Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1463


Chapter 1463 Tang Sect Attacked (Subscribe)

As soon as these words came out, the The Hall Masters came back to his senses from their consternation, Strength Hall Hall Master's eyes narrowed, and he said a little apologetically, "This Elder joined the Sea God Pavilion Elder at such a young age. It's really surprising, it's just us. It's abrupt! Please don't mind the Elder!"

Since this man can join the Sea God Pavilion with Spirit Saint's realm, there should be something special about him!

It is not a wise choice to offend Shrek Academy for this!

Xu Sheng smiled slightly, obviously already used to it, after all, I have experienced this kind of embarrassing scene a few times...

"It's okay, I can enter the Sea God Pavilion as the Elder, I I'm also very surprised!"

Yun Ming, who stared blankly at this scene, opened the mouth and said "Xu Elder, since you're here, let's sit down first, and now we will officially start the discussion. !"

Xu Sheng didn't say much, found his seat and sat down...

Cai Yue'er's face gradually became serious, she looked towards Speed Hall Hall Master, opened the mouth and said "Speed Hall Hall Master, how many Disciples did Tang Sect dispatch to assist Shrek Academy this time?"

Speed Hall Hall Master heard this, and immediately opened the mouth and said " Originally, we planned to send 2,000 Tang Sect Disciples to support, but the sect master, considering that Shrek Academy asked for help, must be in big trouble, so about three-fifths of the battle strength was dispatched!”

Zhuo Shi widened his eyes and said, "Hey... so many Tang Sect Disciples have been dispatched? It seems that this sect master also knows the truth about the death of lips and teeth!"

Able to dispatch three-fifths of the Tang Sect Disciple Disciple support, which means Shrek Academy is very important in Tang Sect's eyes!

Long Yeyue nodded slightly, "Since ancient times, the relationship between Shrek Academy and Tang Sect has been of the same mind. It is very precious to be able to make such a great sacrifice!"

Feng Wuyu thanked him. "Speed Hall Hall Master, on behalf of Shrek Academy, I would like to thank Tang Sect for helping out in this difficult situation"

This short sentence made all Tang Sect Hall Masters a little sorry, and immediately waved their hands." Elders, this is out of the question, when Tang Sect encounters difficulties, doesn’t Shrek Academy also choose to help?”

The Strength Hall Hall Master also said seriously, “Yes, we Tang Sect and Shrek Academy have joined forces. , can definitely destroy the goddamn Holy Spirit sect!"

To be honest, although they are Hall Masters in Tang Sect, they are not on the same level as Sea God Pavilion Elders in terms of status of!

And the fact that Sea God Pavilion Elder is now able to thank them in person now says a lot!

Yun Ming frowned, indifferently said "These words should be said after the Holy Spirit teaching is resolved!"

He and Tang Sect sect master Cao Zhide are the same generation of Shrek Seven Devils, the latter Even more Captain! There is no need to say much about the feelings between each other!

Speed Hall Hall Master lowered his attitude and respectfully said, "Ge bishop is right, in fact, before coming, we have instructed all Tang Sect Disciples to center on Shrek City and use the fastest speed. Investigate all around at the speed of yours, and you should be able to find all the surrounding Evil Spirit Master dens within a few days!"

"If the location of the Holy Spirit teacher is in Shrek City, it will definitely be found!! "

Tang Yinmeng lifted his chin and said, "Well, doing this can indeed effectively detect the Evil Spirit Master's lair, but there is still a lot of risk. Once encountered head-on, it is likely to suffer heavy losses!"

The corner of Speed Hall Hall Master's mouth raised an arc, "Please rest assured, Elder, our Disciple in Speed Hall is still very good at concealing breath and tracking!"

With strong confidence in the words!

In terms of strength, Speed Hall Disciples is definitely not the opponent of Shrek Academy's original inner courtyard students, but in terms of investigation, it is definitely more than several times stronger!

Even if you are found, you can escape unharmed!

The elders of the Sea God Pavilion heard the words, and they were silently nodded...

If this is the case, then it is only a matter of time to find out the Holy Spirit teaching!

But the Strength Hall Hall Master seemed to have thought of something, changed the subject and said, "By the way, through the spying of our Tang Sect Disciple, Spirit Pagoda is likely to have a connection with the Holy Spirit! Also please Elders. Be careful"

As soon as the words fell, Cai Yueer said with a grim expression, "We already know about this, and it was the deputy tower owner of Spirit Pagoda, Heavenly Phoenix Douluo who came to discuss it in person!"

Other Sea God Pavilion Elder showed a positive look...

Speed Hall Hall Master then bit his lip and said, "Havenly Phoenix Douluo personally came to discuss it? If even this adult has something to do with it. If you doubt it, it is almost certain that Spirit Pagoda and Holy Spirit have an affair, and we have to guard against it!"

Spirit Pagoda's high-end battle strength is not very strong, but there are many supporters, if you really want to take a bite, No matter which force it is, you have to be afraid of three points!

At this moment, a Tang Sect Disciple hurriedly broke into the Sea God Pavilion, excitedly said " Hall Master, we...we..."

Speed Hall Hall Master turned his head sideways, staring at the Tang Sect Disciple who rushed in in a hurry, coldly shouted "Didn't you see that the Sea God Pavilion Elders are still here? There are no rules!"

Tang Sect Disciple said with some trepidation, "Tang...Hall Master, but...but..."

Xu Sheng said with a slight smile "Don't be so excited, if you have something to say slowly !"

His words seemed to have magic power, calming the former's turbulent state of mind...

The Tang Sect Disciple took a deep breath, and said again "Hall Master , I... I... Our Tang Sect was just attacked by the Holy Spirit sect!!"


At this moment, Tang Sect is directly in front of him, and he can use naked Eye saw a bunch of densely packed silhouettes, everyone was wearing pitch black robes!

It is the team taught by Holy Spirit!

I saw the bloody eyes of these Evil Spirit Masters, staring at Tang Sect!

Everyone exudes a heart-pounding killing intent...

"Hahahaha! I can finally do something to this damn Tang Sect, this time, let them know about us The terrifying taught by Holy Spirit!”

“A trifling Tang Sect, how could it be the opponent taught by Holy Spirit, everyone, come on, kill them all!”

“No Wrong, any opponent who hinders our Holy Spirit teaching will be destroyed!!”

“Holy Spirit teaches might, Holy Spirit teaches might!”

“Destroy Tang Sect Destroy the Tang Sect!"

And on the black side of this long line like Black Dragon, one of the Evil Spirit Master whose spirit power level reaches Titled Douluo, respectfully moved towards Nana Li next to him Said "Sir, Evil Spirit Master more than 3,000 people are all ready, are we going to start the attack now?"

Nana Li's beautiful eyes glanced at the location of Tang Sect, indifferently said "en! Let's go!"

The Evil Spirit Master nodded slightly!!" Then he announced loudly, "Everyone, immediately attack Tang Sect, no one will leave behind the words

At the same time, these Evil Spirit Masters, like possessed by mad demons, moved towards Tang Sect desperately and rushed away...

The battle, in this brief moment, has begun!


(end of this chapter)

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