Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1235


Chapter 1235 Class 1, win! (Please subscribe)

After saying that, Gu Yue slowly walked towards Wang Jinxi's side, and it was vaguely visible that their breaths gradually assimilated!

Seeing this scene in front of him, Xie Xie's cheeks were filled with doubts, and he secretly said, "What do you mean, what move are they going to use?"

But suddenly, his eyes Suddenly condensed, Tang Wulin hurried to the other side to cry out in surprise "Tang Wulin! Stop them! Never let that Gu Yue walk beside Wang Jinxi!"

Although they don't know what they are going to do What, but an ominous premonition emerged from the bottom of my heart! !

Tang Wulin, who heard this sentence, did not hesitate, and immediately burst out with Xie Xie and rushed towards Gu Yue and the two of them, trying to stop them separately...


However, it was obviously too late, Gu Yue had already walked over to Wang Jinxi's side...

Wang Jinxi looked at Gu Yue's cheek, and said in a daze, "I feel the resonance, this Is that what Master Old Xu said?"

After speaking, she looked towards Qi and stretched out her palm...

Gu Yue was not pretentious, and immediately stretched out her soft and boneless body. Rather than gently holding it in the palm of the hand...

In this brief moment, violent ripples began to appear around them, and the breath was completely fused together!

in unison "Spirit fusion technique! Bone Dragon is born!!"

After the words fall, there are seven elements that have nothing common with each other to wrap them In it...

In an instant, he transformed into a Bone Dragon King with a size of dozens of meters and a complete body!

The Dark Attribute breath all over his body has disappeared, and it has been transformed into a terrifying oppression force full of divine sense!

King Bone Dragon opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and let out an earth-shattering dragon cry "roar!!!!"

towards them both. Xie Xie and Tang Wulin, who were rushed over, were directly forced to retreat by the coercion, and their legs trembled unconsciously...

Xie Xie looked at the huge monster in front of him, his throat swallowed, unbelievable Said, "Fake... Fake, to be able to use such... such a terrifying Spirit fusion technique!!" But Tang Wulin stretched out his hand to cover his chest, looked pale and said, "Why, heart There will be a feeling of pain..."

The students under the stage stared wide-eyed one after another, unable to believe what they saw...

"I My dear mother, this class is still hiding a hand, is the Spirit fusion technique at this level really only performed by two Spirit Masters with two rings?"

"In this way, the fifth class still has Are you kidding me?? It's obvious that the coercion alone is enough for them to drink a pot!"

"It's no joke after being hit by this Spirit fusion skill, it's really going to die!"


Especially Zhang Yangzi, who is close friends with Wang Jinxi, stood up straight, cry out in surprise, "What?? Gu Yue can actually use the Spirit fusion technique with Jinxi??"

Gu Yue's Spirit is the Elementalist, Wang Jinxi's Spirit is the Bone Dragon King, and it has nothing to do with it at all! !

He thought it was just a joke by Mr. Old Xu, but who knew it was true! !

At this moment, a deep sense of loss emerged in his heart...

Even the rest of the class teachers smacked their lips and said, "Hey...didn't expect There are still people in the first class who can use the Spirit fusion skills, and the outcome is already divided!"

"I said why Master Xu is so calm, so it turns out that there is such a backhand!"

"tsk tsk tsk! Master Old Xu is superior after all!"

Xu Sheng smiled slightly and didn't say anything...

Although Wang Jinxi and Gu Yue I can indeed use Spirit fusion skills, but...

Wu Zhangkong's ice-cold pupil glanced at Xu Sheng, clenched his palms and said, "This guy..."

Although I don't want to. Admit it, but with the situation of Xie Xie and Tang Wulin, if you want to resist the Spirit fusion technique, there is only one ending!



The scarlet eyes of King Bone Dragon on the stage suddenly lit up, locking on Tang Wulin and Xie Xie in front, and after opening his palm full of oppression force, Strikes at them....

"shua~ shua~ shua~ ~~", this terrifying attack even set off a strong sound of breaking wind...

Locked Tang Wulin and Xie Xie felt that they couldn't dodge at all, so they could only stare at the giant palm as it got closer...

But at this moment, a silhouette appeared out of thin air in front of her. In front of the two of them...

That's right, it was Wu Zhangkong who was holding the Sky Frost Sword in his hand and had a cold face!

After seeing him, both Tang Wulin and Xie Xie were relaxed...

At least, this life was saved! !

I saw the third spirit ring under Wu Zhangkong's feet lit up...

The third Spirit Ability, Frost Slash! !

Threads of fine snow spread out from the Sky Frost Sword, and then, the entire sword body burst into a deep blue halo, as if it had woken up...

After clenching the Sky Frost Sword again, Wu Zhangkong's face doesn't change and slashed towards the attack from above! !

The tiny Sky Frost Sword collided with the giant palm, and a violent vibration sounded...

"Bang~~" The dazzling golden light enveloped the whole around... …

After these rays of light disappeared, the huge body of King Bone Dragon also turned into particles of light blue and slowly dissipated...

As the caster, Wang Jinxi fainted On the ground, Gu Yue was standing next to him, but his head was dizzy...

The whole person slowly fell to the back...

However, unexpectedly The stinging pain did not appear, but leaned against a warm and firm chest...

Reaching out and hugging her Xu Sheng, said with a slight smile "It's not bad to be able to do this step. It's over!"

Gu Yue, who was in her arms, flushed a few times on her cheeks, and said "en!" in a weak tone...

The opposite Wu Zhangkong narrowed her eyes. Xu Sheng, withdrew his Spirit, coldly said "this game, our fifth class lost!"

Win means win, lose means lose, in this regard, he will not be rude!

Tang Wulin and Xie Xie, who heard this sentence, said in a daze, "Wu teacher..."

They knew that Wu Zhangkong had paid for the promotion of Class 5 to Class 1. How much thought!

Wu Zhangkong saw this, and rarely comforted him, "It's okay, just wait for the next win." He opened his mouth and announced, "Because the dance teacher came to the stage to save the field, the first team won this game! The ranking remains unchanged!"

After the words fell, the whole square burst into warm cheers...

"Master Old Xu!! Master Old Xu! Master Old Xu!"

"The teacher who just danced is so handsome! As expected of a cold and arrogant male god!"

"che, the fifth class lost to the first class, which proves that the teaching level of the dance teacher is definitely not as good as the first class!"

"didn't expect the process to be so tortuous, the first class was the winner! Eh!"

"Anyway, Teacher Old Xu is the strongest teacher of Eastern Sea Academy!"



I saw an assistant teacher in charge of treatment checked Wang Jinxi with a grim expression...

Zhang Yangzi, who was lying beside the bed, asked urgently, "teacher. , how is his condition?"

The former shook his head and said, "The situation is not optimistic, this student forcibly used the Spirit fusion technique, his own Spirit is on the verge of destruction, he may be able to save his life, but in the future... Become a Spirit Master again"

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Yangzi's eyes suddenly became empty, and the whole person slumped on the ground...

"How could it be? could this be..."


(end of this chapter)

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