Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1262


Chapter 1262 100,000 Year Spirit Beast (Subscribe)

I saw the violent collision The anti-shock force forcibly blasted the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast more than ten meters away...

As for Ghost Vine, it still maintains an arc shape, and it has not changed at all because of the attack!

Obviously, the only explanation may be that the strength gap between the two is too large!

Xu Sheng glanced at the Spirit Beast who was staring at him with fearful eyes, lightly said with a smile "I actually met the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast at the primary level Ascension Platform"

If it wasn't for me who happened to be around here, these three little fellow designations would have been ruthlessly eliminated!

Immediately after, his mind moved, and the Ghost Vine, like a flower bud, began to twist quickly, slowly revealing the situation inside...

I saw three zeros. The students in the class are still waiting with their eyes closed...

But realizing that the pain in their imagination has not come, they open their eyes in confusion...

When they got down to Xu Sheng in front of them, their eyes widened...

Xu Xiaoyan said joyfully, "Xu... Master Xu? Why are you here??"

Could it be that I just meditated on Master Old Xu in my heart, and then it came true?

Zhang Yangzi said in a puzzled tone, "Hey...I remember that this primary level Ascension Platform can't be used by Spirit Masters with more than four rings, right? Master Xu, how did he get in? ”

Since Spirit Masters above four rings cannot enter, then who is the Old Xu Master whose spirit power level reaches six rings?

according to their imagination? Or the real Old Xu teacher?

Wang Jinxi was relaxed, "Fortunately, Mr. Old Xu, you arrived in time, otherwise we would have to experience the taste of broken bones today!"

Xu Sheng said softly, "You are too unreasonable. Be careful, why provoke the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast?"

The strength of the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast is still out of reach for them!

Wang Jinxi was a little embarrassed to reply "cough cough...teacher, I thought it was only a 100 Year Spirit Beast at the time, I thought it would be solved"

Xu Xiaoyan nodded affirmed, "Hmmmm! That's true. The breath of this Spirit Beast just now is only a hundred years old, but when we get close, both the body and the breath have skyrocketed hundreds of times!"

At that time, they almost didn't frighten them to death, but fortunately, Xu Sheng arrived in time, which is a good fortune in misfortune!

Zhang Yangzi analyzed, "That 100,000 Year Spirit Beast should have the ability to conceal aura and scale itself!"

Of course, it must also have several points of spiritual wisdom , Otherwise, why would you seduce them to approach first, and then suddenly attack?

Xu Sheng

nodding to indicate understanding, "Is that so?"

In this case, I don't blame them... His eyes seemed to see something, cry out in surprise "Master Xu, be careful behind your back, that 100,000 Year Spirit Beast is here again!"

Hearing his words, Xu Sheng looked sideways towards The Spirit Beast that is rushing over!

I saw it stomping on its limbs frantically, making a loud noise of "pēng pēng pēng ~~~"...

Immediately afterwards, everything that can be seen with naked eyes The whole ground was torn apart by a strange force, and it continued to spread along the front...

Seeing this scene, Xu Sheng's eyes narrowed, face doesn't Change jumped to in midair, and at the same time did not forget to use Ghost Vine to tie Wang Jinxi and the others to the sky together...

"Rumble", just arrived in midair, where they were a few seconds ago The ground has collapsed...

Taking advantage of this gap, the first black spirit ring under Xu Sheng's feet suddenly lit up!

First Spirit Ability, Netherworld's Fire! !

Countless ghost Vines continue to gather ash-gray together to form a terrifying Fireball with a size of 100 meters...

The diffused glowy and cold aura make The human body trembled for no reason...

And when the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast saw the terrifying scene in front of him, a deep fear appeared in scarlet's eyes...

It seems that didn't expect himself to provoke such a terrifying Spirit Master!

Then, without any hesitation, he immediately moved towards the rear and ran wildly, trying to escape...

However, it was too late, the huge ash-gray Fireball was like the end of the day As if it came, it completely enveloped the area where the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast was located, and slowly fell away...

After hitting the ground, the power contained in the Fireball was released immediately...


In the blink of an eye, the entire space has been annihilated, and there is a dazzling white glow everywhere...

And this Spirit Beast, which is also within the attack range, has a huge body. Contaminated with dense ash-gray flames, burning its soul continuously...

Unable to bear the pain, it raised its head and let out a horrific roar...

"roar roar roar~~~"


As for Long Hengxu and Wei Xiaofeng who are outside, they were worried that Wang Jinxi and the three would be eliminated by the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast , after seeing Xu Sheng appearing on the Soul Guidance screen, I was dumbfounded...

Long Hengxu was shocked and said, "This is Master Old Xu??? How could he be in this virtual space??"

If I remember correctly, he should be sleeping beside him at the moment, right?

Wei Xiaofeng also showed an unbelievable look, rubbed his eyes tightly, and said in a daze, "I was dazzled just now? Did I actually see Master Old Xu on this soul guide screen?"

Thinking of this, the two of them tacitly looked towards Xu Sheng next to him...

When they saw that the other party was still sleeping, Long Hengxu He and Wei Xiaofeng looked at each other, and vaguely saw the horror in each other's eyes!

Isn't Mr. Xu asleep here?

Who is that inside? ?

Could it be... a virtual character created in the Ascension Platform?

However, not only them, but even the staff in charge of Shenglingtai pushed their glasses and said, "No way? Is there something wrong with the virtual space? Why is this teacher from Eastern Sea Academy? Can you enter it?"

This has never happened before on the Ascension Platform!

Although it is virtual, everything in it needs to be calculated and analyzed accurately. Impossible just appeared out of thin air!

This strange situation must be reported to the headquarters after these students are over!


Tang Wulin, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, felt the loud vibrations around him and opened his light blue eyes, wondering. Said "en?"

At this moment, two familiar voices rang out...

"Tang Wulin, shouldn't you have already entered the Ascension Platform? Have you been sitting cross-legged here all the time?"

"As expected of you, your heart is really big, you just fell asleep like this."

Tang Wulin suddenly shivered all over his body, and said with lingering fears, "Gu. Yue, Xie Xie? When did you come?"

Thanks to them, if it was Spirit Beast, wouldn't he have already died?

But the sudden enlightenment just now was simply too wonderful, it made him devote himself to it all at once, and let his guard down on everything around him!

Only then did Gu Yue and Xie Xie approach!



(end of this chapter)

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