Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1448


Chapter 1448 Xie Ru was beheaded? (Please subscribe)

Leng Yaozhu, who had just left the Spirit Pagoda great hall, suddenly tightened her pupils...

A complex color appeared on her cheeks, and she murmured, "That one. The breath that came in an instant...can't be wrong! It's definitely Evil Spirit Master"

She kept her mind before leaving and let her mental force spread out to the surrounding, didn't expect really noticed the difference!

secretly said "And this Evil Spirit Master can just and honorable appear in the Spirit Pagoda great hall, I'm afraid that the tower owner really secretly colluded with Spirit Pagoda!"


Perhaps, I can no longer sit idly by!

Even if Qiangu Dongfeng is the owner of the tower, as long as she colludes with the Holy Spirit, she will never choose to forgive!

Thinking of this, Leng Yaozhu took a deep breath, stepped away from Spirit Pagoda, moved towards Shrek Academy and walked towards...


Blacksmiths Association, in the ring!

I saw the third spirit ring under the feet of the opposite male Spirit Master light up, and the eagle behind him immediately made a heart-pounding cry...

The ash- The gray feathers were like sharp arrows, with a strong penetrating force moved towards Xie La and rushed away...

Once they were hit, I'm afraid the whole person would become a sieve!

Below Tang Wulin cry out in surprise "Xie Ru, be careful!"

Gu Yue said indifferently "Don't worry, this Spirit Ability shouldn't hurt him!"


Xu Xiaoyan also smiled nodded "en! Xie Ru's strength is not as weak as we thought! Just believe him silently!"

Facing the dense arrow feathers in front of him, Xie La frowned and said, "Damn! This guy is really tough! The second Spirit Ability, Light Dragon Storm"

At the same time as the second soul lit up, the huge golden shock wave hit him with his own As the origin, moved towards the surrounding swept away...

All the arrow feathers that were affected were knocked out one after another, without causing any damage to it...

Relying on this In the gap, Xie Le quickly dodged to the side, and all the arrows that came later fluttered...

The male Spirit Master on the opposite side saw that all his attacks missed, and his face did not appear. No surprise...

Because of this Spirit Ability, it was originally just to consume Xie Ru's spirit power!

Next, he will defeat the latter with one blow!

Immediately, coldly shouted "I admit, if the spirit power level is the same, you are indeed stronger than me, but now I, who have a higher spirit power level, will definitely not lose! Fourth Spirit Ability, the eagle strikes the sky!"

After saying this, the fourth spirit ring suddenly flickered...

If you look closely, you will find the breath released by this fourth spirit ring It is extremely powerful, and has been infinitely close to the spirit ring of ten thousand years...

After the other party's Spirit Ability was displayed, Xie Le glanced at his body and found that every part was condensed with a white glow... ...

He couldn't help but wonder "I'm... locked?"

Obviously, this is the locking Spirit Ability!

If you don't have a special Spirit Ability, you can't dodge it!

But in the next second, the corners of Xie Ru's mouth raised an arc, "However, as I wish!"

The reason why he didn't put it at the beginning of the duel The Shadow Dragon Blade was released just for the moment in front of you!

Fighting head on, you will never be weaker than your opponent!

Thinking of this, he immediately released the invisible shadow dragon blade, and after clenching the two daggers in his hand, he rushed out without any weakness...

Seeing this, the male Spirit Master said with a sneer "Knowing that I released the fourth Spirit Ability, I didn't want to avoid it, but I dared to take the initiative to rush over. It seems that I won this duel!"

Immediately afterwards, the whole person fuses together with the eagle behind him, stretches out the sharp claw, and heads towards Xie Sha strikes...

When the two collided, a burst of explosions erupted. A shocking sound...

After just a few seconds of fighting, Xie La felt that his spirit power was exhausted, and his body was torn into several pieces by the sharp claw in an instant, and the scarlet's blood flowed toward him. All around sputtered away...

Tang Wulin's eyes turned red, and he shouted "Thank you!!!"

Gu Yue also ugly complexion and said, "Why... How could this be! You know you're not an opponent, why do you have to fight?"

Xu Xiaoyan looked at the silhouette that was torn apart in the ring match, and said in a daze, "Thank you...that sharp claw gave him It's torn apart!"

The two Spirit Masters on the opposite side stared wide-eyed when they saw that their companions were so cruel Killed the opponent!"

"It's obviously just a discussion, if there is a kill, but I can't eat it and walk around."

In the ring competition, I saw Xie Ru being killed. The male Spirit Master, who was torn by himself, was also dumbfounded...

Secretly said, "Damn! I was too serious, and accidentally killed the opponent!"

After that Severe punishment is definitely inevitable!

But on second thought, he felt that something was wrong!

Wait... If you kill the Spirit Master on the opposite side, the president should immediately stop the duel!

But now there is no sound at all, could it be...

At this moment, he seemed to understand something, and hurriedly turned around...

and greeted him.

His is the unscathed Xie Ru, and the golden double-edged cold glow in his hand...

The male Spirit Master who was hit by the double-edged spit a mouthful of blood, Falling down like kite with its string cut...

Xie Ru neither fast nor slow walked over, put the light dragon dagger beside the former's neck, indifferently said "I won"

Fortunately, he switched to a knife-back attack at the last moment, otherwise, this blow is likely to kill the opponent!

The male student who collapsed on the ground gave a wry smile, "I lost, but can you tell me when you released the doppelganger?"

Xie Ru just blinked Blinking his eyes, he didn't mean to explain...

Faced with this sudden turnaround, Tang Wulin rubbed his eyes and said in a daze, " What's the situation? Xie Ru, he was not..."

Gu Yue's beautiful eyes narrowed, "doppelganger! It should be his third Spirit Ability! Light Dragon doppelganger!"

This guy has already Has it grown to this point? Even I didn't find out when he used the third Spirit Ability!

But in the next second, a look of sudden realization appeared on her cheeks...

She secretly said in her heart, "Could it be that when the Light Dragon Storm was released, her vision was blocked by the rays of light? At that moment?"

With this, the whole situation makes sense!

Xu Xiaoyan patted his chest and said, " scared me to death, I really thought he was torn in half by the opponent just now, but it's fine!"

The two students on the opposite side also sighed with emotion, "I lost, are all the students of Shrek Academy so strong?"

"Although they are stronger than their opponents, they are still weak in combat experience. Quite a few, perhaps, this is the reason why Shrek students were able to leapfrog!"

Zhenhua then announced, "This match is over, Xie La wins!"

Immediately, the Admiring glances looked towards Xie Ru, "Performed very well!"

Xie Ru, who was praised, chuckled, "President is overpraised!"





(end of this chapter)

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