Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1204


Chapter 1204 Me? That's right, the teacher of Eastern Sea Academy (please subscribe)

After seeing Xu Sheng's face clearly, Di Tian's dark golden eyes suddenly brightened, and he said, "It's really you!"

How could he not remember the man in front of him!

I don't know how many thousands of years ago, I have become a god and entered the God Realm!

But didn't expect him to be in the lower realm now! !

Could it be that God Realm is going to intervene in the Nether?

Xu Sheng's inky eyes glanced at the Spirit Beasts around him who were looking at him with fearful eyes, and then he said with a slight smile "en! Yes, it seems that after so many years, I haven't forgotten it. Me, but Di Tian, how come there are only so many Spirit Beasts today?"

There are very few Spirit Beasts in the entire Spirit Beast forest. At first glance, except for those hundreds of thousands The ominous beast outside the cultivation base of the year, the rest are quite weak!

Hearing these words, Di Tian's whole body erupted with strong resentment, and in a gloomy tone he said, "It's all to blame for those humans! And that Huo Yuhao!! If he hadn't created Spirit Pagoda This organization, our Spirit Beast impossible will reach this step today!!"

What it hates most now is that it didn't kill Huo Yuhao with its own hands! ! Give the latter a chance to create the Spirit Pagoda!

Of course, the Soul Guidance mecha developed by human beings is what makes the Spirit Beasts fall into this embarrassing situation. No matter what aspect, it is not comparable to ten thousand years ago!

Xu Sheng heard the words, raised his chin and thought, "It's Spirit Pagoda again, this organization established by Huo Yuhao, it's Interesting! Especially the so-called Spirit Soul!"

Anyway Come here, let's try to get some Spirit Soul later?

Di Tian took a deep breath, the anger in his heart gradually calmed down, his eyes fixed on Xu Sheng, grim said, "Your Excellency, since you have become a god, can you tell us the reason for coming to the lower realm? If It's to eradicate the Spirit Beast..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Sheng interrupted it aloud, indifferently said "Don't think about it! I'm not interested in eradicating you Spirit Beasts, I'm just affected by It's just a trust from people!"

After this sentence blurted out, all Spirit Beasts including Di Tian were relaxed...

But next moment, the tone suddenly changed, " But...what about the Silver Dragon King sleeping here?"

He could feel the breath left by the Silver Dragon King in the crystal clear and near-transparent lake not far away. !

Di Tian's pupils shrank suddenly, he wanted to divert Xu Sheng's attention through the previous words!

didn't expect to be remarked by its lay bare the truth with one!

Thinking of this, a grim color filled his cheeks, opened the mouth and said, "Lord, she left the Spirit Beast forest after waking up, and we don't know where she went! ”

The rest of the ominous beasts are also nodded, meaning as Di Tian said!

The corner of Xu Sheng's mouth raised an arc, with no difficulty he could tell the truth or falsehood in his words!

"So? See you later!"

After saying this, the huge dive force instantly enveloped Xu Sheng, causing him to disappear in the Spirit Beast forest...

Looking at the disappeared Xu Sheng, Di Tian reached out and wiped the cold sweat dripping from his forehead, secretly said, "Do you even know that we are cheating without diving force intrusion?"

The frowned woman next to him, full of affinity, asked, "Di Tian, what should we do now? If this god is here to arrest the Lord, we Spirit's over!"

Hearing this, Di Tian shook the head helplessly, "Faced with the gods of the upper realms, we have no choice but to pray!"

As for dealing with gods?

It's just to hasten your own demise!

Eastern Sea city.

The second largest city on the Eastern Sea coast of the Sun-Moon Federation is an important port, marine transportation, and marine resource development city!

appear out of thin air Xu Sheng here, immediately replaced his dive force with spirit power, and even transformed into Spirit and spirit ring!

Even the outfit has changed roughly, but he still can't hide his handsomeness!

At first glance, it looks like a Spirit Master living in the Nether!

Xu Sheng looked all around and found that the surroundings were completely like the high-tech era...

There are even soul-guided cars!

The bottom of my heart couldn't help but sighed, "This lower realm, I'm afraid that it will develop for hundreds of thousands of years, maybe it will be able to surpass God Realm relying on soul guidance technology!"

shook the head and put these After giving up the idea, he quickly spread out the spirit power and shrouded all around...

After a few seconds, he locked Tang Wulin's position, "Tang Wulin? Found you!"

It was when he sensed that the aura of the Gold Dragon King bloodline on Tang Wulin had moved from Aolai City to this Eastern Sea City, so he directly used dive force to move it over!

When Xu Sheng moved towards Tang Wulin, he could vaguely see a confused look on his cheeks, cautiously observing all around standing beside the station, obviously a little restless!

whispered "This is..."

Although his parents had told the former the precautions, when he came to this strange city alone, He still has some not knowing what to do!

At this moment, Xu Sheng, who had approached him, showed a friendly said with a slight smile "You are Tang Wulin, right?"

Hearing this The gentle voice was calling his name, Tang Wulin immediately turned his head and looked towards Xu Sheng...

After seeing it clearly, his eyes filled with astonishment...


"Good... such a handsome man!"

Immediately, he pinched his palm, made himself came back to his senses, and said with a puzzled face, "This big brother, How do you know my name, is it the teacher of Eastern Sea Academy?"

He is not stupid enough to think that his innate talent can be known to Spirit Masters in other cities, that apart from this, The only possibility is the teacher of Eastern Sea Academy!

Xu Sheng was stunned for a while, then scratched his head lightly said with a smile "Ah... yes, that's right"

Eastern Sea Academy seems to be around here Not far away, could it be where Tang Wulin is about to study?

Tang Wulin relaxed his vigilance and exhaled when he heard the words...

With a somewhat respectful tone, he said "teacher, then please take me to Eastern Sea Academy. !"

Xu Sheng lightly said with a smile "Yes, but before that, let go of your Spirit"

Tang Wulin hesitated for a few seconds after hearing this. , they released their own Spirit, Blue Silver Grass!

and that white decade Spirit Soul!

It can be said that the innate talent is even worse than the original Tang San! At least the latter is an Innately Full Spirit Power!

Xu Sheng couldn't help laughing out "pu!"...

This Blue Silver Grass Spirit is really inherited from Tang San!

Can't change to a Blue Silver Emperor or something? Do you really want your child to grow up in mockery?

Tang Wulin's face turned black when he heard this undisguised laughter...

He knew that his Spirit and innate talents were ordinary, but this Eastern Sea The actions of the Academy's teacher are too hurtful!

Presumably, in the eyes of this teacher, I have become a poor student who couldn't be worse?

had to open the mouth and said "that...teacher, can we go??"


(End of this chapter)

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