Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1236


Chapter 1236 Spirit, on the verge of being broken (please subscribe)


The door was slowly pushed open, and Xu Sheng, Wei Xiaofeng and the others all walked in...

Just a casual glance, and then they saw Zhang Yangzi with red eyes...

Wei Xiaofeng walked over, patted his shoulder and asked, "Zhang Yangzi, what's the matter with you?"

Zhang Yangzi's empty eyes were as if stunned, and he didn't answer him...

Gu Yue also frowned beautifully, not knowing what happened...

But looking at Zhang Yangzi's appearance, I'm afraid he was hit hard!

Xu Sheng's inky eyes glanced at the assistant teacher, opened the mouth and said "What happened?"

The latter sighed and explained "Old Master Xu, this student's Spirit is already on the verge of destruction, and I'm afraid that he will never be able to become a Spirit Master again."

As for why this happened, he is not very clear...

Xu Sheng looked thoughtful, raised his chin and said, "Really?"

This was also within his expectations, although Gu Yue was able to use Spirit fusion with Wang Jinxi, but don't forget the true nature of the former Spirit is not the so-called "Elementalist", but the Silver Dragon King!

Ordinary dragon spirits naturally need to pay a great price to use Spirit fusion technology with them!

When Gu Yue next to her heard these words, she could not help pursing her thin lips, and secretly said, "Spirit is on the verge of destruction?"

Is it because of her own reasons?

She has always had a secret in her heart that she has never told anyone...

At this moment, Zhang Yangzi, whose eyes are full of empty eyes, stands up excitedly, his eyes are bloodshot. "Master Xu, since you let Wang Jinxi and Gu Yue use the Spirit fusion technique, did you know this would happen?"

Facing Zhang Yangzi in front of him, Xu Sheng calmly nodded "Yes"

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Yangzi couldn't calm down any longer, and said anxiously, "Master Old Xu, then please help him, help him, you can't just watch him become a waste that can't be cultivated. !"

Seeing with his own eyes that his friend who has been with him for many years cannot become a Spirit Master, the pain in his heart is hard to describe!

Wei Xiaofeng hurriedly hugged him and comforted him, "Yangzi, don't get excited, since Master Old Xu knew this would happen, he must have figured out a solution, right?"

Gu Yue also looked towards Xu Sheng and asked, "Master Old Xu, do you have any way to help Wang Jinxi?"

After all, it is because of herself that this problem occurs, and it is inevitable that I feel a little guilty... …

Xu Sheng looked at Wang Jinxi lying on the bed, indifferently said, "You all go out first! Leave it to me!"

As soon as these words came out, Wei Xiaofeng and The others' faces suddenly brightened...

Master Xu was so strong, and he knew this would happen before he cast Spirit fusion...

But even so , and has not stopped Gu Yue and Wang Jinxi from using it, there must be absolute certainty to cure the latter!

Thinking of this, he immediately turned and left without the slightest hesitation...

And the assistant teacher who was still standing pointed at himself, as if asking Do you want to stay and help yourself?

Xu Sheng smiled slightly, "This teacher, please go out too."

The former didn't say anything, but walked away...

At the same time, I secretly said in my heart, "This student's situation has reached the worst point. Basically, it doesn't matter who is here! Eh!"


When After the door was closed, Xu Sheng turned his gaze towards Wang Jinxi again...

He said with emotion, "Forget it, let's take it as a blessing for you"

, with a wave of his finger, countless green Life Power slowly floated out...

And slowly injected into his body with a gentle gesture...

... ...

After receiving this report, Long Hengxu and Yu Zhen also rushed over very quickly, and immediately saw Wei Xiaofeng and the others standing outside!

Long Hengxu frowned and asked the assistant teacher, "How is the situation now?"

Yu Zhen will also cast a suspicious look...

Every student in the first class, especially an extraordinary natural talent like Wang Jinxi, is a valuable resource!

Even his Dean is here, which shows how much he values these students!

Seeing this, the assistant teacher quickly explained, "Director Long, Dean, the current situation is like this..."

After listening to the explanation, Long Hengxu was full of shock Said "What? Spirit is on the verge of destruction? How is this possible! It's just a Spirit fusion technique!"

Yu Zhen said with a grim expression, "No, I have never heard of Spirit fusion techniques being used. It will hurt Spirit!"

Zhang Yangzi, who recovered a bit of reason, said, "Dean, Director Long, this never happened when I used Spirit fusion with Wang Jinxi before!"

Long Hengxu was surprised and said, "You can also use Spirit fusion with Wang Jinxi?"

Zhang Yangzi was heavily nodded, "That's right!"

He I have used the Spirit fusion technique with Wang Jinxi many times, and this kind of problem has never occurred!

Yu Zhen looked towards Gu Yue next to him, thinking, "Then putting it that way, the problem should lie with the person using the Spirit fusion technique!"

Words After falling down, everyone's eyes were directed towards Gu Yue...

The latter seemed to feel a little guilty and buried his head slightly...

But even so, she You can't reveal your true Spirit either!

Wei Xiaofeng slapped himself on the head, cry out in surprise "Yes! Why did Wang Jinxi have an accident, but Gu Yue was not affected in any way?"

The whole time was silent. Li Xue, whispered in a low voice, "Could it be that if you perform Spirit fusion skills with Gu Yue, will this end?"

Long Hengxu scolded "Don't talk nonsense like that!"

Immediately, in a slightly soft tone, he said to Gu Yue, "Student Gu Yue, don't worry, Dean and I believe this matter has nothing to do with you. It should be a conflict between Spirit."

Next to Yu Zhen rolled the eyes, "Director Long, you can't talk nonsense seriously even if you are trying to appease the students. If Spirit is repelled, can you still use the Spirit fusion technique?"

But this matter is indeed a bit baffling... …

Long Hengxu was embarrassedly laughed and was about to change the subject when the door was suddenly pushed open...

I saw Xu Sheng, Wei Xiaofeng and the others walking out from inside He said eagerly, "Master Xu!"

Xu Sheng raised his eyes slightly, looking at their anxious appearance, showing a reassuring said with a slight smile "Don't worry! Wang Jinxi is all right."

Zhang Yangzi, who exhibited one's feelings in one's speech with excitement, said with a trembling voice, " mean, Jinxi, his Spirit..."

Xu Sheng Rubbing his head, "en! He has recovered, but don't disturb him during this time!"

Zhang Yangzi didn't care about other people's eyes at all, and immediately burst into tears, "Thank you ...Thank you, Master Old Xu, I don't know what to do in the future..."

Long Hengxu and Yu Zhen next to them looked at each other, and their faces showed relief. smile...




(End of this chapter)


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