Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1205


Chapter 1205 and you, some relationship (please subscribe)

Realizing that I hit Tang Wulin's self-esteem, Xu Sheng clapped said, "I'm sorry, I just have a Spirit like Blue Silver Grass and insist on a Spirit Master of cultivation. He must have a very tenacious character." Is this teacher comforting me?"

In an instant, there were tears in his eyes...

This is himself, the first time he has been subjected to Acknowledgment of a Spirit Master other than the teacher!

Xu Sheng reached out and rubbed Tang Wulin's head, said with a slight smile "Since I already know your Spirit, let's go! The Eastern Sea Academy is not far ahead"

Tang Wulin suddenly became confident, excitedly said "en!"

With such a caring teacher, he will definitely work hard for cultivation!

Immediately, Xu Sheng moved towards Eastern Sea Academy with Tang Wulin like a sidekick...

But when they reached the so-called "Eastern Sea Academy", Xu Sheng couldn't help but covered his forehead...


next to Tang Wulin looked at Xu Sheng suspiciously and said, "Old...teacher, do you mean Eastern Sea Academy is not here?"

I always feel that this teacher is not big. Smart look!

There are indeed four words Eastern Sea Academy in front of them, but there are two big words behind them!


It means that the reception point in front of you is not the real Eastern Sea Academy

can be vaguely seen, around the Eastern Sea Academy brand, there are several young people wearing blue sportswear !

After Xu Sheng glanced at it, his face doesn't change and said, "That's right, you must know that Eastern Sea Academy is not a small academy, so naturally you need a special car to pick you up!"

Tang Wulin heard the words, looked thoughtful nodded...

Fiercely admonished himself, "How can I doubt the teacher! It's so impolite!"

Immediately, they In front of these young people from Eastern Sea Academy who are in charge of reception!

Soon, one of the girls with black hair spotted them and said to Tang Wulin with a slight smile "little brother, are you here to report Eastern Sea Academy?"

However, when her phoenix eyes reached Xu Sheng at the back, she couldn't help but be amazed...

He is such a handsome man, and his identity seems to have a An attractive and unique charm!

Just a glance, I almost let myself indulge...

Tang Wulin opened the mouth a little jerky and said "yes, elder sister"

The black-haired girl, nodded, asked Xu Sheng gently, "My name is Liu Yuxin, do you also want to join our Eastern Sea Academy's Spirit Master?"

Although she is a little old, If you have enough strength, you can join the Eastern Sea Academy by exception!

Tang Wulin next to him heard a big question mark in his mind?

This young big brother is not the teacher of Eastern Sea Academy? Why don't these young people know him?

Facing Tang Wulin's gaze, Xu Sheng gave him a reassuring look before shaking his head and vetoing, "No, I'm here to apply for the teacher of Eastern Sea Academy"


Liu Yuxin was stunned when she heard this, and couldn't believe it, "Applying for...Applying for a teacher??"

This man seems to be almost the same age as them. here to apply for the Eastern Sea Academy teacher!

Other Eastern Sea Academy students also frowned when they heard Xu Sheng's words...

One of the students coldly shouted "It's just you? Why? You may be eligible to apply for the teacher of our Eastern Sea Academy, don't make fun of us!"

Another student also said disdainly, "It's almost as old as us, but you dare to say nonsense! These days, there are really who are there. "

"We at Eastern Sea Academy don't welcome you, leave now, it's too late! Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!!"

Xu Sheng's inky eyes flickered, "Oh What if I don't leave?"

Next moment, terrifying coercion erupted directly from the whole body, moved towards students other than Liu Yuxin and crushed them away...

In an instant , the whole space was filled with a strong sense of suffocation...

These students only felt the huge pressure strikes coming from the front, and their faces distorted in an instant...

Especially them His body trembled violently uncontrollably, as if being crushed by a mountain! !

I can't breathe at all! !

Immediately after, they gritted their teeth and looked at Xu Sheng with ghostly eyes...

"Okay... what a terrifying coercion! Actually... no ...unable to move!!"

"Damn! Can't even...even the Spirit!!"

"This man! The spirit power has at least reached Spirit King!!"

Xu Sheng stood up when he saw them, raised his brows and said, "Oh? It seems that you have underestimated your strength! Then..."

After the words fell, he released his whole body. The pressure exerted once again became stronger...

In an instant!

The students in front of them couldn't resist at all, forcibly crushed to the ground...

The skin was stained with blood everywhere, obviously, Torn skin and gaping flesh anytime possible!

Tang Wulin next to him widened his eyes, secretly shocked and said, "This...this is...teacher, no, his strength!"

He didn't even need to release Spirit , just relying on coercion can suppress these Eastern Sea Academy students into this shape!

And it looks like they can be wiped out at any time!

Seeing this terrifying scene, Liu Yuxin immediately came back to his senses, buried his head to Xu Sheng, and apologized, "My lord, I apologize for them, please spare them!"

Too terrifying!

Is this man's cultivation base really only the Spirit King?

Absolutely more! It's probably the Spirit Emperor, or even...

Xu Sheng glanced at the sensible Liu Yuxin, said with a slight smile "Isn't that right?"

, the pressure on those students was lifted!

collapsed on the ground, these half-dead students were all relaxed, and the eyes looking towards Xu Sheng were full of deep fear! !

Seeing that they were all right, Liu Yuxin's dangling heart finally sank...

She was really afraid that the man in front of her would kill them on a whim!

Now it seems that the other party just wants to give a warning!

Immediately, he respectfully said to Xu Sheng, "Since you want to apply for the position of teacher at Eastern Sea Academy, if you don't dislike it, please take the soul train with us to Eastern Sea Academy!"

Xu Sheng said in a flat tone, "That's what I mean. Besides, I don't need to be so restrained. I'm quite easy-going!"

Release the coercion after a disagreement?

This is easy-going?

Isn’t it still called humility to kill directly?

Thinking of this, Liu Yuxin's mouth twitched a few times...

After that, the two entered the soul train leading to Eastern Sea Academy, Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes Tang Wulin, who was sitting next to him, lightly said with a smile "Speak, what do you want to ask?"

Tang Wulin swallowed and suppressed the many questions in his heart...


Finally, he cautiously said "That...Big Brother, I still don't know your name"

Xu Sheng indifferently said "My name is Xu Sheng, and I have a little relationship with you. !"

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes...

Seeing that the former didn't mean to explain, Tang Wulin silently retracted his gaze, thinking in his mind "the origin?"


Could it be that it was entrusted by a father or teacher?


(End of this chapter)

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