Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1464


Chapter 1464 The Power of Tang Sect (Subscribe)

On the defensive outer wall of Tang Sect, there is only one person Tang Sect Disciple, who was using his Spirit to observe the situation, said anxiously to Guo Xiaoxu next to him, "Report the Soul Master Hall Master, the Evil Spirit Master taught by Holy Spirit has been besieged, roughly two or three thousand people!"

Guo Xiaoxu glanced at the Disciple casually, and said indifferently "I can see it! What are you in a hurry?"

Immediately, she looked towards the continuous influx below. The Evil Spirit Master, the Evil Spirit Master, said with disdain in his heart, "Trifling two or three thousand people want to win our Tang Sect, Holy Spirit teaching is a bit too contemptuous!"

And other Tang Sect Disciples obviously can't As calm as he was, they all said, "What can we do? Strength Hall Disciple and Speed Hall Disciple just left Tang Sect, and the Evil Spirit Master taught by Holy Spirit attacked. We are not necessarily their opponents"

"That's right, especially the spirit power levels of these Evil Spirit Masters are not low. If we fight, our Tang Sect will definitely be hit hard!"

"What do I say you are? We are the Disciple of the Soul Guidance Hall. Naturally, it is impossible to fight these Evil Spirit Masters with brute force, but with the spiritual tool that we are best at!"

"Yes! I forgot that we are Soul Guides. If you use a spirit tool! These Evil Spirit Masters are definitely not our opponents!"

Guo Xiaoxu reluctantly called the head, these Soul Guidance Church Disciples have only been used until now. Is your favorite spirit tool fighting?

Immediately, he took a deep breath and said earnestly, "Pass my order, open the Soul Guidance Shield, and strengthen Tang Sect's external defense!"

"And, Soul Guidance Church Disciples all use the spirit tool to bombard the front in an area, and kill the Evil Spirit Master as much as possible!"

"This time, let the Holy Spirit teach, our Tang Sect is not in vain!"

A short sentence stirred the blood of Tang Sect Disciples, all shouted "Yes! Hall Master"

Soon, Tang Sect Disciple, who was in charge of guarding the defensive spirit tool , quickly pressed the button, and in an instant, the dazzling golden light burst into bloom...

The whole Tang Sect was enveloped by layers of shields exuding dive aura, when Evil Spirit When the Master's Spirit Ability and the attack strikes of the spirit tool hit the shield, they were absorbed in the blink of an eye, without even a single ripple!

This defensive shield is a real Level 10 spirit tool and the most important defensive link of the Tang Sect. It can resist external attacks without hindering internal attacks!

Tang Sect Disciples who saw this scene, angrily shouted "These guys' attacks are ineffective against us, everyone, attack now!"

"Blow up these dogs together. Thing! Let them dare to underestimate our Tang Sect!"

"With the defensive shield turned on, it can block any attack, the Evil Spirit Masters taught by Holy Spirit merely this, next, just Turn into the souls of our spirit tools"

naked eye It can be seen that from the high wall of Tang Sect, countless dazzling light cannons are continuously pouring out towards the Evil Spirit Masters below. Extremely fast reaping the life of Evil Spirit Master...

However, Tang Sect's counterattack is just that, the answer is no!

Because behind these fighting Tang Sect Disciples, hundreds of mechas have quietly appeared!

That's right, taking advantage of this battle time, the mecha troops of the Soul Guidance Hall are ready! Attack at any time!

The Captain of the mecha army saw this and ordered, "Mecha army! Start, annihilate them!"

The words fell, and the tail section of hundreds of mecha sprayed out blue arcs, slowly Soaring into the air, into the fray...

And because of the defensive shields and mecha troops, the unsuspecting Holy Spirit taught the Evil Spirit Masters to be completely losing ground!

After only ten minutes, the number of one third has been lost!

Nana Li, who had been observing the battle, stood up from her seat without a trace of turbulence on her cheeks, and said indifferently "Let's go and teach back to Holy Spirit!"

She has already obtained the information she needs, and she just stayed behind to watch these Evil Spirit Masters fall one by one!

The Evil Spirit Master next to him was stunned and said in a daze, "Sir, are you talking about the Holy Spirit? But the others..."

However, what they got was a full With a biting chill in his eyes...

The Evil Spirit Master immediately buried his head and said in fear, "Yes, my lord!"


Sea God Court!

After discussing the future plans and development, the Elders of the Sea God Pavilion and the people of Tang Sect felt a lot more at ease...

Cai Yueer seemed to have thought of something, Squinting his eyes, he said, "Strength Hall Hall Master, Speed Hall Hall Master, don't you need to rush back to Tang Sect for support?"

Although Shrek Academy is currently in need of assistance, if Tang Sect is in need of assistance due to this If you extinguish the sect, it will be a bit of a loss!

Lan Muzi said with a grim expression, "Well, Tang Sect dispatched nearly half of the Disciples, the defense must be very weak! Don't be careless!"

Feng Wuyu touched his own Whitebeard, "In my opinion, it would be better for Speed Hall Hall Master and Strength Hall Hall Master to lead Disciples back to deal with Evil Spirit Master!"

Strength Hall Hall Master heard the words, lightly said with a smile " Elders, you don't know this, although our Tang Sect is indeed not good at fighting between Spirit Masters, but don't forget, what Tang Sect is best at is the spirit tool!"

"In Tang Sect Attacking within the range of the Sect is tantamount to courting death!"

Speed Hall Hall Master is also nodded and echoed, "Yes, the Holy Spirit sect only sent a few thousand people to trifling, not to mention the leveling of Tang Sect. , I'm afraid even the outermost defense can't break through!"

They have 100% trust in Tang Sect's defense!

Xu Sheng smiled slightly, opened the mouth and said, "If this is the case, then the purpose of Holy Spirit teaching this attack may not be to destroy, but to test Tang Sect's strength, fortunately next time Destroy it in one attack!"

Zuo Shi praised, "Xu Elder is right! Holy Spirit will not attack for no reason! Mostly the powerful Evil Spirit Master called Demon Sovereign The conspiracy"

Yali's beautiful eyes glanced at Yun Ming, and said solemnly "Demon Sovereign... that level of Evil Spirit Master, indeed terrifying!"

Listen At these words, the two Tang Sect Hall Masters were dumbfounded, and asked suspiciously, "Demon Sovereign? What is that?"

"Isn't the Sect Lord taught by Holy Spirit a Ghost Emperor? This so-called Demon Sovereign, we have never heard of it!"

Cai Yue'er explained patiently, "The Sect Lord taught by Holy Spirit is indeed the Ghost Emperor, but that is only on the surface. On his head, there is another Demon Sovereign is no weaker than Pavilion Lord!"

"The previous attacks against our Shrek Academy, if nothing else, were planned by her!"

As for Why can see this, very simple!

There is a huge difference between the Holy Spirit teaching before hiding and now!

At this time, the two Tang Sect Hall Masters realized the seriousness of the matter...

The strength of this Sea God Pavilion Pavilion Lord is stronger than that of the Tang Sect sect master Even stronger!

And can be comparable to the former Evil Spirit Master called Demon Sovereign, how terrifying?



(end of this chapter)

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