim tone, "father, why are you here? Did something happen to the Book Collection Pavilion?"

Duanmu Xun, who normally rarely leaves the Book Collection Pavilion , during this period of time has been a bit frequent!

Mostly something important happened to the Book Collection Pavilion!

When Duanmu Xun heard the words, those cloudy eyes gleamed for a while, and softly scolded "The Book Collection Pavilion is guarded by an old man, what can I do?

Duanmushuo's cheeks There was a bit of embarrassment in the air, "I've been worrying too much, with you here, something must be impossible! ”

Other Elders wiped their foreheads one after another, and couldn’t help being a little blushed with shame...

This Old Patriarch has a sturdy character, and he doesn’t show any sympathy for patriarch !

Duanmu Xun Leng "hmph", opened the mouth again and said "Is it very close to entering the Profound Abyss domain? What are you going to do? ”

When Duanmushuo heard the words, he was stunned for a while...

Obviously, it was a little surprising that the former came because of this...

Immediately, the The quotas that have been prepared before have been announced...

"I plan to send Xu Sheng, Lian'er, Qing Ruo and the other two family Disciples to go together! "

Who knows, after Duanmu Xun finished listening, Ruthless's coldly shouted "Confused! "

Seeing that his father Longyan was furious, Duanmushuo hurriedly explained, "Father, don't be angry, I will remove Qingruo's quota!" "

Duanmu Xun sucked in a breath of cold air, gnashing teeth said "Who told you to remove Qingruo's quota? I'm talking about a place where the Profound Abyss domain is so dangerous, how can Disciple be sent there! ”

Other families must send Five Elders-level powerhouses into the Profound Abyss domain!

Sending two Disciples will only become a burden!

Duanmushuo grim said, "father, I know what you said, but we fiercely brushed the faces of several other Great Families in this duel, I'm afraid they will wait for the opportunity to retaliate! "

Duanmu Xun raised his eyebrows, said with a sneer "Retaliation? Just relying on the crooked melons and jujubes of other families? There are old men here, if they really have a plan, they will not escape from my Duanmu mansion alive! "

I don't know that it is precisely because of these arrogant words that the Duanmu family is in danger, but these are all later...

Duanmushuo and the rest of the Elders They all chose to be silent "..."

After a long while, the former sighed and said, "If that's the case, then according to what you said, father, I will send the two elders there again! "

No matter whether I am patriarch or not, I always have a deep fear of my father!

This is not a good thing!


After returning to the room, Xu Sheng and Zhou Qingruo sat on the bed, and Duanmu Lian was sitting on the seat next to him, mumbling and looking at "Lang Qing". Concubine"!

I saw Zhou Qingruo's face gradually become serious, and those amber beautiful eyes flickered a few times...

Incomparably serious " Xu Sheng, in this Profound Abyss domain, in addition to the Duanmu family and the Three Great Families seen before are eligible to enter, they will also encounter other Top Rank families in Central Plains! "

"Most of their strengths are between the Great Firmament Golden Immortal Realm and the Immortal Monarch Realm!" Not to be underestimated! "

Xu Sheng saw her grim like this, and said "en!" I know this, after all, the Central Plains forces are much stronger than anywhere else! "

Duanmu Lian next to him suddenly interjected, "Xu Sheng, in fact, the most dangerous thing in the Profound Abyss domain is not meeting the Elder of other families, but..."

But next At the moment, I saw Zhou Qingruo's icy eyes staring at her, causing the former's lovable body to shrink abruptly...

A little embarrassed, "cough cough...I won't say it, Qingruo You continue."

In the bottom of my heart, I sighed, "Sure enough, you are more than friends. Even if you interrupted before, Zhou Qingruo just looked at himself silently, but now he shows a threat! "

Zhou Qingruo's face softened a bit, coldly said "As she just said, the most dangerous thing in the Profound Abyss domain is not the people of other families, but the alien beasts inside!" "

Xu Sheng's ink-colored eyes narrowed, and he asked Sao "Alien beasts?" Qing if you mean monster beast? "

Zhou Qing was like a shock to the head, and said nodded "Yes or no!" There are indeed many monster beasts in the Profound Abyss domain, but alien beasts are even more terrifying! The cultivation base is generally above the Immortal Monarch Realm! If one is not careful, the whole army will be wiped out! ”

She entered it with Duanmu Lian and the elder of the digital Duanmu clan, and encountered a strange beast that reached Saint Realm on the way, and only four people including them survived!

It is precisely because of that time that the elders of each family were seriously injured, so it was decided to limit the number of places to enter the Profound Abyss domain, so as to avoid attracting the attention of alien beasts due to the excessive number!

After all, the power of these nameless beasts has surpassed the cognition of cultivators!

Xu Sheng looked thoughtful and said, "so that's how it is, strange beasts? ”

This is a name that I have never heard of! It seems that I must be more careful in this trip!

Without the existence of Life Power and Destruction Power, once in this plane To die is to die completely!


Soon, Xu Sheng and Zhou Qingruo stayed in the Duanmu clan for several days, and finally ushered in their departure. The days of Profound Abyss!

At this moment, all the Duanmu Family Disciples are standing outside the great hall, and everyone's faces are extremely excited!

are all speaking out He commented, "Today is the day to go to the Profound Abyss domain, I'm excited to think about it! Wonder what goodies the Elders will bring out of it! "

"Yes, yes, in the past few times, pity Elder brought a lot of good things from the Profound Abyss domain, presumably this time with the addition of Qing Ruo Elder and Xu Elder , will definitely be able to pour! "

"The Profound Abyss domain is not a good place, there are danger lurks on every side, and everything is acquired by the Elders with their lives!" The most important thing should be to come out alive! ! "

"That's right, all Elders just need to come out alive!" "

Seeing this noisy scene, Duanmushuo, who was standing at the front, shouted "Everyone, be quiet!" "

In an instant, the entire Duanmu mansion turned into absolute silence! Everyone was very quiet looking at the former...


( End of this chapter)

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