Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1492


Chapter 1492 Domain Class Spirit Ability! (Please subscribe)

After both sides entered the ring, the students watching the battle below shouted, "Come on, let these two Shrek Academy students who overestimate one's capabilities know our strength!"

"That's right! Shrek Academy only sent two female students here, which is too despising for our Sun and Moon Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy, so we don't need to be polite!"

"Although we are very sympathetic These two female students, but since they are here to humiliate us, I'm sorry!"

Yuanen Yehui glanced at these students indifferently, opened the mouth and said to Wu Duosi next to him "Wu Duosi, will you cover me for a while?"

The latter heard the words and gave a cold "hmph" reluctantly, but did not refuse!

Thinking about it, she also knows that if she wants to win this duel, she must rely on the former!

middle-aged man saw this and announced, "Please release the Spirit first!"

After the words fell, the seven students of the Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy of Sun and Moon took the lead in releasing the spirit. Got their Spirit!

It has to be said that in order to win this duel, a lot of work has been done!

The whole team has auxiliary system, control system, attack system, etc. The configuration is perfect!

Yuanen Yehui and Wu Duosi on the opposite side released Titan Giant Ape and Hell Civet respectively!

middle-aged man took a deep breath and announced again, "Now, the duel officially begins!"

Almost the moment the words fell, the opposing assistant Spirit Master's The fourth spirit ring lights up...

The fourth Spirit Ability, the ultimate fanatic!

Immediately after, he raised the deep red crystal ball in his hand, and immediately dazzling rays of light burst out from it...

The other companions who were shrouded in the shroud, eyes They are all bloody, and the attack power and defensive power have been slightly improved!

led the students of the attack system after feeling the amplification, moved towards the two students of the agility attack system next to them opened the mouth and said, "The two of you will come with me and solve it as quickly as possible. I got them!"

When they heard the words, both nodded agreed, "Okay!"

The next second, they locked their eyes on the two Wuduosi, without the The slightest hesitation rushed over!

Seeing this scene, Wu Duosi couldn't help clenching her fists and secretly said, "Damn! Are you going to attack directly because you have the advantage of numbers?"

Headly confrontation, himself Certainly not their opponent, but since it is a cover!

The fourth Spirit Ability, Hell Shadow Doppelganger!

Her whole body trembled rapidly, transformed into three identical shadow doppelgangers, moved towards the front to meet...

However, at this moment, the opposite The latter female Spirit Master narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "You have no chance of winning, the fifth Spirit Ability, the Frost Domain!"

The fifth profound ten thousand-year spirit underfoot The ring lit up suddenly!

Immediately, he slammed the rippling scepter to the ground...

In an instant, a strong chill surged across the ring... …

The entire ground began to be covered in layers of ice crystals that solidified! Everything that is touched will be forced to slow down!

Doppelganger and Doppelganger are using speed to maneuver together. Because of the influence of Domain, they are forced to fight head-on!

The result is naturally being suppressed everywhere by the other party!

Yuanen Yehui, who witnessed all this, had a surprised look in her beautiful eyes, "This female student of the Spirit King realm actually possesses Domain skills!"

Even she absorbed ten For thousands of years, the spirit ring has not obtained the Domain skill, so the luck of this female student is very good!

However, although the Domain skill is powerful, it consumes a huge amount of spirit power. No, it has only been a dozen seconds before the forehead of the female Spirit Master of the control department on the opposite side is already dripping with sweat!

Thinking of this, her face gradually became serious, "Perhaps, you can use her as a breakthrough mouth!"

After she finished speaking, the first spirit ring and the second spirit ring under her feet were decisive. Light up...

The first Spirit Ability, the power of Tai Tan!

Second Spirit Ability, Air Cannon!

After obtaining Strength Amplification, the Titan Giant Ape behind it combined its sturdy arms, locked the female Spirit Master of the control system, and directly released a powerful air cannon!

If you are hit, you will be blasted directly out of the ring!

And the opposing Defense System Spirit Master naturally knew this, and when the attack was about to hit, he hurriedly blocked in front of the control female Spirit Master, shouted "Don't even think about it! The third Spirit Ability, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome!"

naked eye It can be seen that his skin gradually began to brassy, and even his defensive power began to increase greatly!

From a distance, it looks like a statue!

When the powerful air cannon strikes hit him, it made a metal collision sound...

Then, the strong impact forcibly made the latter back. A few steps!

Not only that, the bronze skin covering the body began to shatter a little and fell to the ground...

He raised his eyes again, staring at the original in front of him. En Yehui, silently said in his heart, "It's only the second Spirit Ability, but the attack power is so terrifying!"

If it wasn't for this Spirit Ability that enhanced nearly half of the defensive power, it would have been impossible to stop this attack. hit!

Yuanen Yehui saw that his attack had no effect, and was not surprised...

Instead, the corners of his mouth were raised, "Tsk, are you blocking it? What a tricky guy!"

But being besieged by three people, Wu Duosi, who was a little miserable, glanced at Yuanen Yehui who was still standing behind her, her eyelids could not help raising upwards, urging Said, "Yuanen Yehui, hurry up, I can't hold it anymore!"

This guy is playing a house with the other side, right?

His own spirit power has been consumed to half!

I'm afraid it won't be able to stop the attack of the three people in front of me in a few minutes!

did not get Yuanen Yehui's answer, but was taunted by the three people who were constantly attacking in front of her "Junior sister, you should stop struggling, it is impossible to win with you two people alone. !"

"Yeah, Shrek Academy only sent the two of you here, it's simply vexatious, I think you might as well join our Sun and Moon Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy?"

" That's right, with your strength, you can definitely get the strong cultivation of the Academy!"

Wu Duosi's complexion sank, scolded "Don't think about it, Trifling Sun Moon Imperial Family Soul Guide Academy, is it worth letting me join? ”

If I joined this garbage Academy myself, I would be ashamed to commit suicide!

This strong disdain immediately made the three male students angry, "refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, then don't blame us for not having tender, protective feelings for the It's fairer sex!"

The reason why they kept their hands was because the former was a beautiful woman, but now that Academy has been insulted so much, they can't help it!

The next second, the spirit rings under each person's feet light up in turn, directly releasing the most lethal Spirit Ability, destroying Wuduosi's doppelganger with no difficulty, moved towards avatar and encircled it...

As if, I don't want to give her any chance to deal with it!




(end of this chapter)

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