Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1263


Chapter 1263 Kill (Subscribe)

Xie Xie replied in a bad mood "It's been a while, But seeing how devoted you are here, I didn't wake you up!"

If it wasn't for Gu Yue to stop him, a shudder would have knocked Tang Wulin's head back to wake him up. coming!

Not to mention waiting for Tang Wulin to wake up naturally!

Tang Wulin was embarrassedly laughed, scratched his head and said, "hehe...hehe, the environment here is too suitable for my sudden enlightenment, I can't help it"

Xie Xiexian hugged him With a glance, he said helplessly, "Tsk, I have to blame you for a long time."

Gu Yue's beautiful eyes glanced all around, and said with a bit of emotion, "But your luck is really good, This area is indeed very safe, at least there is nothing more dangerous for Spirit Beast, besides, I don't know what happened to the other people!"

When she and Xie Xie first entered this space, the surrounding area also gathered Got quite a few Spirit Beasts, and it took a lot of effort to get out without them noticing!

And Tang Wulin, as soon as he enters, he is sudden enlightenment in place. This kind of difference is envied by everyone, right?

Immediately, Xie Xie stood up first, "Since you're awake, let's go quickly?"

Tang Wulin was stunned for a while, and then asked a little puzzled, "Why? If you want to leave here, doesn’t it mean that survival is the most important thing in this place?”

It’s so safe here, to leave here to go to other dangerous places, isn’t that a problem with your brain?

Gu Yue analyzed and said, "Although the rules are like this, you can't improve your survival basically! You don't want to waste the opportunity to enter the Ascension Platform, right?"

Tang Wulin was dumbfounded, and secretly said "Eh..."

Indeed, he just realized it for a long time, and he just had a different understanding of his Blue Silver Grass Spirit!

But there is no specific improvement!

stood up without any hesitation, pointed in a certain direction and said, "I remember that there seemed to be a violent noise in that direction just now, maybe it was another zero-class student!"


Gu Yue and Xie Xie looked at each other, both of them were nodded to express their approval...

Next moment, they moved towards the direction Tang Wulin pointed to quickly...


On the other side, Xu Sheng was standing in the air, his dark eyes looked at the Spirit Beast who was staring at him, surprisedly said "Oh? Didn't collapse?"

Although he deliberately suppressed his strength, he didn't expect this 100,000 Year Spirit Beast to be able to survive while his whole body was scorched by flames!

This is interesting!

Zhang Yangzi sucked in a breath of cold air and said, "Hey...withstand the blow from Master Xu just now, but nothing happened, as expected of a 100,000 Year Spirit Beast!"

Wang Jinxi shook the head and said, "No, the Spirit Ability of Old Xu teacher, I remember it seems to be aimed at mental force!"

At the beginning, even dancing teacher did not hold back these spiritual pains. And fell into a coma!

Xu Xiaoyan looked thoughtful and said, "In other words, does this 100,000 Year Spirit Beast have some resistance to spiritual attacks?"

But Master Old Xu is really powerful , just use the 10,000-year spirit ring...


10,000 years? ?

And, it's only the first spirit ring! ! ?

Xu Xiaoyan reacted, and immediately looked towards the bottom of Xu Sheng with disbelief...

When she saw the terrifying flickering under Xu Sheng's feet After wearing the spirit ring, cry out in surprise "Fake... Fake right?? Master Old Xu actually has four thousand-year-old spirit rings and two 100,000-year-old spirit rings??"

Never heard of anyone with such a terrifying spirit ring ratio!

Zhang Yangzi said with a bit of pride, "Calm down, if not the strongest teacher in the entire federation, how could he be qualified to teach us zero class"

Wang Jinxi nodded echoed. "en! Master Old Xu's strength should be invincible at the same level. If he can get a battle armor, I'm afraid..."

I'm afraid that against Spirit Douluo, Titled Douluo has the power to fight!

As the words of the two of them fell, Xu Xiaoyan looked towards Xu Sheng's eyes, which became brighter and brighter...

Is this the head teacher of Class Zero?

It really is a talented teacher who teaches talented students! !

Xu Sheng said with a smile when he heard them tell the truth here, "It's okay, you little fellows, I'm going to be embarrassed to say it!"

Zhang Yangzi said contemptuously, "Hey~~ then, Master Old Xu, why are you smiling so happily?"

He clearly said no, but his body was very honest!

Xu Sheng paused, as if he had remembered something, opened the mouth and said "Right, I remember that after killing the Spirit Beast, you should be able to absorb the spiritual power it generates, right?"

Wang Jinxi was nodded, but hesitantly said, "It's true, but the cultivation base of this Spirit Beast is 100,000 years, even if the spiritual power generated after death is only one-tenth of the age. , that's also ten thousand years!"

If the difference between the spiritual power absorbed and your own strength is too large, even if this is a virtual space, there will be mortal danger!

The corners of Zhang Yangzi's mouth twitched a few times, "For ten thousand years... we can absorb a hundred years of spiritual power even if we die."

He is still young, so he doesn't want to die like this!

Xu Sheng understood nodded, "Is that so? That's a pity"

After finishing speaking, he slammed his palm, and countless sturdy Ghost Vines from the 100,000 Year Spirit Beast's all around rises from the ground, strangling its forcibly in it...

After these Ghost Vines disappear, there is only a mass of spiritual power that exudes white radiance, and in the A certain speed is lost...

In addition to the Spirit Beast with the status of "Guardian" in the Ascension Platform, at other times, no matter what cultivation base Spirit Beast is killed, the spirit bone will not explode!

This short scene once again made the students of Class Zero behind him redefine his strength!

Zhang Yangzi smacked his lips and said, "Isn't he not even able to kill him with a single Spirit Ability? How can he be strangled by just relying on Spirit??"

Xu Xiaoyan He asked solemnly, "Master Old Xu, are you hiding your strength and being able to kill a Spirit Master of 100,000 Year Spirit Beast at will? How can you only be at the level of a Spirit Emperor?"

Wang Jinxi pursed his lips, " I also suspect that Master Old Xu is hiding his strength, otherwise everything that happened can't be explained!"

The 100,000 Year Spirit Beast, which even Spirit Douluo is afraid of, is like 10 Year Spirit in Xu Sheng's hands Just like Beast, you can get scattered ashes and dispersed smoke at your fingertips!

Xu Sheng smiled slightly, and didn't mean to explain...

And soon, the three of Tang Wulin also arrived here...

When they saw that Xu Sheng was there, Tang Wulin was shocked and said, "Master Old Xu, why are you coming in too??"

Xie Xie raised his chin and questioned, "Could it be that this is also Sheng? Old Xu, a fictional master from Lingtai?"

Gu Yue's face grimmed, and she said cautiously from a distance, "I can't tell with naked eyes, maybe it's Spirit Beast's change!"


The Spirit Master above Level 10 spirit power cannot enter the space of the primary level Ascension Platform!



(end of this chapter)

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