Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1216


Chapter 1216 Top Grade without impurities (please subscribe)

Immediately, Xu Sheng again He looked towards the various metal blocks that were being stacked next to him...

Only naked eyes can't tell the difference between good and bad...

Yun Xiaoling behind him saw this, He reminded softly, "Mr. Xu, this is your first time forging. You can find a piece with a relatively uniform texture to forge!"

A blacksmith is not only capable of a spirit power level, but also has Sufficient forging experience and various skills, otherwise it will only be a piece of scrap iron!

Xu Sheng just glanced at her with a smile, and then picked up a milk-white stone with a crystal lustre...

lightly said with a smile "No need, just this one"

Yun Xiaoling had already made up his mind when he saw him, but just pursed his thin lips and didn't say anything more...

Then, Xu Sheng took these two distinct things to the position of the machine...

Then he turned on the button above, and then pointed the muzzle of the gun that kept shooting flaming flames at the stone. , burning frantically...

Yun Xiaoling's beautiful eyes lit up quietly, secretly surprised and said, "en? ? Mr. Xu's technique is so skilled, is it possible that he has learned forging before? ”

The average person forging for the first time basically doesn’t even know these machines, let alone use them!

After nearly dozens of minutes, the crystal luster on the entire stone has completely disappeared, and it has become extremely red...

Obviously, it has been softened by the flame, and it is forged. It's the best time...

Immediately, Xu Sheng clenched the hammer head and smashed it directly at its corners...

Only heard a "peng!" The stone in the strikes actually dented a part, which is enough to see how strong this force is!

After a few more hammers, its edges and corners have been completely polished off, and even the entire volume has been reduced by nearly one-fifth!

Yun Xiaoling couldn't help crying out in surprise "It's amazing!"

She has also seen other forging Grandmasters forging, but it is far from the beauty created by Xu Sheng in front of her. , especially this forging method that starts from an edge is unheard-of!

Just a few hammers reduced the size of the stone so much! ! Much faster than the constant strikes center!


At this moment, an elderly, displeased middle-aged man walked out of the Soul Elevator of Third Layer ……

I saw him gritted his teeth and said, "There is not enough material in the middle of forging. Damn, I can only use some here temporarily!" But after the words fell, "pēng pēng" sounded in his ear. The sound of "pēng"...

He was very familiar with this sound, and in the blink of an eye, he could tell that someone was forging! !

So, I moved towards the front with doubts and walked quickly...

As expected, the sound came from the amateur forging room...

This made His cheeks became more and more puzzled, and he thought, "en? Someone is using the amateur forge? It's been a long time since no one came!"

Thinking of this, he walked slowly into the amateur In the forging room, Xu Sheng who was forging appeared in his eyes, and Yun Xiaoling who was watching from the back...

The latter seemed to have noticed his arrival. ...

Before she could finish speaking, the Grandmaster Mo reached out to stop her...

"Shh! do not speak! ”

After saying this, those cloudy eyes stared at Xu Sheng who was strikes with stones in a disorderly manner...

As a blacksmith, he did not know how to forge. I like to be disturbed, and of course I don't like to disturb others!

Yun Xiaoling just closed her mouth angrily and put her eyes back on Xu Sheng...

"pēng pēng pēng ~~" the continuous knocking sound resounded wantonly...

Finally, Xu Sheng put the hammer down after hitting the last hammer...

Looking towards the piece of metal on the machine, I saw that its shape has undergone tremendous changes, not only has it become transparent and clear, contains no impurities, and even its volume is only one-fifth of the previous size. One, it's about the size of a thumb!

Xu Sheng's inky eyes narrowed slightly, opened the mouth and said, "It seems, it's a little hard! ”

I just wanted to play it casually, but who knew that this piece of metal had been removed from all impurities, as if it was already a Top Grade!

Just as he was thinking , Yun Xiaoling, who was behind him, looked at Grandmaster Mo, who was stunned beside him, with worried eyes, and said with concern, "Grandmaster Mo, are you alright? "

Grandmaster Mo came back to his senses, moved towards Xu Sheng excitedly and said, "Little friend, can I see this piece of metal you forged before?" "

Xu Sheng glanced at him, indifferently said "please"

When the other party first entered the forging room, he had already sensed the aura emanating from it...

Especially after entering the forging room, he was quite satisfied...

After getting Xu Sheng's approval, the Grandmaster Mo eagerly walked to the machine, his hands lightly He lightly picked up the crystal clear and near-transparent metal, and looked at it carefully...

After a while, he suddenly burst out laughing, "Top Grade! Top Grade! hahaha ha! It turned out to be a Top Grade without impurities! ! ”

If he had ever seen someone say that they can forge metal without impurities, he would definitely disdain this!

Because even a forger at the holy craftsman level would never It is impossible to achieve this, and at most it is only infinitely close!! After all, there will be flaws!

But today, he actually saw a metal that is so pure that there is no trace of impurities, completely breaking his concept!!


Yun Xiaoling saw the excited Grandmaster Mo alone, and asked cautiously, "Grandmaster Mo? Did you read it wrong? This is just Mr. Xu's first forging! "

If it wasn't for this Grandmaster Mo, who is also quite famous in the Blacksmiths Association, she would suspect that it was Xu Sheng's request!

Hearing Yun Xiaoling's question, Mo The Grandmaster immediately vetoed, "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I can't see it wrong, this kind of pure metal... even a saint-level blacksmith can't do it, how could someone be able to forge it for the first time! "

The purity of all the metals he forged in this life is not as good as the metal in front of him!!

Xu Sheng is just a shrugged shoulder, expressing some innocence...

He could probably have predicted what would happen next!

As expected, Grandmaster Mo came back to his senses from his own world and looked towards Xu Sheng with fiery eyes… …

"This little friend, can you grant me a presumptuous request? I'm willing to pay whatever it takes! "

Xu Sheng refused without hesitation, "Sorry, I'm not interested!" ”

Seeing him rejecting Grandmaster Mo so decisively, Yun Xiaoling next to him was stunned...

Obviously it was a good opportunity to flatter Grandmaster Mo, Xu Sheng he actually Not even think rejected!

The rejected Grandmaster Mo was stunned for a while, and suddenly realized his rudeness...

It was the first time they met, and he even It is indeed a bit overbearing to let the other party agree to his request without introducing himself!

Thinking of this, he stretched out his rough palm and his tone was a bit respectful...

opened the mouth and said "Little friend, my name is Mo Yu, I'm a master craftsman in the Blacksmith Association! ”



(end of this chapter)

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