Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1495


Chapter 1495 Spirit power regress (please subscribe)

After he left, Nana Li continued "Vice -Sect Master, since the Spirit Pagoda tower master has been dealt with, shall we immediately control Spirit Pagoda?"

Hades heard the words, and after hearing the words, he vetoed the "No, Spirit Pagoda deputy tower master" , that is, Leng Yaozhu, will definitely go to inform Shrek Academy that it is meaningless to occupy Spirit Pagoda now!"

Having lost this guy Qiangu Dongfeng, their Holy Spirit wants to annex Spirit Pagoda. huge monster is not a simple matter!

Leng Yulai pursed her thin lips, "hmph, it's really annoying to let that woman escape!"

Hadis glanced at her, said with a sneer "Don't worry, the guys who try to hinder our Holy Spirit teaching will be wiped out in the end!"

Although the dark bloodfiend's level has plummeted due to Qiangu Dongfeng's temporary counterattack, it will not affect Holy Spirit Teach the overall strength!

After all... Whether it is yourself or the Sect Lord, compared to the dark bloodfiend, they are only stronger, not weaker, no matter how bad it is, there is also the Demon Sovereign who has surpassed the ordinary Limit Douluo!

Leng Yulai heard the words, curl one's lip indifferent expression said, "I hope so, our Holy Spirit teaching has caused such a big wave during this time, other forces impossible did not notice!"

Nana Li said indifferently, "As long as we don't all unite and pay us, it won't be a big deal!"

Hades, who didn't want to talk about it, waved his hand and said, "Okay, you two Retire too, I'll report to Lord Sect Lord and Demon Sovereign!"

Leng Yaozhu looked at each other and both walked away...


Spirit Beast legion!

In the room!

As Di Tian of Beast God, Immediately felt the passing of a Limit Douluo and said with emotion, "Has another Limit Douluo-level powerhouse perished?"

Like it, Spirit Beast, which has lived for 700,000 to 800,000 years, has witnessed the fall of too many human powerhouses!

The other ominous beasts showed some expressions of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, and opened the mouth and said "Deserved, if it weren't for these human Spirit Masters, how could our Spirit Beast be reduced to this point? !"

"Well, the stupidest thing we've ever done is to believe the nonsense of the human Spirit Master!"

"Especially that Huo Yuhao, who created the Spirit Pagoda, let go Its development has become an organization comparable to Evil Spirit Master!"

Xu Sheng raised an arc when he heard these words, "It seems that you are still very angry with the human Spirit Master. Big!"

This short sentence made all Spirit Beast's minds, including Di Tian, suddenly congealed and gradually trembled...

They all forgot One thing, the man in front of him was once a human!

If the latter is provoked by this, it will be a problem whether they can leave this room alive.

Xu Sheng naturally saw their fear, said with a slight smile "No need. So nervous, I can understand your hatred for the human Spirit Master! After all, the Spirit Pagoda has indeed done a bit too much in killing the Spirit Beast!"

After a pause, he continued, "In addition, I Now I don't want to intervene too much in the Nether!"

Hearing this, the corners of the mouths of the ominous beasts twitched, not knowing what to complain about!

How could he have the face to say that he didn't want to interfere with the lower realm!

dignified A god who doesn't do what he needs to do, and deliberately goes down to be a teacher, is really too busy!

However, Di Tian took a deep breath, looked directly at Xu Sheng's inky eyes and said, "Xu Sheng, although I know it's impossible, I still want to ask if there is any way to reinvigorate it. Our Spirit Beast clan!"

Xu Sheng was stunned for a while, and solemnly replied "yes"

Di Tian's golden eyes were full of hope...


As long as there is a way to revive the Spirit Beast, no matter how hard it is, it will do it!

This is the responsibility of being the leader of the Spirit Beast!

But in the next second, Xu Sheng poured a bucket of cold water, "But do you think I'll tell you?"

"Today's human Spirit Master is not a millionaire. Years ago, the spirit tool has been developed to Peak. Even if the dead Spirit Beast is fully recovered, it will become what it is today in several decades, hundreds of years!

Di Tian clenched tightly Palm, silence...

Xu Sheng, who had lost interest, stood up from his seat and indifferently said "Okay, I've been here long enough, I'll leave first! ! ”

After finishing speaking, he tore a space tunnel, and neither fast nor slow walked into it...

After the breath completely disappeared, one of the ominous beasts was able to enter. Said with displeasure on his face, "This Xu Sheng clearly doesn't want to help our Spirit Beast clan, and he said it so nicely! "

Bi Ji frowned, reminding "Don't say such words, he has become a god, I'm afraid he can monitor our actions even thousands of miles away!" "

"Although I also feel that Xu Sheng simply doesn't want to help us, what he said is not unreasonable!" I don't want to witness another scene where my fellow clan is wantonly massacred! "

"Agreed, for now, as long as the other surviving Spirit Beasts are safe and sound, that's pretty good!" "

Just when they were still going to discuss, Di Tian coldly said "Stop, don't worry about this issue, no matter what, Xu Sheng can guarantee the safety of the Lord in disguise for us, which is enough. ! ”

With the Lord, we will definitely allow our Spirit Beast family to find the best way to survive in the future!


Sun Moon Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy!

It was very hasty to deal with the three Spirit Master Wuduosi. After being sneak attacked, she took a powerful blow and was seriously injured! …

I saw her standing on the edge of the ring, and after wiping off the blood stains from the corners of her mouth, she said with a gloomy expression, "The three-on-one is still sneak attack, is this the style of the Riyue Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy? "

The three students opposite heard the words, as if they heard a joke, and immediately laughed...

"Despicable?" Did you make a mistake, we are fighting right now, as long as we can win! "

"Yes, in the world of Spirit Master, the winner is king, sneak attack, no matter if it is synonymous with the weak!" "

"Do you know why you two lost today? It's because you Shrek students are so attached to that hypocritical pride! "

These words made Wuduosi's eyes even colder, "Trifling a group of weak chickens, also have the face to rely on our Shrek Academy? ”

The heart is silently saying “Spirit fusion technology, Nether White Tiger! ”

In an instant, a black civet and a huge White Tiger appeared behind her. Under the guidance of spirit power, the two began to slowly merge...

Seeing this, the middle-aged man watching the game, cry out in surprise "Not good, this is a Spirit fusion skill, interrupt her! ”

Damn it, are all Shrek Academy students monsters?

twin spirits are nothing but the ability to use Spirit fusion skills alone, which is outrageous!

Compared with them, the genius of their Sun Moon Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy is a piece of shit!!





(end of this chapter)

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