Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1231


Chapter 1231 Class 1 vs Class 5 (Subscribe)

In these intense sounds of excitement, two The class has selected three students!

Class 5 is naturally: Xie Xie, Tang Wulin, Li Xu!

And the first class is: Gu Yue, Wang Jinxi, Wei Xiaofeng! ”

When they walked to the stage, they immediately formed a confrontational attitude. All the students’ eyes were filled with strong fighting intent...

I saw Xie Xie taking the lead. taunted "hmph! It looks like you are about to become the second shift, are you ready? "

Wei Xiaofeng, who has a bad temper, suddenly turned gloomy, said with a sneer "Is that so? Then you should keep your eyes open, at least we are in class 1, you are only class 5 of rateless"

He originally wanted to say a few words in a friendly way to prevent these guys from being ugly when they lose , but now it seems that there is no need for this at all!

Xie Xie coldly shouted again "hmph! It's just a tough mouth, I hope you will fight with such a hard fist! "

Li Xu next to him waved his hand embarrassingly said with a smile "Well, everyone is a student of Eastern Sea Academy, so there is no need to be so angry"

Zhang Yangzi interrupted him directly He raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't talk nonsense, since you want to grab the position of the first class, you are now the enemy!

Li Xu pursed his lips, but did not speak again...

It seems that when dealing with the students of the first class, the only way is to speak with strength!

Gu Yue, who was always silent, had those beautiful eyes staring at Tang Wulin in front of her, as if she wanted to see something...

I realized that the former was on the way. Staring straight at himself, Tang Wulin's cheeks were flushed a little, and even his ears were a little hot...

He secretly said in his heart, "It's a strange feeling, why do you feel that she has something on her body? A unique force is attracting me!"

Is it an illusion?

Thinking of this, Tang Wulin decisively shook the head aside, and his cheeks filled with seriousness again...

Seeing this, Gu Yue also withdrew it. Eyesight, ready for battle...

Seeing class 1, the students in class 5 stopped talking and got ready...

Long Hengxu took a deep breath , loudly said "The first class competition, start now!!!"

After the words fell, neither side had any idea of hiding their strength, and immediately took action!

I saw azure scales spread all over Wei Xiaofeng's body, and his eyes also turned into vertical pupils. The whole person looked extremely sinister...

Two spirits were instantly released under his feet. ring ......

And next to Wang Jinxi, there is a skeleton exuding gray black Qi, as if

also has two rings!

Seeing this, Xie Xie secretly said, "deliberately mystifying!"

Immediately afterwards, he directly clenched the light dragon dagger in his hand and rushed over...

The sharp cold glow made Wei Xiaofeng feel a strong threat, and the first spirit ring under his feet suddenly lit up...

Blue shadows!

In an instant, countless identical phantoms appeared beside him, perfectly wrapping them...

For a while, it was difficult to judge his avatar. It's that one!

And Xie Xie's corner of the mouth raised, "Do you think you can escape my attack like this? Naive!!"

At the same time as the words fell, one of the spirits The ring lights up, the light dragon slashes!

I saw the light dragon dagger in his hand burst out with strong rays of light, and slammed it directly at these phantoms...

The huge blade glow directly smashed these phantoms. The phantom is instantly destroyed!

Seeing this terrifying scene, Wei Xiaofeng's eyes shrank suddenly, cry out in surprise "What??"

It broke me so easily The blue shadow stack? ?

But when he came back to his senses, he found that Xie Xie had appeared in front of him...

It was too late to escape, so he could only stretch out subconsciously. The arm full of scales forcibly resisted...

Seeing this, Xie Xie directly injected more spirit power into the Guanglong Dagger, intending to kill Wei Xiaofeng with one blow!

But before he could swing the dagger, an accident happened, and a strong suction suddenly came from under his feet, forcibly being pulled in place...

Xie Xiewang To the female student standing behind Wei Xiaofeng, she scolded "Damn!"

Such a good opportunity was interrupted! Otherwise, you can directly solve one!

That's right, it is Gu Yue who is always watching from behind!

Realizing that Gu Yue had bound Xie Xie, Wei Xiaofeng's eyes lit up immediately, "Good opportunity!"

next moment, while the former hadn't reacted yet, punch towards


Xie Xie, who forcibly got this fist, flew upside down for a few meters to stabilize his body, he looked pale I can feel my stomach is rolling...

He is a Spirit Master of agility and attack type, and he is naturally much worse in defensive power!

Tang Wulin couldn't help but cry out in surprise "Xie Xie! Are you okay?"

Xie Xie glanced at him and said to the head, "I'm fine!"

Tang Wulin was relaxed, staring at Wei Xiaofeng in front of him with some resentment, and immediately rushed towards the latter at the fastest speed...

At the same time, he controlled the Blue Silver Grass to bulge from below instantly , tied his legs...

Even if the tenacious degree is not enough, it is enough to delay it for a few seconds...

Wei Xiaofeng, who is breaking free from the Blue Silver Grass, is not far away Shouted "Wang Jinxi! Stop him!"

Wang Jinxi, who was rushing towards him, said with a displeased expression, "I understand, don't order me!"

Finally, in Tang Wulin's upcoming When approaching Wei Xiaofeng, Wang Jinxi had already arrived, and smashed the former with his skeleton exuding terrifying power...

Looking at the skeleton that suddenly appeared in front of him, Tang Wulin immediately gave up attacking Wei Xiaofeng. The weak slammed into it...


When the fist and the skeleton collided together, the explosive force has several points of evenly matched!

But gradually, Tang Wulin's power gradually gained the upper hand...

Wang Jinxi gritted his teeth and said, "The guy who is trifling one ring can actually face me in front of me. Get the upper hand, it's fake."

Tang Wulin grim said, "spirit rings can't represent everything..."

But next moment, his eyes suddenly tightened...


Because, from behind Wang Jinxi, a huge monster is falling!

Realizing that the surrounding temperature has risen strangely, Wang Jinxi can't help but look back...

But this time, what catches the eye is a huge Fireball!

The body is exuding scorching heat, obviously about to explode! !

Feeling that this Fireball was invincible, Tang Wulin and Wang Jinxi exchanged a tacit glance, then stopped attacking and hurriedly took a few steps backwards...

As expected , the huge Fireball exploded at the position where the two of them stayed before, and the power inside kept leaking out, drowning everything...

Wang Jinxi looked at the big pit that appeared in front of him and couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air...

Immediately afterwards, Gu Yue scolded angrily towards the back, "Gu Yue, can you tell me in advance, do you want to solve it with me?"

If it weren't for the quick response, Gu Yue's wave would be enough to smash herself into serious injuries!

Gu Yue just pursed her lips, indifferently said "sorry"


(End of this chapter)


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