Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1465


Chapter 1465 weak spot (please subscribe)

Thinking of this, the two of them sucked in a cold breath "If it is In this case, the overall strength of Holy Spirit teaching is not even weaker than Shrek Academy!"

And in terms of high-end battle strength, it is necessary to crush any force in the continent! !

Cai Yueer continued, "That's right, it is precisely for this reason that our Shrek Academy needs to be more cautious in all aspects of management, otherwise, it will be an accident and you will lose everything!"


"This time, I hope Tang Sect will pay more attention to this point!"

Speed Hall Hall Master cup one fist in the other hand said, "I have been taught, we will We will immediately send someone to inform the sect master!"

If it wasn't for Shrek Academy's reminder, I'm afraid we would be really confused by the strength shown by the Holy Spirit!


On the other side, on the pitted ground caused by the battle, there is a thick smell of blood. If you look down, you will find that there are blood pools all around. And the stump!

If you look closely, most of the corpses on the ground are wearing black robes, and they are obviously Evil Spirit Masters!

At this moment, there are quite a few Tang Sect Disciples dealing with corpses and searching all around...

Among them, Captain Small glanced at the ground and asked, "How is the situation? "

The Speed Hall Disciple, who was wearing a mask, replied "Captain, the Evil Spirit Master's lair here has been cleared! There is no one to live!"

The Captain disciple, His face became serious, "What about everyone's casualties?"

Speed Hall Disciple gritted his teeth, and said somewhat unwillingly, "Thirty-three killed and forty-six seriously injured"

The Small Captain sucked in a breath of cold air, "Forty-six people? The Spirit Ability of Evil Spirit Master is really weird. Even in the face of our surprise attack, it can cause such a large number of casualties!"

Evil Spirit Masters are scary not because of how powerful they are!

It's the unbelievably weird Spirit Ability! If you accidentally touch it, you will lose your life instantly!

Seeing this, the Speed Hall Disciple pursed his lips and said, "Captain...We Tang Sect are spending such a big price to help Shrek Academy, isn't it a little too selfless?"

Why did they Tang Sect take such a big risk for Shrek Academy without any benefit!

The Small Captain heard the words, and immediately scolded, "Don't say such words again, Shrek Academy and Tang Sect are the closest forces, the two belong to symbiosis! Which one is destroyed? A sexual blow, the other will have a big impact!"

even more how, even the sect master was once one of the Shrek Seven Devils!

Speed Hall Disciple was stunned for a while, then lowered his head and said, "Yes, Captain!"

Just then, another Disciple walked over, "Report Captain, the surrounding The corpses and bloodstains have been cleaned up, and you can move on!"

Just as they were talking, the surrounding corpses and bloodstains were all burned!

This is also to prevent very few Evil Spirit Masters from using Spirit Ability to survive before dying!

"Well, let's move on, let everyone restrain their spirit power, and don't beat the grass to scare the snake when encountering Evil Spirit Master! Avoid aggravating unnecessary casualties!"

Holy Spirit teaches!

Nana Li in red robes pushed open the door and walked in...

In an instant, both the dark bloodfiend and Leng Yulai cast their eyes...


The former asked gloomily, "Oh? Nana Li, you're back, how are you doing?"

The latter's beautiful eyes also showed curiosity, waiting for a reply... …

And Nana Li just glanced at the two of them, indifferently said "It's all gone!"

The dark bloodfiend heard this and was quite surprised and said, "As expected of a dark bell, it is actually The Tang Sect was destroyed so easily!"

Leng Yulai also showed an unbelievable look...

He thought to himself, "It actually destroyed the Tang Sect?"

Are all rumors about Tang Sect just groundless?

Nana Li pursed her thin lips, calmly said, "You may have misunderstood, I mean, the Evil Spirit Master led by him is completely destroyed!"

In an instant, the dark bloodfiend He Leng Yulai's complexion froze, his eyes grim a bit...

"What about Tang Sect? How about their casualties?"

Hearing this sentence Then, Nana Li sneered, "Tang Sect...hehe"

This move made the dark bloodfiend's face a little bit unbearable, coldly said "Nana Li, what do you mean? Are you mocking us? "

Although Holy Spirit teaches Four Great Heavenly Kings, his strength is much stronger than Nana Li!

At this moment, Haros' silhouette suddenly appeared, icily said, "What she means is that this attack did not break even the most basic defense of Tang Sect!"

In order to find out the specific strength of Tang Sect, he also secretly observed the entire battle situation!

Tang Sect killed more than 3,000 people taught by Holy Spirit without damaging a Disciple!

The overall strength is far beyond his imagination!

Dark bloodfiend took a deep breath, said solemnly "Deputy Tower Master, so, with the strength of our Holy Spirit, we can't destroy Tang Sect?"

If yes In this case, the situation is not good!

Who knew that the corner of Haros' mouth raised an arc, "No...on the contrary, Tang Sect, not worth mentioning!"

Everyone including Nana Li, They all showed suspicious eyes...

I don't understand why Haros said this!

Haros seemed to see their doubts, and explained coldly, "The foundation of Tang Sect is indeed not weak, but this is only the case that they are not based on leaving Tang Sect!"

"Once you leave Tang Sect, its strength is not worth mentioning in front of Holy Spirit!"

Of course, this also shows a problem...Tang Sect will most All battle strengths are placed in the sect!

And this, happens to be the biggest breakthrough port!

As long as that thing is developed, the entire Tang Sect can be destroyed with no difficulty!

The benefits of this are far higher than the Shrek Academy!

After all, although the lethality of that thing is strong, it cannot completely kill the powerhouse of Level 18 Super Douluo and above!

Sect Lord and Demon Sovereign Lords impossible do not understand!

The dark bloodfiend showed a sudden realization, raised his chin and said with a smile "so that's how it is ... If you think about it this way, the threat Tang Sect poses to us is indeed negligible!"

Leng Yulai closed his beautiful eyes, "It seems that the loss of 3,000 Evil Spirit Masters is not a big loss."

Harros neither fast nor slow turn Turning around, "Then, I'll go notify Lord Sect Lord and Demon Sovereign first."

However, before stepping away, he suddenly paused, looking towards Nana Li with a complex look in his eyes "That's right, One more thing to say!"

"Nana Li, you are already the Four Great Heavenly Kings taught by Holy Spirit, hope you don't do anything to disappoint everyone!"

It's a bit sarcastic, since Nana Li joined the Holy Spirit religion, she has not killed any Spirit Masters on her own initiative!

This made Haros wonder if she could be trusted!

Nana Li naturally heard another meaning, and looked ice-cold saying "Vice-Sect Master, what do you mean? Do you doubt me?"

Harroth just laughed and didn't say much, each minding their own business stride away...




(end of this chapter)

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