Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1232


Chapter 1232 Is this guy trying to kill me? (Please subscribe)

Seeing Tang Wulin back, Xie Xie calmed down a bit, and said with a grim expression, "The female student must be dealt with first, otherwise it will be troublesome!"

Her Spirit can Suddenly sucking his own legs and releasing this terrifying Fireball is a potential hidden danger.

Tang Wulin was also nodded, opened the mouth to Li Xu next to him and said, "Li Xu, Xie Xie and I are holding the two male students, the rest is up to you!"

Li Xu's eyes narrowed, "Understood!"

After the words fell, his first spirit ring lit up immediately...

First Spirit Ability, Abyss s wing!

can be vaguely seen, and a pair of deep purple wings have quietly condensed behind it, exuding strange rays of light, and constantly inciting...

But unfortunately, only But it is the first Spirit Ability, in addition to speeding up movement and simple defense, it does not have the ability to fly!

However, many students in the square had never seen it before, and they all said, "Damn, this is his first Spirit Ability? Could it be that he can fly?"

"It should be impossible, if it can fly, it can almost be said to dominate the entire duel!"

"You all think too much, that guy's first Spirit Ability is just to increase the movement speed. , can't fly at all"

"Huh...that's about it, if the first Spirit Ability can fly, it's really outrageous!"

Looking at the situation on the square, The pair of ice-cold pupils of Wu Zhangkong below the stage showed a cold glow...

Tang Wulin fought against Wang Jinxi, Xie Xie fought against Wei Xiaofeng, it can be said that the fifth class has an absolute advantage!

Basically impossible will lose!

The position of the first class is already proper!

On the other side, Wei Xiaofeng said with an ugly expression, "Gu Yue's abilities have been exposed. If the other side wants to forcibly hold us back, then take advantage of the opportunity! There is absolutely no way to do it"

The reason why they I haven't lost yet, because Gu Yue is here!

Therefore, the latter must not have an accident!

Wang Jinxi also looked sideways towards Gu Yue, hesitantly said, "Gu Yue, can you deal with it? If Wei Xiaofeng and I fight the other side, we won't have the upper hand!"

Simply put, there is no way to support it!

Gu Yue's beautiful eyes looked at Li Xu in front of him, and said to himself, "No problem!"

Hearing these words, Wei Xiaofeng and Wang Jinxi's hearts could not help but relax, and they reconsidered them. The eyes looked towards the three Xie Xie on the opposite side!

Seeing Xie Xie clenching the Light Dragon Dagger, coldly shouted, "You guys should just admit defeat, no matter how much you struggle, you won't be able to change the fact that you will lose!"

Wei Xiaofeng said disdainfully" Lose? You think it's beautiful, today's duel, no matter what, you are absolutely impossible to win!"

Xie Xie frowned, "It's already at this point and still stubborn! Then Let me take you off the stage!"

After saying this, the whole person's body suddenly rose up and rushed towards Wei Xiaofeng like Gui Mei! The light dragon dagger pierced the air and slashed at his chest...

Wei Xiaofeng was naturally impossible, and angrily shouted "Second Spirit Ability! Clear Shadow Possession!!"

In an instant, he saw a dark green dazzling dizziness blooming from his entire body, and the whole person directly transformed into a semi-snake shape. Except for the head, the rest of the place was covered by snake scales! The attack power and defensive power of the whole body have been greatly amplified!

"peng!" After the light dragon dagger slashed at the scale of the snake, it released a burst of sparks...

Wei Xiaofeng, who was hit hard, just took a few steps back. No real harm was done!

Feeling a slight numbness in his hand, Xie Xie secretly said, "It's a solid defense, I'm afraid it won't be easy to break in a short time!"

Not far The confrontation between Tang Wulin and Wang Jinxi is much simpler and rude. You give me a punch, and I give you a kick!

After Wang Jinxi stretched out his arms to block the attacking fist, he immediately counterattacked...

Staring at Tang Wulin coldly shouted "You bastard, you are only a ring, why melee combat? The strength is so strong?"

He has never seen such a perverted guy!

It doesn't matter if it's just one ring, the key is that the other party's Spirit is still weak to the limitless Blue Silver Grass! It is a hundred times worse than his own Bone Dragon King! !

And Tang Wulin also easily parried the incoming attack, pursed his thin lips and said, "I don't know, maybe I ate too much! But...I would like to know what Master Old Xu told me. What's wrong with you guys, why would there be such a big change?"

Hearing this, Wang Jinxi's corner of the mouth raised, "Do you think I'll tell you?"

After he finished speaking, he silently said in his heart, "First Spirit Ability! Bone Dragon Claw!"

I saw that his arms suddenly became thicker, and the sturdy skeleton forcibly condensed a huge The dragon claw, with the power of Armageddon, headed towards the Tang Wulin strikes...

At the moment when it was about to touch, the latter rolled decisively, dodging the attacking dragon dangerously and dangerously. claw ......

If he resists this blow, he will not be able to bear it!

And the dragon claw strikes that fluttered empty to the bottom, forcibly tore the ground apart...


Wang Jinxi Squinting his eyes, he wondered, "Dodge? No...not yet!"

Because of Gu Yuena in the back, the first spirit ring suddenly lights up...

The first Spirit Ability, Tides of Elements!

Tang Wulin, who hadn't reacted yet, only felt that the ocean appeared out of thin air was sweeping in front of him, and he directly asked to drown half of his body...

Tang Wulin, whose speed was slowed down in all aspects, suddenly turned gloomy, "What!"

However, it was not over yet, only to see Gu Yuena's beautiful eyes condensed, directly. The surrounding Wind Elements were accelerated to accumulate, forming a violent wind...

Then, a huge Fireball was released again, and let it meet the wind...

Fire Taking advantage of the wind, the entire Fireball breath instantly climbed to the top! !

Tang Wulin, who realized that the situation was dangerous, cried out in surprise in his heart, "It happened!!"

But before he could react, his whole body was overwhelmed by this violent attack. , bursting out dazzling rays of light...

Seeing this, Xie Xie on the other side said anxiously "Tang Wulin!!"

Wei Xiaofeng seemed to see his intention , blocked his way first, said with a sneer "Look at what's going on over there? Don't forget that your opponent is me!!"

Seeing him blocking his way, he was angry because he was worried Xie Xie, the light dragon dagger in his hand made a faint dragon cry, and angrily shouted, "You bastard... do you really think I can't punch through your turtle shell?"

After the words fell, there was a slight Not intending to keep his hands, he slashed at the former's head...

Feeling a strong sense of crisis, Wei Xiaofeng immediately turned his head to avoid the slash, and said in shock, "This guy just wanted to Did you kill me??"

If it was one step later, I was afraid that my head would be cut off like a vegetable!

After all, his second Spirit Ability, Clear Shadow Possession, the enhanced defense does not include the most vulnerable head!


(end of this chapter)

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