Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1497


Chapter 1497 Evil Spirit Master? (Please subscribe)

After listening to Tang Wulin's words, Gu Yue narrowed her beautiful eyes and said, "What? During our absence, such a big change happened!"

Thanks The ugly complexion said, "Not only did Tang Sect fall, but Spirit Pagoda was also severely damaged? Which faction has such a strong strength?"

Perhaps, the opponent's next target is Shrek Academy!

Xu Xiaoyan blinked, "In my opinion, only Holy Spirit can teach Spirit Pagoda and Tang Sect, although I don't know how!"


Tang Wulin glanced at Xu Xiaoyan in surprise, "Xiaoyan said it well, it was the Holy Spirit who taught him how to destroy the Tang Sect, he used Level 12 soul-guided shells!"

After these words blurted out, everyone's faces changed drastically, and they seemed to be unable to believe what they just said...

Level 12 Soul Guidance Cannonball?

In their impressions, this is completely impossible to develop. After all, even Tang Sect is only in the development of Level 11 soul guide shells!

If the Soul Guidance Cannonball of this level is in the hands of the Holy Spirit Cult, I am afraid that any 1st Rate Influence will not be able to resist it!

Seeing their expressions, Tang Wulin reassured him as much as possible and said, "Don't worry too much. If you want to come to Holy Spirit to teach, you should only have one Level 12 Soul Guidance Cannonball, or else you would have already shot at Academy!"

Ye Xinglan shook the head and interrupted the conversation, "Then nonsense, let's go back to Academy immediately!"

When the rest of the people heard the words, it was also an expression of "en!" Agree...

The news today is too shocking for them, and they are somewhat worried that Shrek Academy will suffer such a terrifying blow!

The only way to feel at ease is to see the Academy in perfect condition!


Sun Moon Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy!

The students under the ring are all staring at Yuanen Yehui who is a pair of six with a strange rays of light...

One of the students sucked in a breath of cold air, exclaimed, "This...this it a monster? How could one person fight against six people without falling behind!!"

Another student swallowed, "This is Is it really Spirit King-level strength? I'm afraid that Spirit Saint may not necessarily be her opponent, right?"

"pei pei pei, don't grow other people's ambition and destroy your own prestige, this woman can't be anymore. No matter how strong, it is impossible to win, I believe in Senior!"

"Yes, using that 100,000-year-old spirit ring must have consumed a lot of her spirit power!"

"Senior Senior Sisters, come on, let the guys at Shrek Academy know how good we are!"

Compared with these constantly shouting spectators, in addition to the already eliminated Defense System Spirit Master, Taiwan The faces of the six students above are extremely ugly...

Because they found that no matter how they cooperated with the attack, they could not gain the upper hand in front of Yuanen Yehui! !

The female Spirit Master of the control department stared at Yuanen Yehui gnashing teeth and said, "This woman, in terms of strength, is completely several levels higher than us!"

Auxiliary department The Spirit Master is scolded "How on earth did she get the 100,000-year spirit ring! Damn it! It's simply unfair!"

"Yes, the Spirit King level has a 100,000-year spirit ring. Who can stand it?"

"No matter what, we can't lose, otherwise, the reputation of our Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy will be ruined!"

They have already It is conceivable that if this duel fails, the Sun and Moon Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy will be criticized on the continent...

Not to mention the situation of 2v7!

Yuanen Yehui glanced at them coldly, "If you don't want to lose face, you should surrender! You are my opponents!"

Among the seven opponents , the three students with battle strength have been hit hard by Wuduosi, the Defense System Spirit Master has been eliminated by her, and the spirit power of the remaining three students is almost exhausted!

She, no matter what she thinks, is impossible to lose!

The six people on the opposite side seemed to be insulted and scolded, "Don't dream! Do you really think you can defeat the six of us alone? Come on with me!"

After the words fell, he quickly surrounded the former and launched an attack! ...

The middle-aged man who witnessed this scene has become anxious...

Through the previous battle, he has already figured out Yuanen Yehui's strength , it is far from being able to resist the six students that he selected!

In the final position, there is a high possibility of losing!

I regret having informed so many students to come to watch the battle!

At this moment, the rest of the teachers of the Imperial Family Soul Guide Academy of the Sun and Moon also arrived at his side...

One of the teachers asked "Teacher Liu, How's the situation?"

Another teacher said lightly with a smile "Doesn't matter? Seven to two, it should be easy to win, right? Those Disciples are also our Imperial Sun and Moon. The genius of the Family Soul Guidance Academy!"

middle-aged man shook the head and said with a complicated expression, "No, the situation is very troublesome, the strength of these two Shrek Academy female students is extraordinary, we are very You might lose the showdown!"

Hearing this, they looked towards the ring, and after discovering the 100,000-year-old spirit ring at the feet of Yuanen Yehui, they immediately understood the general idea!

hurriedly said, "What? What should I do? There are so many students watching the battle here. If they lose the duel, I'm afraid..."

The already irritable middle- aged man scolded "Don't worry, let me think of a way!"

After he finished speaking, his eyes just caught sight of the fallen angel Spirit exuding evil aura behind Yuanen Yehui. a plan!

whispered, "I have a solution, we just need this..."

After listening to the other teachers, they all showed gloomy smiles...


After Yuanen Yehui’s fallen angel blasted the three out with a sword, coldly said “The Fourth Spirit Ability, Gates of Hell!”

naked eye It can be seen that the fallen angel took a deep breath, and after chanting a complicated sentence, a gate of Hell with a size of more than ten meters, stained with black flame, tore the space and emerged into the eyes of everyone ...

Immediately afterwards, the Gates of Hell slammed open, revealing an abyss-like darkness...

A few seconds later, it began to pour out from the inside. A monster full of evil aura!

Especially the sharp horn on the top of the head, it seems to have explained their identity!

The devil from hell! !

The six students on the opposite side were dumbfounded, and they all began to move towards the back and went backwards...

"This...this is a demon?? There are so many! This Yuanen Ye Hui is obviously the Evil Spirit Master!"

"Even the devil can come out, she is not a student of Shrek Academy at all, she is definitely the Evil Spirit Master taught by Holy Spirit!"

"No wonder we are not her opponents. If it is Evil Spirit Master, it must have used some shady tactics!!"

The middle-aged man who has been waiting for this moment, turned to the other teacher beside him Nod...

In an instant, they dodged around Yuanen Yehui at the fastest speed and released their Spirit...

The former coldly shouted "didn' The students of t expect dignified Shrek Academy, the real identity is actually Evil Spirit Master, obediently surrender!"





(end of this chapter)

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