Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1217


Chapter 1217 Wu Zhangkong's target (please subscribe)

The other party greeted them with smiles, and Xu Sheng naturally also It was not easy to refuse, so I had to extend the hand instead of shaking it lightly, lightly said with a smile "Eastern Sea Academy middle-level teacher, Xu Sheng"

Hearing this sentence, Mo Yu's pair of turbid A look of astonishment suddenly appeared in his eyes...

I wondered, "Eastern Sea Academy's teacher?? Little friend, aren't you a blacksmith?"

The piece of metal just now , he clearly saw it forging with his own eyes...

But now he tells himself that the other party is not a forger, but a teacher of Eastern Sea Academy, how can he accept!

Xu Sheng shook the head and vetoed, "No, this time, I just want to see what the profession of a blacksmith is like, now I have a general idea"

Yun Xiaoling next to him said helplessly to Mo Yu, "Grandmaster Mo, I remember I told you before, Mr. Xu is the first forging!"

Hearing what the two of them said, Mo Yu only felt as if he had been hit hard, and said with a wry smile, "You can forge a Top Grade without impurities in the first forging"

At this moment, a feeling emerged in his heart...

That means that all my years of perseverance and hard work have fed the dog, and it is not even as good as forging by others!

Immediately, after taking a deep breath, he stared at Xu Sheng and said, "That little friend, do you have any idea of joining the Blacksmiths Association?"

"Like Your terrifying innate talent is unheard-of, and it is not impossible to become a Divine Craftsman in the future!"

Xu Sheng raised his eyebrows and said, "Join the Craftsmen Association? What help?"

Now he is already not in his strength!

Because no matter how strong the people in the lower realms are, they are just ants in front of him!

I just came here to satisfy my curiosity...

Hearing his answer, Mo Yu thought there was a drama, and excitedly said "That's natural, as long as you join the forging. The Master Association, you will be protected by the Association! And, with your innate talent, the future will be bright..."

At this moment, he can even imagine the future when Xu Sheng becomes a Divine Craftsman Scenes! !

Seeing Mo Yu getting more and more excited, Xu Sheng interrupted him directly, "I'm sorry, Grandmaster Mo, what you said, I'm not interested!"

Now the only thing I can do What aroused his interest was probably the battle armor and Spirit Pagoda organization he had seen before!

Seeing what he earned and well-meant advised didn't shake Xu Sheng in front of him for a long time, he silently sighed, "Eh, no matter what, everyone has their own aspirations"

"However, if you are interested in forging in the future, you can contact me."

After saying this, he slowly turned around and left here...

As for him Why rush to leave, isn't that nonsense?

found Xu Sheng with this terrifying innate talent, he naturally went to play with other blacksmiths!

After he left, Yun Xiaoling woke up from the trance...

Surprised, "Mr. Xu, you really refused? Grandmaster Mo is forging. The Teachers Association still has the right to speak!"

Xu Sheng glanced at her with inky eyes, lightly said with a smile "mainly because I am not interested in forging, Miss Yun, let's go!"

Yun Xiaoling said, "Well..."

Suddenly, after a pause, she pointed to the metal on the machine and reminded, "Mr. Xu, that piece of metal is It is made by you, and you only need to pay for the equivalent of the metal in the Federation Coins to take away!”

The metal that can make Grandmasters full of praise, I am afraid it is also invaluable!

Xu Sheng didn't even bother to look at it, said without thinking "it's just a stone, just stay here"

this thing, he wants as much as he wants...

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the amateur forging room. Yun Xiaoling looked at the metal on the machine, then looked at Xu Sheng, still gritted his teeth and followed along...


After spending an hour or two on 15 layers, Tang Wulin finally completed the blacksmith test and walked out of the soul elevator...

When Seeing Xu Sheng hadn't left, my heart was relaxed...

Immediately, I walked over quickly, joyfully said "Master Old Xu, I succeeded! I became a Level 2 blacksmith, and The association also compensated me with 10,000 federal dollars!"

Xu Sheng raised a corner of his mouth and said softly, "Not bad!"

Tang Wulin was stunned, "This...this It's gone?"

He thought that Xu Sheng would at least cheer for him, but the compliment he got was a sentence of "not bad?"

Xu Sheng asked in a funny way when he heard this. "Otherwise? Should I praise you?"

Tang Wulin's complexion sank, the whole person suddenly became a lot depressed...

Self-comforted "No...No need, Old Xu must not know what a Level 2 blacksmith stands for..."

Compared to Xu Sheng's blandness, and the beautiful eyes of Yun Xiaoling next to him shrank suddenly, he couldn't help but feel He exclaimed in amazement, "Level 2 blacksmith?? Even this little brother is a genius!"

Such a young Level 2 blacksmith is rare even in the blacksmith association!

What I want most is that the teacher has the innate talent to become a Divine Craftsman, and even the students he brings are geniuses!

Whoever encounters this is really dumbfounded!


After that, Xu Sheng returned to Eastern Sea Academy!

Tang Wulin said gratefully, "Master Old Xu, thank you for accompanying me to the Blacksmiths Association today!"

Xu Sheng seemed to sense something, and said in a mocking tone, "I It doesn't matter! But you seem to be in trouble."

Hearing these endless words, a big question mark appeared in Tang Wulin's mind, "???"

But before Xu Sheng could explain, a biting cold voice sounded from behind...

"Tang Wulin, do you know what time it is?"

Hearing this familiar tone, Tang Wulin's body trembled involuntarily...

He slowly turned around and looked at Wu Zhangkong, who was staring at him coldly not far away. ...

embarrassed said with a smile "Dance... dance teacher, it's so late, you're still here"

I saw Wu Zhangkong's cold cheeks and didn't even think about it Just kidding, coldly said "Tang Wulin, you came back to the Academy so late, don't you know you will be punished?" I have asked Master Xu to come with me..."

Faced with this explanation, Wu Zhangkong just glanced at Xu Sheng coldly, "So, is this your excuse for leaving the Academy without authorization? "

Tang Wulin swallowed his throat and frantically winked at Xu Sheng next to him...

He seemed to be shouting, "Master Old Xu, please help me!" "

Xu Sheng stretched his waist pretending not to see it, and said leisurely, "Dance teacher is really dedicated, he's on duty so late! Then I'll leave first"

But as soon as he took a step, Wu Zhangkong aimed at him and scolded him coldly, "Master Xu, as a teacher of Eastern Sea Academy, you should know the rules of the Academy, and you even condoned the students to leave the Academy!"

Hearing this sentence, Tang Wulin of shiver coldly only felt that something terrifying was about to happen...




(end of this chapter)

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