Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1447


Chapter 1447 Tower owner, eternal east wind (please subscribe)

At this moment, the highest level of Spirit Pagoda Inside the great hall!

Thirty-six seats with a sense of technology have been established all around, and those sitting in these positions are all Elders of Spirit Pagoda!

also has a common name, that is, the Council, which is responsible for deliberating on matters within the Spirit Pagoda!

As for the two seats with special textures in the center, they naturally represent the most precious identity!

Sitting on top of them are the masters of Spirit Pagoda, the eternal east wind! Deputy Tower Master, Leng Yaozhu!

can be vaguely seen, the elders of the council below all looked towards Qiangu Dongfeng and Leng Yaozhu, and whispered about it...

"I don't know the tower master this time. What are you calling us to do? Could it be that there is something wrong with each tower?"

"It should be impossible, I feel that during this period of time, calm and tranquil have not changed!"

"It's useless no matter how much we guess, the tower owner will naturally explain the specific situation later!"

"Shh, don't talk about it, don't you see the ugly face of the tower owner?"

At this moment, Qiangu Dongfeng, the owner of the tower, scolded "Quiet!" in a cold and coercive tone.

When the sound spread throughout the great hall, All the elders shut their mouths one after another...

Qiangu Dongfeng nodded, and then continued, "This time, every elder in the council is called to come here because something happened recently that was enough to shock the continent. things!"

Hearing this sentence, the elders of the council below all showed rays of light with confusion and doubt...

Seeing them With a dazed face, Qiangu Dongfeng frowned slightly, and said to Leng Yaozhu next to him, "It seems that all the elders don't quite understand, Deputy Tower Master, please explain in detail!"

Leng Yao Zhu pursed her thin lips, but did not choose to refuse, "Yes! Tower Master!"

Immediately afterwards, the whole person stood up from the seat. Weiya instantly shrouded the entire great hall, making the space a bit more dull...

Leng Yaozhu's sharp eyes glanced at everyone present, and grim said, "Everyone. Elder, according to the news from our Spirit Pagoda tower, the Holy Spirit not only gathered in a big way recently, but also took the initiative to launch an attack on Shrek Academy!”

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused a lot of shocking people. Words...

"What? How is this possible, normally the Evil Spirit Master taught by Holy Spirit sees Shrek Academy and wants to run away, so why would he choose to take the initiative to attack!"

"No Wrong, those Sea God elders of Shrek Academy can't be trifled with! Every one of them has reached ter rifying Super Douluo! Not to mention the tower owner! "

"This Holy Spirit teacher really dares to do something to Shrek Academy, it is totally courting death!" "

"The Evil Spirit Master taught by Holy Spirit is a street rat"

In their opinion, the heritage of Shrek Academy is far from what Holy Spirit can match!

Leng Yaozhu's expression didn't change, he still said calmly, "I know it's hard for you Elders to believe, but in the last confrontation between Shrek Academy and Holy Spirit, the inner courtyard students of Shrek Academy Attacked and nearly wiped out! "

"This news has been confirmed! "

There were some elders who didn't want to believe it, but after hearing the last sentence, they were all stunned...

Leng Yaozhu paused for a while and continued." This also shows one thing, since the Holy Spirit teachers dare to attack Shrek Academy, it means that they have the confidence to be their enemy! ”

“And our Spirit Pagoda, as one of the strongest forces in the continent, will naturally be a thorn in the side of the Holy Spirit, so this time, everyone is called to discuss how to cooperate with Shrek Academy to eliminate Holy Spirit teaches! "

After finishing speaking, she sat back in her seat...

But at that moment, she looked towards Qiangu Dongfeng next to her with strange eyes...


The latter did not seem to notice this scene, and still opened the mouth and said with a blank face, "It's just as the deputy tower master said, if the Shrek Academy is destroyed by the Holy Spirit, it will definitely affect our Spirit. The foundation of Pagoda..."


It took a few hours before the entire military conference ended...

When all Spirit Pagoda's Elder After the projection disappeared, Leng Yaozhu opened the mouth to Qiangu Dongfeng next to him and said "Pagoda Master..."

His voice was very weak, and he seemed to be a little hesitant...

Qiangu Dongfeng's deep eyes narrowed, calmly said "What's wrong? Heavenly Phoenix, this is not your style! "

Leng Yaozhu bit her thin lip, shook her head and said, "No... nothing, I just think what you said at the military conference was a little too hasty?" And..."

The bottom of my heart is secretly said "Impossible, with the tower owner's character, he will never do such a thing, how can he doubt the other party"

Qiangu Dongfeng surprisedly said "Oh? It seems that Heavenly Phoenix, you disagree with my decision, but I'm a little tired today, you should leave first! "

Leng Yaozhu seemed to want to say something, but swallowed it forcefully, "This... well, then Pavilion Lord, I'll leave first!" "

After she finished speaking, she took a deep look at the former before turning around and leaving the great hall...

And just after she left, a gloomy voice rang out. Get up...

"tsk tsk tsk, as expected of the tower master of Spirit Pagoda, he was able to keep everyone in the valley so easily! "

It is none other than the one who is speaking, it is one of the Four Great Heavenly Kings taught by Holy Spirit, the dark bloodfiend!

Qiangu Dongfeng glanced at the former coldly, icily said "How I do things has nothing to do with your Holy Spirit teaching? In addition, the conditions I mentioned..."

Before he could finish speaking, dark bloodfiend licked scarlet's lips and said with a sneer "Don't worry, you can agree to all the conditions you mentioned, after all Today's Spirit Pagoda is an ally of our Holy Spirit teaching, and naturally it is impossible to treat you badly! "

Qiangu Dongfeng's face softened a bit, "hmph, this is the best, I know that your Holy Spirit has always planned to annex continent, but recently, keep a low profile, otherwise, we will be called Spirit." Pagoda get involved! "

He doesn't want to keep wiping the ass of these guys taught by Holy Spirit!

The dark bloodfiend said with disapproval "You should pay attention to yourself instead of worrying about the mistakes of our Holy Spirit Church." Well, if I'm not mistaken, most of the forces, including the Shrek Academy, have become suspicious."

Spirit Pagoda is an ally of their Holy Spirit teaching, how is this possible!

At most, it's just a pawn to transport Spirit Soul!

Wait until the Holy Spirit teacher solves Shrek Academy and wants to control the Spirit Pagoda, it's a piece of cake!

Qiangu Dongfeng stretched out Right hand, then slowly clenched, "You are right, but only if they can find evidence! ! ”

If there is no evidence, even Shrek Academy will have nothing to do with Spirit Pagoda!

This is the reason why he, the pagoda owner, dares to cooperate with the Holy Spirit teacher!!





(end of this chapter)


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