Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1446


Chapter 1446 changes (please subscribe)

On the other side, in the duel of the Blacksmiths Association...

I was standing on a high place watching the duel teachers of Tang Wulin's entire group. After seeing Ye Xinglan defeating the opposite male Spirit Master, nodded praised, "Well, this Ye Xinglan's strength is not bad, even among the students in the outer courtyard. , also belongs to Yes"

"That's not it, it is said that she was originally a student of the inner courtyard! It's just that she can't enter for some reason!"

"But it is undeniable that this is possible. Easy to defeat the opponent, has several points of luck, so, it is not good enough!"

After a brief discussion, they filled in Ye Xinglan's final exam evaluation with a "" qualified"!

This means that Ye Xinglan has completed the final exam!

And back to the ring, Xie Ru took a deep breath, and said, "Then let me do the second match!" "Xie Ru, don't be careless, after Ye Xinglan's duel, they will definitely not keep their hands!"

Originally, he wanted to say that he would have the second duel, but Xie Rui You've made such a statement, and you can't refuse!

Gu Yue also said seriously, "Well, once you fail, you will lose the chance to stay in Shrek Academy! Be sure to take it seriously!"

Xu Xiaoyan exclaimed, "Thank you, Come on, I believe you can defeat your opponent!"

These words filled Xie Le with confidence, raised his thumb and said, "Don't worry everyone, as a Shrek student, how could I possibly lose!"


So, he jumped suddenly and fell on the ring...

And the opposite side also sent a Spirit Master, whose slender hair covered his left eye, let him see It's a little weird...

Just after entering the ring, I coldly said to Xie Ru, "You are Xie Ru, right? Although my spirit power level is higher than yours, it's a bit shameless to win, but I am I won't release water!"

The corner of Xie Ru's mouth raised an arc, "I can't ask for it!"

Do you really think that if the spirit power level is higher, you will be able to conquer yourself?

The students of Shrek Academy are always leapfrogging!

Zhenhua suddenly announced, "The two sides release their Spirit, and the showdown will begin in three seconds!"

The words fell, and the two released their Spirits one after another...

A sharp-edged dagger appeared in Xie Re's hand, and three spirit rings rose under his feet...

And the male Spirit Master on the opposite side appeared behind him. The meter-sized eagle, a pair of sharp eyes locked the former...



"One! The duel begins"

As these words fell, the opposite male Spirit Master without the slightest hesitation released the first Spirit Ability!

The first Spirit Ability, Eagle Beak!

In an instant, the sharp mouth of the eagle behind him condensed a layer of cold glow, as if it could tear everything...

Locked Xie After Xie, he dived at a very fast speed...

In the blink of an eye, he had already reached Xie Ru's front, came back to his senses, he immediately retreated backwards, dodging the attack The beak attack coming...

Cry out in surprise secretly in my heart "So fast! Is this guy also an agile attack spirit master!"

In this case, I don't have any advantage. !

The male Spirit Master opposite showed a surprised look, opened the mouth and said "Escaped with no difficulty. It seems that you are also a Spirit Master of agility!"

Xie Sha Leng gave an "hmph", "Then let's compare and see who is faster! The first Spirit Ability, Light Dragon Dagger!"

The first spirit ring under his feet lights up... …

Until the light dragon dagger in his hand burst into rays of light, he rushed towards the opposite male Spirit Master without hesitation, and the two of them were like Gui Mei, fighting together...

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tang Wulin worriedly said, "The situation is not good. Both sides are Spirit Masters of agility and attack systems, but Xie Ru's spirit power level is obviously lower!"

Gu Yue pursed her thin lips, "I knew this matchup should be replaced by me!"

Her Spirit should be the most suitable for dealing with agile attack-type Spirit Masters!

Xu Xiaoyan said with emotion, "It's too late to say this now. I hope Xie Lai can perform well and win this duel."

Ye Xinglan didn't speak, just stared silently. Facing the dazzling duel between the two, my palms could not help clenching tightly...

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that my last duel was meaningless!

Around Shrek Academy!

Xu Lizhi stared at the federation coins he had obtained by selling the steamed buns, and moved, "Huh, we have finally sold the steamed buns, and we have enough money for the ticket to Mingdu! Sister Xinglan! , wait for me"

I don't know if Sister Xinglan has been away for so long, whether she has eaten well, whether she is wearing warm clothes, and whether she has successfully completed the final exam!

Zheng Yiran, who was standing not far away, said with a sneer, "I said, you should worry about yourself, don't be eliminated when the time comes, that's true. The jokes of our class"

Xu Lizhi's face froze, and he said angrily, "You are not allowed to slander Sister Xinglan! She will definitely be able to successfully complete the final exam!"

Ye Xinglan was in her heart Is the most sacred, never allow others to insult!

Zheng Yiran laughed with a "pu 呲", "What? You're angry when you look like this? Do you have the ability to fight against me?"

"Oh, by the way. , I forgot that you are an auxiliary spirit master, you can only hide behind other people's garbage!"

She has long been upset about Tang Wulin and the others, and now she has to take advantage of the others' absence. Bully this guy!

next to Xu Yucheng frowned and said, "Zheng Yiran, that's enough, there's no need to offend Tang Wulin and the others!"

Although he was also very upset about Tang Wulin and the others, but after all, they are still students in a class. If they were to cast aside all considerations for face, they would not be able to please them!

Luo Guixing also nodded and said "en! In the class now, our situation is very delicate, if..."

Zheng Yiran turned around immediately, angrily shouted "Shut up , I really don't know what you are afraid of! Two cowards!"

This sentence made Xu Yucheng and Luo Guixing's faces gloomy, "You..."

If it wasn't for the two The situation of people in the class is very embarrassing, and they don't want to have the slightest intersection with Zheng Yiran in front of them!

Whether it is the latter's character or behavior, it is very unpleasant!

Zheng Yiran directly ignored the two of them, and said disdainfully to Xu Yuzhi, "Forget it, bullying you rubbish, I have no interest!"

a trifling assistant spirit Master, it's not worth your attention at all!

After saying this, she turned around and left...

Looking at the back of her leaving, Xu Lizhi, who was sluggish in place, suddenly turned extremely red...

Sister Xinglan was insulted by others in front of her...

But because it is an auxiliary department, there is no way to defend the former in the name of battle!

This made his heart feel as if it was pierced by needles...

At this moment, Ye Xinglan suddenly appeared in his mind when he encountered difficulties. The scene...

As more and more scenes appear, his eyes gradually become firmer...

He wants to change!

Become a Spirit Master who can protect Ye Xinglan!


(end of this chapter)

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