Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1461


Chapter 1461 Attack on Tang Sect (Subscribe)

Soon, the whole Tang Sect Following the instructions of sect master Cao Zhide, they quickly mobilized...

In just one afternoon, the team responsible for supporting Shrek Academy, including Speed Hall, arrived at Shrek City and quickly carried out investigation!

It is also because of the arrival of the Tang Sect support force that Spirit Masters in Shrek City and its surrounding areas have discovered that something is wrong!

A lot of Spirit Masters commented, "Why do you feel like the number of Spirit Masters around Shrek City has increased a lot, are they from other cities?"

" No, the point is that most of these Spirit Master's spirit power levels are above the Spirit King's, and they look very neat!"

"You are too stupid, don't you see the costumes on those teams? And the logo? It's obviously the Disciple of the Tang Sect!"

"Hey...Tang Sect?? Don't they always care about the continent? Why are so many Spirit Masters dispatched this time? Come on, do you want to take advantage of this opportunity to attack Shrek Academy!"

"Shrek Academy and Tang Sect are basically one body, how could it be possible to attack each other, I'm afraid the former took the initiative to ask for help!"

Just as it was noisy, one of the Spirit Masters opened the mouth loudly and said, "You don't have to guess. Just now, the Sea God Pavilion Elders of Shrek Academy have made their attitude clear."

"They will join forces with Tang Sect and various forces to conduct a carpet search for the Holy Spirit Cult! I believe this time, the nest of those Evil Spirit Masters will definitely be found and annihilated in one fell swoop!"

As soon as these words came out, many Spirit Masters suddenly showed a look of joy, excitedly said "very good! With these evil cunning Evil Spirit Masters, I can't sleep well, and now I can finally watch The Holy Spirit teaching has destroyed hope!"

"I just said, how could Shrek Academy be afraid of the trifling Holy Spirit teaching, so long without movement, it turned out to be a big move!"

"Long live Shrek Academy! Long live Shrek Academy!"

At the same time, compared to the excitement of these Spirit Masters, the expressions of the Evil Spirit Masters hiding in the dark are extremely ugly!

Because of the intervention of other forces, the scope of their actions began to shrink indefinitely, even worse than before!

I saw one of the Evil Spirit Masters showing a hateful look, gloomy and coldly said "Damn Tang Sect, actually at this time interfering with our Holy Spirit teaching, really courting death!"


It is clear that Shrek Academy is almost at the end of the Holy Spirit teaching, and they will be able to solve it in a short time. Tang Sect's intervention completely broke their plan!

Another Evil Spirit Master's scarlet eyes flickered, icily said, "Tang Sect's heritage is not inferior to Shrek Academy and our Holy Spirit teacher. Now the two are joining forces, we are in There is no chance of winning on the surface!"

"Don't be afraid of them, as long as Lord Demon Sovereign is around, sooner or later our Holy Spirit will be able to rule this continent!"

"That's right! How about the cooperation between Shrek Academy and Tang Sect, don't we Holy Spirit also have Spirit Pagoda as a chess piece? They are already tied to us, it is absolutely impossible to stand by!"

"Long live the Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit! Long live the Spirit Teaching!"

"Tap on Shrek Academy, Step on Shrek Academy!"


Holy Spirit Teach!

But when the story of Tang Sect's assistance to Shrek Academy reached Haros, he immediately found the Ghost Emperor!

I saw Haros bowing slightly, his face a little ugly and said, "Teach... Sect Lord, the situation has changed, our plan may not work!"

Ghost Emperor There was no expression on the cheeks covered by the mask, and calmly said, "Haros, what happened? It made you so panic!" Such a look man!

The former heard the words, tried to calm down as much as possible, and said seriously, "Sect Lord, today, Tang Sect suddenly sent a lot of Disciples into Shrek City!"

Ghost Emperor raised his brows, "Tang Sect, isn't that Tang Sect weaker than Spirit Pagoda?"

Although it has been rumored that the power of Tang Sect can be compared with Spirit Pagoda, it has not been Confirmed!

Haros nodded affirmed "That's right!"

Ghost Emperor narrowed his eyes and said, "How many people did they dispatch?"

Haros took a deep breath, and said again, "According to a rough estimate, at least nearly 5,000 Disciples have been dispatched, which is almost three-fifths of the number of Spirit Masters in the entire Tang Sect!"

"We already have quite a few Evil Spirits. The Master died in the hands of these Tang Sect Disciples, if they don't order to retreat, I'm afraid all Evil Spirit Masters around Shrek City will be wiped out!"

This time Tang Sect's shot is entirely in their Holy Spirit Unexpectedly taught by Spirit!

From another angle, it does relieve the pressure of Holy Spirit teaching on Shrek Academy!

Ghost Emperor's eyes became colder and colder, "With so many Disciples dispatched, Tang Sect's internal defense must be very weak. Maybe we can change a strategy and completely destroy Tang Sect first!"


Since you want to hinder the Holy Spirit religion, you must plan to be destroyed!

Harosshook the head, "Sect Lord, this is not feasible! Tang Sect's spirit tool attainment has almost reached the continent Peak, just relying on the ordinary Evil Spirit Master, there is basically no breakthrough Tang Sect Possibility of defense!”

“even more how, if you do both Shrek Academy and Tang Sect at the same time, even if there are enough Evil Spirit Masters taught by Holy Spirit, it is not a wise choice!”

Although there are many Evil Spirit Masters, they can't die in vain without playing a little role!

Hearing that his proposal was resolutely rejected, Ghost Emperor said sadly, "Haros, what should we do in your opinion?"

This guy, yes His attitude is getting more and more contemptuous!

Do you really think that your Sect Lord, who is not just in name only, but also in reality, is a vegetarian?

Haros heard the threat in his words, wiped his forehead and said, "Sect Lord...I can't say for sure on this matter, it's better to ask Lord Demon Sovereign to decide!"

The Ghost Emperor's face didn't change, he said indifferently "There is no need to inform the Demon Sovereign about this matter. According to my order, let Nana Li lead some Evil Spirit Masters to attack Tang Sect!"

Of course he doesn't expect to destroy Tang Sect in one fell swoop, this is just to test whether Tang Sect is as strong as rumored!

Haros hesitated, and said with some heart palpitations, "But Sect Lord, we are hiding from the Demon Sovereign, if she finds out..."

Before Ghost Emperor could answer, A woman walked out from behind Ghost Emperor with lotus steps. After glancing at the former, she calmly said, "No need, just do as he said, just to test Tang Sect's weight!"

Tang Sect and other forces that have made good friends with Shrek Academy will take action. She also expected it, but didn't expect it so fast!

Seeing Demon Sovereign saying this, the hesitant look on Haros' face disappeared immediately, and he respectfully said, "Yes, Sect Lord, Lord Demon Sovereign! I'll inform Nana Li now!"


(End of this chapter)

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