Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1230


Chapter 1230 Class 1 Scramble (Subscribe)

After hearing Long Hengxu’s announcement, he was watching Looking at Yu Zhen on the stage, he glanced quietly at the densely packed silhouette on the square, and he opened the mouth and said, "Not bad, not bad, the students who watched the first-year promotion game this time were two or three from last year. Times!"

Some students from other grades also opened the mouth and said, "Class 5 really won, I really don't know if Class 1 can withstand their offensive"

"As expected of the students led by the dance teacher, they are really terrifying! Class 5 seems to be breaking the Academy's record!"

"Dancer!! Dancer!!"

"It's just a victory over the second class. The first class is no worse than the fifth class. Whoever loses and who wins may not be sure!"

"The next duel can be called the Academy. Are the two strongest male gods fighting?"

Faced with defeat, the head teacher of the second class just sighed silently, looked towards Xu Sheng on the other side, and secretly said, "Sure enough, Old Xu lost. Teacher, don't let me down!"

He would rather the class led by Xu Sheng continue to occupy one class than the fifth class led by Wu Zhangkong to become one class!

After all, if Class 5 becomes Class 1, wouldn't it be a disguised statement that the teaching quality of other class teachers is not as good as that of Wu Zhangkong?

He is totally unacceptable! !

Xu Sheng smiled and looked at Wu Zhangkong, who came back, and clapped applauded, "As expected of the fifth class led by Wu teacher, they really defeated the other three classes!"

I don't know if he is mocking or admiring Wu Zhangkong, but he just glanced at the former coldly, not at all interested in chatting!

Xu Sheng was not angry either, he paused and said indifferently, "However, just because they want to beat the first class, there is still a long way to go!"

If he hadn't led the way himself , if it were another teacher, the final result would definitely be lost to the fifth class...

But it's a pity...Wu Zhangkong met him!

Hearing these words, Wu Zhangkong's icy eyes finally showed a strange look...

He was a little puzzled and said, "This guy is watching. After reaching the strength of the fifth class, why can he still say such words calmly? Does he have absolute confidence in the first class?"


Even if there are three students with two rings in the first class, they are still the opponents of the current fifth class!

This guy is just bluffing!

The position of class one is definitely class five!

Hearing the cheers from many students on the field for Class 5, Wei Xiaofeng looked at Xu Sheng with an ugly face and said, "Master Old Xu, what should I do now? These guys in Class 5 are all perverted. !"

Zhang Yangzi also gnashing teeth said "Yeah! Except for that Tang Wulin, the other two students are eligible to enter class 1 directly! I really don't know why Academy put them in class 5. !"

Wang Jinxi's face was full of chills, and he clenched his fists and said, "If we lose, our first class will become a stepping stone for fifth class! It must not be like this!"

Being able to enter Class 1 proves that they are both proud and arrogant. They are not reconciled to losing to Class 5! !

Only Gu Yue with a calmer expression, those beautiful eyes flickered a few times, and said with an inquiring look, "Master Old Xu, in this duel with Class 5, do you plan to send those students to the field? ?"

From the beginning to the end, she found that Xu Sheng did not show any worry, it seemed that in his eyes, the fifth class was absolutely impossible to win!

Xu Sheng did not answer this question immediately, but glanced at the irritable Wei Xiaofeng and the three, and then at Gu Yue, said with a bitter smile, "Don't be so excited, all learn Gu Yue. Yue, calm down!"

As soon as these words fell, Zhang Yangzi snorted in a resentful tone, "Master Old Xu, at this point of life and death, who can calm down? !"

Xu Sheng saw this, and the corner of his mouth raised an arc, "Don't worry, this time will never lose! If you want to know why, just put your ears together"

Hearing this sentence, the participating students all approached Xu Sheng with a suspicious look...

However, after the latter said a few words to them, every There was a strong look of shock in the individual's eyes...

Wei Xiaofeng's mouth was the size of a goose egg, and he said in a daze, "No... No way, Master Old Xu, you still have this ability? "

Xu Sheng teased "Of course, you little fellows don't know a lot of things."

Zhang Yangzi said with excitement, "If it can really be done, Our class is a sure win! Hahaha ha!"

Wang Jinxi swallowed his throat and said with emotion, "I really didn't expect Old Xu to have such an unheard-of method. He's a teacher who can teach our class!"

Li Xue raised her fists and adored her eyes, "That's amazing! As expected of the male god in my mind!"

Gu Yue looked thoughtful The nodded, "So it is"

Those beautiful eyes are full of deep curiosity...

Being able to do this kind of thing, if I guessed correctly, this is in front of me. The identity of an Old Xu teacher is definitely not simple!

At least, not a little Academy teacher!


The changing expressions of the students in a group of participants changed from dejected to happy, and naturally they also fell into the eyes of Wu Zhangkong and the others...

I saw Xie Xie couldn't help frowning and said, "What are the guys in this class getting excited about? Don't you know that you can't even sit firmly in the first class?"

Tang Wulin will Staring at Xu Sheng in the distance, grim said, "It's not right! We have to be careful"

Although he has not been in contact for a long time, he believes that he has a certain understanding of Xu Sheng...

To make such a big change in the mentality of a class of students, there may be some special means hidden!

If they are careless, they will definitely suffer!

Li Xu nodded echoed, "en! Wulin is right, these guys definitely won't have such a big change for no reason!"

Affected by the changes in the students in the class, Wu Zhangkong's ice-cold pupil froze quietly, saying solemnly, "As long as you play steadily as you did in the previous duel, the class is just deceiving yourself!"

To his words, the three Tang Wulin seriously replied "Yes! Dance teacher!"

Immediately, Long Hengxu's bright words resounded throughout the square...

" Please ask the class teachers of the first and second grades of the first grade to select three participating students to take the stage, and the final competition will begin!"

As soon as these words came out, the calm square once again caused an uproar...

"After waiting for so long, it finally begins! The final competition! No, it should be a duel between two male gods!"

"Xu Nan Shen and Dancing Boy God's ultimate showdown, who will be the winner?"

"What should I do? I'm even more excited than them when I think that the fifth class may defeat the first class!"

"That's not true. If Class 5 can beat Class 1, in addition to breaking the Academy's record, it can also make most students and teachers get rid of the impression that Class 5 is trash!"




(end of this chapter)

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