Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1494


Chapter 1494 Eternal Wind, Fall! (Please subscribe)

After seeing Leng Yaozhu leaving, Qiangu Dongfeng's heart was relaxed, staring at the attack swept in front of him, coldly shouted "Heaven and Earth are entrenched!"

The next second , I saw a white halo on his body, and a solid four-word battle armor full of powerful defensive power appeared on his body...

When the two collided, a "peng" !" The sound of the impact, Qiangu Dongfeng flew straight upside down, smashing a hole in the wall...

The dark bloodfiend's cheeks showed a bit of gloom, "I have only used battle armor until now. , you never wanted to kill that woman from the very beginning... that's all, today, let's take your life instead of hers."

In retrospect, the relationship between Qiangu Dongfeng and that woman In the duel, they didn't even release their battle armor!

Qiangu Dongfeng, who broke free from the pit, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, stared at the dark bloodfiend and said, "cough cough... dark bloodfiend, do you really think you've got me?"

Dark bloodfiend disdainfully said, "After fighting that woman, your spirit power is running out. Now that you have released your four-word battle armor, how long can you last in front of me?"

After a pause, he said again, "Why don't you just surrender obediently and die quietly in my hands!"

Qiangu Dongfeng heard the words and said with a smile "How little is left of spirit power? It's really stupid, even if I die today, I will pull your back!"

After the words fell, the ninth hundred thousand year spirit ring under his feet lit up...

Ninth Spirit Ability, Sky Coiling Dragon!

In an instant, there was a strong excitement in the entire Spirit Pagoda great hall, and a giant dragon appeared in the space!

Immediately after, its pupils emitting golden rays of light looked down, locked in the dark bloodfiend, and let out an earth-shattering roar with an unparalleled posture, as if about to tear it apart. Break the sky!

Feeling the throbbing of the heart, the dark bloodfiend squinted his eyes, and secretly said, "There is something wrong with the situation! You must escape from here!"

It seems that he saw the heart of the dark bloodfiend. The thought, Qiangu Dongfeng said with a sneer "Dark bloodfiend, it's too late, my Ninth Spirit Ability, can block space!"

The naked eye can be seen, he took a deep breath, guiding the life in the body force and spirit power slowly poured out of the body, perfectly merging with the huge giant dragon...

At this moment, the entire Spirit Ability has been sublimated again, and has reached a god level. hit! !

The surrounding space has been forcibly blocked!

And realizing the dark bloodfiend that cannot be escaped, my heart finally began to panic...

With an ugly face, he said, " lunatic! You used life force and spirit power to grow stronger. This Spirit Ability!"

No matter whether this Spirit Ability can kill you or not, the former will surely fall!

Qiangu Dongfeng coldly said, "It's useless to talk too much, go to hell with me!"

Immediately, the giant dragon entrenched in the space rose into the sky and moved towards the darkness. The bloodfiend rushed away...


Leng Yaozhu, who was rushing to Shrek Academy, was instantly stunned when he heard the loud dragon cry behind him... …

She knows Qiangu Dongfeng’s strength very well, especially the latter’s Ninth Spirit Ability!

That is to be released at the expense of life force and spirit power!

This also means that after this battle, Doluo, one of the continental Top Rank powerhouses, will no longer exist!

Thinking of this, the corners of her eyes gradually turned red...

But now, she must tell the Sea God Pavilion about the specific situation and let them use the fastest speed Take over Spirit Pagoda!

must not be controlled by the Holy Spirit, otherwise, the continent is really dangerous!


On the other side, in the Sea God Pavilion, the elders who were negotiating felt this throbbing aura……

I saw Cai Yue'er stop talking, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, "This breath is... the spirit of Doluo! And I can feel that his vitality is disappearing!"

Zhuo Shi frowned, "Could it be What happened to Spirit Pagoda? With the strength of the ancient Dongfeng, it should not be killed by others!"

Long Yeyue raised her chin and thought, "Could it be that Holy Spirit taught the hand? There have been rumors on the continent that Spirit Pagoda and Holy Spirit have secret activities, and they might fall out!"

Lan Muzi's eyes looked towards Yun Ming, and offered to suggest, "It's pointless to think too much here. , Pavilion Lord, let me find out for myself!"

Yun Ming was stunned for a while, then nodded and said "Well, be sure to pay attention to safety!"



War God Temple!

Guan Yue looked towards Chen Xinjie next to him, "Palace Lord, did you feel it? That dragon cry just now..."

Chen Xinjie said with a grim expression, " Well, if there is no accident, it should be the guy Qiangu Dongfeng... But, who actually shot him!"

Qiangu Dongfeng is Tool Spirit, but in fact, as long as the strength reaches Super Douluo , can be temporarily transformed into Beast Spirit!

Guan Yue took a deep breath, "First, the students in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy were attacked, and then Tang Sect was hit by the sect-destroying disaster, and now Spirit Pagoda also has an accident, Palace Lord, we You can't stand by and watch!"

If you have been watching as an outsider before, now you must face it up!

Chen Xinjie pursed his lips and instructed "Guan Yue, you go to Spirit Pagoda to check the situation first, and then go to Shrek Academy!"

Guan Yue and Yun Ming have a good relationship , it is the most appropriate to send him there!

Guan Yue was stunned for a while, without the slightest hesitation replied "Yes, Palace Lord! Then the War God Temple will be handed over to you"

Chen Xinjie heard that, a little didn't know whether to cry or laugh "You kid, I'm the Palace Lord of War God Temple, of course I want to"

Guan Yue just laughed angrily and left immediately

… …

Holy Spirit teaches!

The dark bloodfiend of the spit a mouthful of blood clutching his chest "pu!", the killing intent released by the whole person has reached Extreme...

If he hadn't used Ninth Spirit Ability is used to save lives, I am afraid that I have died under the trick of Qiangu Dongfeng!

is a blow comparable to a god level attack, but not so easy to block!

Nana Li wondered, "Dark bloodfiend, what happened? Why did you get hurt so badly?" Have a fight with the tower owner of Spirit Pagoda?"

Dark bloodfiend just coldly "hmph! No answer...

Leng Yulai said in a positive tone" It seems so, what about my elder sister? "

The only thing she wants to do is to kill her elder sister with her own hands!

The dark bloodfiend glanced at her and said a little unwillingly, "At the end of the A little accident, run away! "

Leng Yulai heard the words, coldly shouted "Waste! "

This sudden insult made the dark bloodfiend's heart burst into thick anger, "Are you courting death?" "

Leng Yulai smiled, but Qu smiled brightly, "courting death?" Now you, the spirit power level has dropped to the ninth level 17, do you really think that you are still my opponent? "

Just as the battle became fierce, Hades, who had always been silent, interrupted, "Enough! It's already very good to be able to kill Qiangu Dongfeng, dark bloodfiend, go down and rest! "

The dark bloodfiend calms down as much as possible, "Yes! Vice-Sect Master! ”


(End of this chapter)

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