Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1481


Chapter 1481 The visitor may be a guest! (Please subscribe)

I saw him showing a smile that was uglier than crying. After swallowing his throat, he subconsciously opened the mouth and said "Please... please wait!"

Although I don't know why, but at least my life was saved!

Immediately, she immediately ran into the Holy Spirit teaching, for fear that Xu Sheng would be displeased and cut off his head!

Seeing Xu Sheng leaving, he couldn't help but lift his chin and said, "Am I so terrifying? Or, is the psychological quality of this Evil Spirit Master so poor?"

Once in Slaughter City, even if the Evil Spirit Master inside was chopped into several pieces, no one would show the slightest fear!

Compared to the current Evil Spirit Master, his legs trembled just after being intimidated!

Thinking of this, he shook the head again, feeling sad for the Holy Spirit teaching!


After entering the Holy Spirit teaching, the Evil Spirit Master resolutely ran to the pavilion where Demon Sovereign and the others discussed important matters...

Panting After taking a deep breath, he hurriedly said, "Quick... let me go in and report to Lord Demon Sovereign!"

The Evil Spirit Master, who is in charge of guarding here, narrowed his eyes and said, "Sir Demon Sovereign and Sect Lord. We are discussing inside, if we are disturbed, we have a few heads that are not enough to cut off!"

"If there is something, please wait until the Demon Sovereign adults have discussed it!"

The former He was stunned for a while, then anxiously said "Yes, but outside..."

At this moment, Vice-Sect Master Haros opened the door and walked out of the pavilion...

After discovering the strangeness in front of him, he asked in a cold voice, "What happened?"

The Evil Spirit Master saw Haros as if he saw a savior. "Vice-Sect Master, just now..."

After listening to this, Haros' icy eyes flickered, thinking, "You can kill the Spirit King-level Evil Spirit Master without using Spirit, at least Only Super Douluo is possible!"

In other words, the comers are not good!

Thinking of this, he coldly said, "You go and tell the other Elders to guard the gate first, and I will report to the Demon Sovereign right away!"

Several Evil Spirit Masters heard the words , bowed and said, "Yes, Vice-Sect Master!"

Immediately, Haros re-entered the pavilion with a heavy heart...

And was negotiating When everyone in the audience saw that he had just left and came back, their brows were all wrinkled...

Ghost Emperor coldly said "Haros, didn't I tell you to do what you should do?"

The Demon Sovereign is staring at Haros, waiting for his answer!

Halos saw this, face doesn't change and said, "Demon Sovereign, Sect Lord, outside of Holy Spirit, there is a Spirit Master who is not weaker than Super Douluo. It seems that our position is It's been exposed!"

If this Super Douluo is really the Sea God Pavilion or the powerhouse of the Great Influences, it won't be long before the Holy Spirit Cult will be hit irreversibly!

As soon as these words fell, Leng Yulai icily said, "How is it possible! Our Holy Spirit teaches a spirit tool with shielded perception, how could it be exposed so quickly!"

Besides, they only learned not long ago that the Disciples of Tang Sect had stopped searching because the sect was destroyed

Nana Li's beautiful eyes narrowed, and she asked suspiciously, "Could it be that we Holy Spirit teach Are there any traitors in there..."

The dark bloodfiend said with shadows in his eyes, "With the characters of the Old Guys in the Sea God Pavilion, they may send people to lurk in our Holy Spirit Cult!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, he interrupted himself, shook his head and said, "No... No, if Shrek Academy knew the position of our Holy Spirit teacher, they should have started it a long time ago!!"

He didn't believe it. The Elders of the Sea God Pavilion will watch the Disciple in the inner courtyard be beheaded as much as possible without taking any measures!

The Ghost Emperor took a deep breath and calmly analyzed, "Dare to go to our Holy Spirit alone to teach, if you are not confident in your own strength, you are a fool"

After all, he looked towards Demon Sovereign next to him, "Lord Demon Sovereign, what do you think we should do?"

However, the expected worried color did not appear on Demon Sovereign's cheeks. I saw her smiling a few times, "Don't worry, maybe the visitor is a guest!"

Just now, she felt an aura that was above all things!

I just thought of killing a little, and a deep throbbing surged in my heart!

In tens of thousands of years, the only man who can make her feel this way is the man who has obtained the divine mantle!


The Blacksmiths Association!

At this moment, the Branch President of the dozens Blacksmiths Guild and the influential blacksmiths are sitting around At the table...

I saw Mu Chen grimly and said, "Tang Sect is now destroyed, and our entire Blacksmiths Association has lost a huge trading channel!"

Among them A man with a benevolent nod not only entrusted it, "en! This is true, there are many forging items that were given to Tang Sect by our Forge Association, and now Tang Sect is extinguish sect, I am afraid that this batch of goods cannot be taken out on time. !"

This will also have a big impact on the Blacksmiths Association!

Another wrinkled old man, but it was to hook the head, "These are all trivial things, the soul-guided cannonball that destroyed Tang Sect is said to have reached Level 12, even if it is the best at spirit tool. The Tang Sect in the field has only developed a semifinished product of the Level 11 Soul Guidance Cannonball!"

"Besides the Tang Sect, it is hard to believe that other forces have developed the Level 12 Soul Guidance Cannonball! This But a proper ultimate weapon, no force can resist."

"In my opinion, the most likely one is the Spirit Pagoda! Their inner workings have always been hidden, and maybe they may be researched in secret!"

"But even the Level 12 Soul Guidance projectile developed by Spirit Pagoda will not do any good for Tang Sect at all! It will even cause a lot of trouble!"

"At first, I was suspicious of the Level 12 Soul Guidance Cannonball released by the Holy Spirit Cult. After all, the Holy Spirit Cult launched an attack on Tang Sect not long ago! But the more I think about it, the more wrong it is. Where does the Holy Spirit Cult come from to study spirit tools? ”

Like a powerful soul teacher, they have basically been absorbed by the Great Influence, how could it be taught by Holy Spirit in turn!

As the president, Zhenhua tried to calm down as much as possible, "Everyone, calm down first, maybe this matter shouldn't be as simple as we thought!"

After these words fell, everyone calmed down from their excitement...

Suddenly, Mu Chen's eyes flickered, and he suggested, "President, I have always had an idea"


Zhenhua was stunned for a while, saying curiously "Oh? Mu Chen, talk about it!"

The other party has been his friend for many years, and he also trusts the former!

This is what Mu Chen said solemnly "Holy Spirit has been hidden for so many years without any movement, but now it is showing up!"

"I suspect that they are secretly developing this A highly lethal Level 12 soul-guided shell!"

Zhenhua's complexion sank asked, "Where did the talents in the spirit tool taught by Holy Spirit come from?"

Mu Chen's voice became a little stronger, "Spirit Pagoda!! Although I'm not sure, but the two are definitely related!"

Otherwise, how to explain that the Great Influences have begun to guard against Holy Spirit While teaching, Spirit Pagoda remained unmoved! !



(end of this chapter)

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