Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1491


Chapter 1491 Unfair duel (please subscribe)

On the other side, when Xu Sheng was taken Before entering a room full of powerful atmosphere, he pushed open the door with a calm expression and walked in...

Bi Ji, who was explaining things to the other ominous beasts, was interrupted by the sound of "ga zhi"...

All the ominous beasts, including Di Tian, who turned into human figures, all looked towards Xu Sheng who walked in...

When they saw it clearly, their pupils were all It was a sudden contraction...

Xu Sheng's mouth was slightly upturned", what? Are you surprised to see me?

Bi Ji frowned and said, "What are you doing? coming? Shouldn't it be at Shrek Academy? "

The reason why these Spirit Beasts are assured that Gu Yue is in Shrek Academy is because of the existence of the former!

But now that he is here, the situation of the latter may be a little different. Wonderful!!

Xu Sheng naturally saw what she was thinking, and patiently explained, "Don't worry about your lord, she's fine, besides, I just noticed that you didn't live there. The place, stop by and have a look! ”

After speaking, I found a seat and sat down...

After hearing this, the expressions of the ominous beast grim finally relaxed...

Di Tian calmly said, "Xu Sheng, what is she doing now, Lord? "

Xu Sheng's inky eyes flickered, and he said leisurely, "I'm going to other cities with my companions to challenge the Spirit Master of the same level!" "

Seeing this, Di Tian nodded and did not continue to ask...

Since the man in front of him said so, it means that the Lord is very safe...

But this is the case, which made the atmosphere of the whole room become awkward, each other is big eyes staring at small eyes, I don't know what to say...

In the end, it was Xu Sheng who spoke first Breaking the silence, "Bi Ji, did Gu Yue ask you to build a legion here?"

Bi Ji was stunned, then hurriedly reacted, affirmed "Yes, the Lord is before leaving. , commanding us to build a legion as human beings! It is used to contain the human Spirit Master, so as to strengthen its own power! "

"Up to now, the entire legion has expanded to about 8,000 Spirit Masters."

She didn't hide any information, because in front of the god in front of her, there were no Meaningful!

Since the other party can find this place, it must be enough to infer the situation from the outside!

Xu Sheng raised his chin and thought, "Are there more than 8,000 Spirit Masters? Coupled with your top strengths, you can also be compared to some of the forces other than Shrek Academy! "

The only downside may be the uneven strength of Spirit Master, as high as Spirit Douluo, and as low as Spirit Elder!

Several other ominous beasts heard this The words showed a proud look...

"This is natural, what the Lord ordered, and we will never let her down! Legion must be developed to the point where her eyes shine! "

"That's right, there is a boss who is comparable to Limit Douluo's strength, plus us, as long as we don't reveal the identity of Spirit Beast, we can definitely win a seat in the continent!" "

"Not only that, our legion has negotiated with the Federation, and through the spirit tools and materials they gave, it has begun to develop gradually! "

Xu Sheng pursed his thin lips, lightly said with a smile "Federation? Aren't you afraid of the so-called War God Temple and sent someone to infiltrate the legion? "

Di Tian and the others will cooperate with the Federation, which is what he didn't expect!

Because of the Federation's War God Temple, which is only weaker than The Great Influence of Shrek Academy! Many of them are well-known figures!

In contact with this force, the true identities of Di Tian and the others are likely to be exposed!

Bi Ji shook his head and interrupted, "No, according to Di Tian's inference, the only person who can see through our body is the strongest one in the War God Temple! ”

They are ominous beasts. After so many years, the cultivation base has been improved more or less, and a lot of improvements have been made to the illusion!

Concealment ability It's no different from ordinary people!

Di Tian said affirmed "Well, the basic situation is what B Ji said. In addition, it is precisely because of the God Temple that our legion can negotiate with the Federation! Get what you want"

"And the price to pay is very simple, form an alliance with the Federation! "

For a legion that just started to develop, it's all pros and cons!

Xu Sheng took a deep look at Bi Ji, "so that's how it is, no wonder you guys Dare to recruit a Spirit Master with such a big fanfare, it is difficult for you to come up with such a method! "

Bi Ji was flattered and said "You are overpraised!" All this is the Lord's credit, I'm just playing some clever tricks! ”


Sun and Moon Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy!

The showdown!

only see middle-aged man pointing With the seven students standing beside him, Chao Wu Dosi introduced "Two, this is the opponent I chose for you, how about it? The strength should be pretty good, right? ”

There is a strong look of ridicule in his words!

This time, he has selected seven students with strength in Spirit King realm to fight against them!

As for why the students of the Spirit Emperor level were not selected, this is because in their Academy, the Spirit Emperor powerhouse is already capable of serving as a teacher!

It is not like a gathering of geniuses Shrek Academy, even if the Spirit Soul level reaches Spirit Saint or Spirit Douluo, it is likely to be a student in the inner courtyard!

Wu Duosi said with a gloomy expression, "Damn, the opponents of the seven Spirit King realm. , Riyue Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy In order to make us embarrassed, has it been by fair means or foul? "

With the two of them alone, I'm afraid the situation is not good!

next to Yuanen Yehui glanced at her and said indifferently, "trifling the seven weaklings of the Spirit King realm That's it, shouldn't you be afraid right? ”

She thought that the Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy of Sun and Moon would send Spirit Saint, even Spirit Douluo-level students!

didn't expect only seven barely seen The Spirit King who went down, now seems to be overestimating them!

Wuduosi rolled the eyes, some speechless saying "It's all this time, why are you still bragging, don't forget , No matter how strong we are, there are only two people! "

Yuanen Yehui said dismissively, "Bragging? It's just speak frankly."

The middle-aged man, who felt insulted, resisted the anger in his heart and said, "What a eloquent little girl, I hope that in the duel, you can be as comfortable as you are now. ! "

When the other students heard this, they all showed a bad look, "Teacher Liu, don't worry, we will definitely entertain them!" "

"Although it's a bit immoral to play seven to two, but since the other party is a student of Shrek Academy, it doesn't matter! "

"Finally, the day has come to step on the proud Shrek Academy students with your own hands!" "

"It's exciting to think about beating them in the presence of so many Junior Brother junior sisters!" "

These words made the middle-aged man look satisfied and urged, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go to the ring!" ”

With these words, the seven students of the Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy of the Sun and Moon and Wu Dosi stepped onto the stage!




(End of this chapter)

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