Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1482


Chapter 1482 Meet the Demon Sovereign (please subscribe)

Mu Chen's words made everyone present on the cheeks Showing a look of sudden realization...

They opened their mouths and said "Mu Chen is right. According to this situation, Holy Spirit can develop Level 12 soul-guided shells before Tang Sect. That's true"

"If you think about it, it's really terrifying. The Holy Spirit teacher was ready for today several decades ago! The so-called Demon Sovereign is too deep!"

"It used to be the Ghost Emperor who was in charge of the Holy Spirit sect, and the threat he brought was far less than it is now!" It makes sense, but it's just subjective reasoning, and we don't know what the specific situation is!"

"But the Holy Spirit and Spirit Pagoda may indeed have an unspeakable secret!"


The people of their Blacksmiths Association, when investigating the Spirit Pagoda, accidentally discovered a clue!

Every once in a while, a large portion of Spirit Pagoda's faux Spirit Soul disappears out of thin air! And there are no records!

This is not at all Spirit Pagoda rules!

Seeing this, one of the men asked, "President, do we need to tell Shrek Academy and other forces about this?"

Zhenhua shook the head and denied, " No! We can find this, and Shrek Academy definitely can, and I guess they just have no evidence, so they can't take action against Spirit Pagoda!"

After a pause, they opened the mouth and said " We just need to protect ourselves now!"

The fight between the Holy Spirit and the Great Influences is not something that their Blacksmiths Association can participate in!

In this regard, everyone buried their heads and chose silence...


Xu Sheng, who was teaching outside the Holy Spirit, With a strange expression, he said, "Have you come yet? It seems that I need to go in in person."

But in the next second, the elders taught by the digital Holy Spirit appeared in his eyes, and everyone was covered in Exudes a strong evil aura!

Even the spirit power level is above the Titled Douluo!

When their eyes swept to Xu Sheng, their cheeks showed a bit of disdain...

"Boy, dare to come to our Holy Spirit alone to make trouble, it is alive. Are you impatient!”

“Isn’t this a hairless brat who just broke through Spirit Douluo? Vice-Sect Master, they are really overthinking, they even let so many of us elders come together!”

"Tsk, let me tear this guy in half, otherwise everyone can come to our Holy Spirit to teach the wild!"

After the words fell, the Elder fiercely He took a step forward and appeared out of thin air from his back, a swallowing python stained with lacquer black flame!

There are also nine spirit rings flashing with different rays of light!

Yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black, black!

The next second, the whole person rushed out like a cannonball, and moved towards Xu Sheng's neck with one hand...

"Boy, just die!"

The rest of the Evil Spirit Masters behind them watched this scene, and all shouted with a fiery attitude, "Elder mighty! Shoot this guy to death!"

"That's right, he just killed him. Killing several of our comrades, we must not let him go!"

"It's better to skin him, cramp his tendons, and let him die in despair, hahaha ha!"

"This man is nothing but Spirit Douluo. Our elders have reached Titled Douluo. If we want to kill the former, it is simply with no difficulty!"

Facing the incoming Elder, Xu Sheng smiled slightly, "I said, Lord Demon Sovereign hasn't appeared yet, so it's too hasty to do it to me?"

After finishing speaking, the former's palm was about to touch. When you reach your neck, squeeze his wrist first!

The Evil Spirit Master Elder, who was blocked from attacking, showed a bit of surprise, "Boy, didn't expect you to be able to block my attack, but..."

Yes When he was about to do it again, he suddenly felt something was wrong!

cry out in surprise from the bottom of his heart "What happened? Why can't my palm break free from his shackles??"

Not only that, but when he wanted to release Spirit Ability, he I found that the circuit running spirit power in my body seemed to be blocked by an invisible force and could not be mobilized at all!

Xu Sheng glanced at him, and with a random twist, he heard a crisp "click!" sounded...

The severe pain continued to hit, this Evil Spirit Master Elder's face gradually became contorted, angrily shouted "aaahhhh, you bastard! ! I am going to kill you! ”

After finishing speaking, he clenched his other hand into a fist and slammed directly into Xu Sheng's face...

In an instant, a blood-stained head rolled down When they got to the ground, especially those wide-eyed eyes, they seemed a little dead!

At this moment, everyone, including the other Evil Spirit Master Elders, felt a deep chill in their hearts. ...

The man in front of him, with just one hand knife, killed an evil spirit who had reached Titled Douluo!

This kind of strength is simply impossible for someone to do!

After a while, they came back to his senses, and one of the Evil Spirit Masters said in a trembling voice, "Long...Elder, do we still want to go? There's something wrong with this man..."

The Elder next to him glared fiercely at him, "Come on, fuck up, wait... Wait until Vice-Sect Master and the others come out! "

This level of powerhouse, killing them is like chopping vegetables!

Xu Sheng indifferently said "It seems that you don't want to do it anymore, then I'll go in by myself!" "

After finishing speaking, I moved towards Holy Spirit and walked inside...

However, I met a woman with a smile on her face!

is the Demon Sovereign taught by Holy Spirit!

I saw her beautiful eyes staring at Xu Sheng and whispered, "When you first came to my Holy Spirit teaching, you killed so many. A companion, is it a little too rude? "

Having seen the latter's method, I became more and more certain of that idea...

The Ghost Emperor behind him said with a gloomy expression, "This guy... can even release Spirit and With spirit power, he can easily kill Titled Douluo, what a terrifying strength! "

The scene that just happened, they all witnessed it!

Haros also swallowed and secretly said "Limit Douluo?" No... The Spirit Master who can do this is definitely beyond the scope of Limit Douluo! "

Xu Sheng face doesn't change and glanced at the corpse on the ground, "Is it polite? About this, you have to ask these dead Evil Spirit Masters? "

He didn't intend to kill at all, he just wanted to use this method to deter other Evil Spirit Masters!

The woman's amber eyes flickered, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, "Is that so?" , I think it must have been an unpleasant misunderstanding. The visitor is a guest, please come with me! ”

After finishing speaking, he led Xu Sheng into the Holy Spirit teaching...

And the Evil Spirit Masters who watched this scene were dumbfounded...

This man has just beheaded their comrade, and Lord Demon Sovereign is not angry at all!

"What is Lord Demon Sovereign doing? Why do you respect this guy so much! "

"Well, within the scope of our Holy Spirit teaching, according to the character of the Demon Sovereign, this man should have died thousands of times!" "

"You said, this man should be Lord Demon Sovereign..."

"Shut up, dare to say that, don't you want your life?" ? "

Within the Holy Spirit sect, the only person who knows the true identity of the Demon Sovereign is the Ghost Emperor!




(end of this chapter)

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