Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1206


Chapter 1206 Apply for Eastern Sea Academy teacher (please subscribe)

Waited for a few more hours, responsible for hosting the soul Liu Yuxin, who guided the train order, opened his mouth and reminded, "Please prepare for the new students who are reporting, the soul train will start immediately!"

Other students responded with excitement when they heard the words, "Yes!"

They can finally go to Eastern Sea Academy! I'm so excited right now!

Xu Sheng, whose face was flat, seemed a little abrupt. After all, the other students who came to report were about the same age as Tang Wulin!

But even so, no one said much...

Immediately afterwards, the soul train began to accelerate gradually, as if a sharp arrow had cut its breath, it sounded. The harsh sound of "Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ~"...


Because of the high speed of the soul train, it didn't take long for it to reach the real Eastern Sea Inside the station of Academy...

Xu Sheng, who was resting with his eyes closed, opened his dark eyes almost at the same moment when he arrived at the station...

Besides Tang, who looked nervous Wulin, the whole person was thinking "Big Brother Xu, are you awake?"

Xu Sheng glanced at him and gave a meaningful "en!"...

His father Tang San also likes to be called brother, doesn't it mean that something is wrong with this generation?

At this moment, Liu Yuxin's ethereal voice sounded again, "New students, we have arrived at the Eastern Sea Academy station, and now we will distribute metal cards for you, which will be used for admission procedures. !"

After saying this, each new student was given a metal card at a very fast speed...

And Tang Wulin is no exception!

After taking the metal card, he played with it curiously and found that it was nothing special, only some numbers that he couldn't understand!

Liu Yu was satisfied and nodded, and said in a gentle tone, "Okay! Now you can get off the train and visit the Academy freely. Of course, only for the Intermediate Academy, and then go to the Academic Affairs Office to register!"

As soon as these words came out, those freshmen who couldn't wait stood up one after another and left the soul train enthusiastically, looking at the Academy, who was about to live for a few years...

Seeing that all the students had already left, Liu Yuxin walked to Tang Wulin's side and reminded aloud, "little brother, you should also go and get acquainted with the Academy, or you may get lost in the future!"

And Tang Wulin, who heard this sentence, looked towards Xu Sheng next to him hesitantly, "Big Brother Xu"

Xu Sheng smiled and waved, "Come on, I I have to get an Eastern Sea Academy teacher status!"

This Tang Wulin's temperament is indeed a bit bad! But considering his age, he can understand...

Xu Sheng said so, Tang Wulin naturally didn't dare to say anything, and quickly left the soul train after nodding...

At this moment, on the current soul train, only Liu Yuxin and Xu Sheng are left...

I saw Liu Yuxin bit her thin lip, staring at Xu Sheng cautiously and said, "Then...I Now take you to the Academic Affairs Office??"

As soon as she thought of the man's terrifying strength, she felt that her body was shaking for no reason...

However, wanting to become Eastern Sea The loss of the Academy requires more than strength!

Xu Sheng stood up slowly, lightly said with a smile "en! Trouble!"

So, the two moved towards the Academy together...

On the way, under Xu Sheng's active inquiry, Liu Yuxin also patiently explained the situation in the Academy for him...

After some exchanges, I discovered Xu Sheng's character It's really easy-going, and even made myself forget the unpleasantness that happened!

Suddenly, Liu Yuxin stopped, pointed to the closed door in front of him, opened the mouth and said "Xu Sheng, there is the Academic Affairs Office in front of me! I have something to do, so I will leave first. , I wish you a successful application!"

If Xu Sheng succeeds in his application, will he become the teacher of his class?

Thinking of this, he left quickly without waiting for Xu Sheng's answer...

Looking at Liu Yuxin who left in a hurry, Xu Sheng shrugged helplessly, "I seem to have So terrifying?"

Immediately, he looked towards the sign next to the gate in front of him...

It was the teaching office of the Eastern Sea Academy Intermediate Department!

Xu Sheng face doesn't change and pushes the door open and walks in...

I casually glanced at the inside...

All in all, in one sentence, the decoration is very simple, but it is not too elegant...

Long Hengxu, who was sitting on the seat, was very disappointed when he saw Xu Sheng walking into the Academic Affairs Office. Politely looked around...

In an instant, I stared at Xu Sheng with sharp eyes, coldly said "en? This student, what's the matter?"

Xu Sheng heard the words, then smiled and asked, "You must be the director of Eastern Sea Academy, right?"

Long Hengxu saw the young man in front of him behaved very relaxed in front of his own power, I couldn't help but glance at it...

But at the same time, doubts arose in my heart, some couldn't believe that there were still students at Eastern Sea Academy who didn't know me!

Thinking of this, he narrowed his eyes and said, "Yes, I'm the director of the Academic Affairs Office, what's the matter with you?"

Xu Sheng indifferently said "I'm here to apply for the Eastern job. Sea Academy's teacher!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire Academic Affairs Office fell into silence...

Long Hengxu, who was on the opposite side, took a long time to react, and said in shock, " Applying?? You are not a student of my Eastern Sea Academy??"

What's the situation?

The man in front of him who looks extremely young is actually here to apply for the Eastern Sea Academy teacher!

What an international joke!

Their Eastern Sea Academy is not one of those little academies, they will accept any teachers who are crooked and cracked! !

Xu Sheng didn't know these thoughts in his heart, shook his head and rejected "No! This is the first time!"

Long Hengxu took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down After coming down, coldly said, "You are so young, how strong can the spirit power level be? If you want to apply for the position of teacher, you must at least reach the level of Spirit King!" That is three rings Spirit Ancestor!

With this low level of strength, if you want to apply for a teacher at Eastern Sea Academy, don't even think about it!

Xu Sheng just raised his brows, "Spirit King? Is this a high level?"

These contemptuous words made Long Hengxu grit his teeth and cursed secretly. "Damn!! This guy is supercilious!"

Unable to bear it, he stood up and slammed the table, angrily shouted "Then I want to see how strong you are. Strong! If you are really above the Spirit King, what if you are the teacher! If not, get out of Eastern Sea Academy immediately!"

Seeing that he had achieved his goal, Xu Sheng raised an arc at the corner of his mouth. , "it's a deal?"

It's much easier to apply for a teacher at Eastern Sea Academy!

Long Hengxu just gave him a fiercely look, "hmph! Come with me! If something is damaged here, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it!!"

His If the spirit power level is really above Spirit King, I will eat this table myself!

The kind of dry gnawing without water! !


(end of this chapter)

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