Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1460


Chapter 1460 Tang Sect’s assistance (please subscribe)

Qiangu Dongfeng glanced at her, He narrowed his eyes and said, "Deputy Tower Master, what do you mean? When did I send someone to monitor you!"

Why did Leng Yaozhu change so much after going out? When she found out who was watching her, she endured it silently!

But now I actually come to question myself!

What kind of medicine does she sell in her bottle gourd?

Leng Yaozhu still coldly said "Tower Master, do you think you can hide these things from me?"

Qiangu Dongfeng pursed his lips and looked so deeply. Looking at her without making a sound...

Seeing the former look like this, Leng Yaozhu said again, "I'm not interested in the position of the tower master, so the reason why I still stay in the Spirit Pagoda as the deputy tower master , I just like this place more than joining a small sect and Academy!"

"If the tower owner does this, I can only forgive me for withdrawing from Spirit Pagoda!"

Now the doubts of Qiangu Dongfeng must be dispelled, even if it is used as an excuse to quit Spirit Pagoda!

Hearing this sentence, Qiangu Dongfeng's cheeks finally moved, and he said in a panic, "Deputy Pagoda Master, do you know what you are talking about?"

Spirit Pagoda If you lose Leng Yaozhu, you will lose a powerhouse at the Limit Douluo level!

It is difficult for him alone to lead the thirty-six councilors who glare like a tiger watching his prey to the Spirit Pagoda tower master!

Leng Yaozhu said expressionlessly, "I naturally know what I'm doing, and the tower owner doesn't trust me so much. It's better to leave now than to stay here, right?"

Qiangu Dongfeng's eyes flashed a few strange rays of light, as if he was considering the authenticity of this sentence...

After a while, he sighed as if he were a dozen years old, "This is The second thing is that I think too much, I shouldn't doubt you like others!"

"Deputy tower master, I will remove the person who is monitoring you later, and don't say anything about leaving in the future. Spirit Pagoda's remarks!"

Leng Yaozhu's expression softened a bit, calmly said, "If the tower owner can keep his word! Of course I'd be happy to stay in Spirit Pagoda!"

After she finished speaking, she didn't say anything more and walked away...

Her goal has been achieved! If you go on, it might reveal something!

Looking at the back of Leng Yaozhu leaving, Qiangu Dongfeng murmured, "Could it be that she really doesn't know what I'm doing, or is even indifferent?"

Hidden In the dark bloodfiend in the dark, he sarcastically said, "This may not be possible! What if you, the deputy tower master, Spirit Pagoda, are going to inform Shrek Academy?"

"In my opinion, you and I are still Let's join forces to kill her! There is no need to keep such a big disaster, if you are afraid that one person cannot control the Spirit Pagoda, the Holy Spirit can also help you!"

Qiangu Dongfeng's face turned cold, angrily shouted "Dark bloodfiend, I said, I will handle the internal affairs of Spirit Pagoda myself, it is not your Holy Spirit's turn to intervene!"

The next second, the vast spirit power in his body It erupted suddenly, and the turbulent moved towards the dark bloodfiend rushed away...

The latter saw this and just waved his hand at will, which offset the shock of this terrifying spirit power...

Immediately afterwards, he felt bored and sneered...

The whole person quietly merged into the shadow...

Then, after leaving a sentence , then chose to leave...

"hmph, I hope you don't regret your decision today!"


At this moment, Tang Sect headquarters!

I saw Hall Master and sect master Cao Zhide all gathered together...

One of them, Tang Sect Disciple, bowed down, opened the mouth and said "Report to sect master. , Hall Masters, not long ago, we received a message for help from Shrek Academy!"

As soon as the words fell, Strength Hall Master Zhao Song said quite surprisedly "Oh? It turned out to be a message for help! This is not like the style of those Sea God Pavilion Elders!"

Speed Hall Hall Master Liang Xiaoyu nodded, said solemnly "Well, Shrek Academy basically won't ask for help until it is a last resort. As for other strengths, even our Tang Sect and Shrek Academy are very close!”

Vice Sect Master Zang Xin disdainfully said, “Isn’t it that those Sea God Pavilion Elders want to save face? Let's talk to Influence, that bullshit Holy Spirit has long been destroyed!"

He couldn't stand the aloof and remote appearance of those Sea God Pavilion Elders!

Douhuntang Hall Master Guo Xiaoxu saw this, coughed a little, and reminded in a low voice, "cough cough... The sect master is still here, Vice Sect Master, you still need to pay attention to your image!"

After Zang Xin glared at the former, said ill-humoredly "What are you afraid of, am I not telling the truth?"

Cao Zhide glanced at Zang Xin, indifferently said "Vice Sect Master, that's almost it!"

Most of the senior management and Disciple of their Tang Sect were basically Shrek Academy, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are affiliates of Shrek Academy!

Zang Xin gave a cold "hmph" and didn't say anything more...

He just couldn't get used to the Sea God Pavilion Elder, and he had a very good impression of Shrek Academy!

Cao Zhide then looked towards the other Hall Masters, opened the mouth and said "Then, regarding this request for help from Shrek Academy, how do you Hall Masters think of assisting?"


Liang Xiaoyu patted his chest and said, "sect master, let's send Speed Hall Disciple to do this. No one is better at gathering intelligence than us!"

With their participation, it will definitely help Shrek Academy to find the specific location taught by Holy Spirit faster!

Zhao Song raised his chin and said, "Shrek Academy lost so many students from the inner courtyard not long ago, what they need is a more powerful Spirit Master, instead of sending Speed Hall, we should send us Strength Hall Disciple. Go and support!"

"I think...the times are different now, the formidable power of the spirit tool is even far stronger than the attack of the Spirit Master, so send..."

"go go go, where will this kind of thing get your Soul Guidance Hall!"

"That's right! You still stay in Tang Sect and do research quietly, that's the biggest contribution!"

Hearing these noisy words, the impatient Zang Xin scolded, "What a commotion about this trivial matter, leave the Dou Soul Hall and Soul Guidance Hall to guard Tang Sect, and send all the other halls out. Is it alright?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room suddenly became weird...

"It seems like that's the truth, there are Soul Guidance Hall and Doudou Soul Hall is here, even if Holy Spirit teachers take the opportunity to attack our Tang Sect, they can easily resist!”

“Well, in this way, Shrek Academy can be carried out to the greatest extent while ensuring the safety of Tang Sect. Support!"

"As expected of the Vice Sect Master, I immediately thought of the key points!"

Cao Zhide calmly said "Although what the Vice Sect Master said was very simple, he did say it. That's right, then I'll go into more detail!"

"First, Speed Hall and Strength Hall need to be responsible for helping Shrek Academy to scout the surroundings..."




(end of this chapter)

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