Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1466


Chapter 1466 Full Battle Armor (Subscribe)

Heavenly Star Spirit Master Academy!

I saw Li Zhilong who left, walking out with a number of students from Tianding Xingxing...

He smiled and opened the mouth and said "These students are The opponents I selected for you should have a higher spirit power level than you, right?"

The reason why students with higher spirit power levels are selected is to test their strength!

After all, the most impressive thing about Shrek Academy is leapfrog combat!

p> Hearing this question, Tang Wulin and the others> nodded, all showing a little excitement...

In addition to actual combat, they just wanted to test the battle armor Formidable power, the stronger the opponent's strength, the better!

On the other hand, the students who looked at Tianding Xingxing looked at Tang Wulin and the others curiously, and whispered, "Are they the students of Shrek Academy? It doesn't seem to be anything special."

"Well, my age and spirit power level are estimated to be younger than us! But since I can become a Shrek Academy student, my strength is definitely not weak!"

"I have never played against a Shrek Academy student before. I don't know how strong they are!"

It is almost every Academy's dream to be able to play against the students of Shrek Academy!

After that, the two sides simply said hello, and led by Li Zhilong, they came to a magnificent duel!

However, different from the normal duel field, this duel field is more like a leisure area with a view!

Xu Xiaoyan immediately opened the mouth and said "Why do I feel this duel is so strange! It's not like a battle place at all, it's more like a perfect viewing place!"

Gu Yue nodded expressed his affirmation, "That's right! And the surrounding environment seems to have a few starlights quietly emerging!!"

After finishing speaking, he was holding a little starlight in his hand...

Li Zhilong was stunned for a moment, then explained patiently, "Junior Brother junior sisters, our duel is indeed different from other duels, its name is Star Watching Terrace!"

"Once activated, whether it is day or night, you can watch the Star Sea up close. Not only that, the large-scale soul guide array carved inside can also mobilize the strength of Starry Sky, transforming it into the purest power, helping The students are doing cultivation!"

"Of course, only the best students are eligible for this cultivation!"

After this detailed explanation, Tang Wulin looked thoughtful and said " so that's how it is, I said why there are so many students parked around here, it turned out to be waiting for cultivation!"

Ye Xinglan's beautiful eyes flashed a few halos, "The starry sky? If possible. , I really want to see it with my own eyes!"

Presumably no one can refuse such a beautiful scenery!

Xie Ru was stunned for a while, then looked towards Xu Xiaoyan next to him, "Wait... Starry Sky? Isn't Xiaoyan's Spirit this type?"

Hearing this, Li Zhilong showed a surprised look, "Oh? Is it a Spirit in the starry sky? Then maybe she will be able to comprehend something when the Star Observatory is launched later!"

In Tianding Starry Sky In the history of Spirit Master Academy, there was a student who was inspired by the strength of Starry Sky and got a huge improvement!

Tang Wulin said seriously, "Then I would like to thank Senior first, but in order to see the beauty of this starry sky platform later, let's start the battle quickly!"

Li Zhilong laughed , "What an interesting little fellow! It can't be too late, let's start now!"

After he finished speaking, he organized the team of Tang Wulin and the team of Tianding Xingkong Spirit Master Academy to face each other. The rear retreated dozens of steps, forming a head-to-head confrontation!

Immediately after, a huge starry sky barrier enveloped them all, preventing them from being disturbed by the outside world!

Li Zhilong opened the mouth and said "Please release the Spirit!"

After the words fell, every student of Tianding Xingkong Spirit Master Academy released their own The Spirit, all kinds of Spirits emerge from the back...

There are four spirit rings slowly rising under the feet, and there is even one person who has five spirit rings under his feet!

This also represents their strength, which is a whole level higher than Tang Wulin entire group!

Feeling the surging imposing manner from the front, Xie Ru's mouth twitched a few times, "This Senior is really kind, he has chosen six such powerful opponents for us!"

Ye Xinglan narrowed her eyes, "I think this Senior wants to test our strength. After all, we never said we would skip grades to battle!"

Tang Wulin clenched his palms and said, "Since the Seniors trust us so much, then we naturally have to behave well, don't lose face of Shrek Academy!"

Xu Lizhi took a deep breath and clenched his flesh tightly His fist said, "en! No matter how bad it is, we still have battle armors, and we will never lose to them."

With the battle armors, the safety of his auxiliary Spirit Master can also be guaranteed, and he will not be attacked. The enemy Spirit Master will instantly lose battle strength after being hit!

Gu Yue pursed her thin lips, "Then everyone, open the Spirit!"

In an instant, the spirit and spirit ring of Gu Yue's entire group rose slowly... …

When the students on the opposite side saw Tang Wulin’s Spirit, they were all dumbfounded…

One of the students rubbed his eyes and couldn’t believe it.” Ha? Blue Silver Grass Spirit? Maybe I got azure light eyes?"

Another student echoed, "Wait, not only Blue Silver Grass, but also some people's Spirit is a bun, I Oh my this really the Shrek Academy team?"

"Don't be too careless, you don't know how difficult the admission requirements for Shrek Academy are, maybe these are just illusions!"

"Well, our breakthrough target can be from that student of Blue Silver Grass Spirit and Baozi Spirit!...Wait, that's..."

In his eyes, Tang Wulin entire group There was a burst of dazzling rays of light all over his body...

After a few seconds, everyone's body was covered with a hard and extremely malleable battle armor!

Li Zhilong, who was outside the star-gazing platform, widened his eyes, and said in shock, "Dou...... battle armor??"

These children are only first-year students, so they are all All have battle armor!

When did Shrek Academy become so generous? ?

Although it is only a one-word battle armor, in terms of appearance, it is no weaker than an ordinary two-word battle armor!

It is precisely because of this reason that many Spirit Masters of Tianding Xingkong Academy began to move towards the star observation platform...

"Is that the Shrek Academy team? Everyone has a battle armor! It doesn't look like an outer court student at all!"

"Damn, I haven't even touched a battle armor, but the outer court students of Shrek Academy have already put it on!"

"wu wu wu...I knew I would work hard for cultivation and try to join Shrek Academy! That's a battle armor!"

"This is not good, the spirit power of both sides The gap between levels has been narrowed by this battle armor!”




 … …

(end of this chapter)

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