Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1498


Chapter 1498 Don’t stop at nothing! (Please subscribe)

Yuanen Yehui was stunned, frowned and said, "What do you mean by this?"

She really didn't expect, Sun Moon Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy is in order not to. If you lose the duel, you can even slander yourself as an Evil Spirit Master!

The key is to attack when you are about to win!

middle-aged man sneered and sarcastically said, "What do you mean? You say you are Shrek Academy, but you have an evil spirit, we suspect you are a spy from Holy Spirit sect!"

middle-aged man p>

When the other teachers heard the words, they also echoed in a righteous manner: "Yes, Shrek Academy has never allowed Spirit Masters with evil spirits to join, who are you?"

"If you don't Don't blame us for accepting ruthless if you say your true identity!"

"I really didn't expect that the Evil Spirit Master taught by Holy Spirit dared to take the initiative to come to our Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy. , really act recklessly!"

After listening to these words, the students below contacted the Summon Demon's Spirit Ability that Yuanen Yehui had released before, and suddenly showed a sudden realization...

They all said scolded "so that's how it is, no wonder this female student can beat six, she is the Evil Spirit Master!"

"If she is really the Evil Spirit Master, use some kind of invisible The short hand of a person has acquired a spirit ring for 100,000 years, but it's over!"

"Tsk, I thought Shrek Academy was so powerful, didn't expect even Holy appeared in Academy People who teach Spirit don't even know about it!"

"It's disgusting, even though he has such a good innate talent, he joined Holy Spirit to teach! Also ask the Elders to kill him quickly!"

"That's right, Elders, please kill this Evil Spirit Master quickly!"

When the six students in the ring saw this, they all looked at each other. Seeing each other's thoughts...

The female Spirit Master of the control department hesitated, "Is it immoral for us to do this?"

The attack system Spirit Master next to him said disdainfully" Morality? What is morality? If we lose the duel, the situation in the future will be even more difficult!"

"Well, Teacher Liu, they must also know that we are about to lose, so they find this reason. By interrupting the showdown! "

"Let's step down first and try not to attract the attention of the Junior Brother junior sisters!" "

After finishing speaking, their entire group quickly left the arena while the attention of the spectators below were all on others...

Yuanen Yehui glanced Glancing at the six students who quietly left, he laughed at himself, "so that's how it is, in order to prevent me from winning, did you even use this method? "

Seemed to be punctured, middle-aged man brace oneself angrily shouted "It's just talk nonsense, die!" ”

The next second, the whole person suddenly burst out with a terrifying spirit power belonging to the Spirit Douluo level, and moved towards Yuanen Yehui straight away!

Everything has been done It's this step, it's better to kill them all here without doing anything!

Wu Duosi below, cry out in surprise "Yuanen Yehui, dodge! "

However, Yuanen Yehui's eyes were not afraid at all, but fiery staring at the incoming middle-aged man!

She wanted to see herself, and Spirit The gap between Douluo powerhouses!

"The Third Spirit Ability, Fallen Angels Come! ! ”

The naked eye can be seen, the black eyes of the fallen angel behind him flickered, and the black breath of the whole body continued to roll, and the armor composed of dark matter condensed on the body at a very fast speed. !

The entire attribute has not only been greatly enhanced! It can also be blessed with the Diablo Demon Sword in hand!

Feel the change of the former's breath, the face of the middle-aged man He sank slightly, and secretly said, "Could it be that this female student didn't use true strength in the previous battle? "

It's a pity, but I'm a Spirit Douluo!

The gap between and the Spirit King cannot be made up by a 100,000-year-old spirit ring!

Thinking of this, the fourth spirit ring under his feet lights up!

The fourth Spirit Ability, True Qi blasting punch!!

In just a few seconds, his arm Binding gradually took on a few golden breaths, and blasted Yuanen Yehui with unmatched power...

The pitch black Demon Sword collided with the golden light fist, A terrifying shock wave burst out...

Yuanen Yehui, who could not resist the attack, only felt that her internal organs were constantly suffering from severe pain, and under the tumbling stomach, "pu!" She spat out blood with a loud bang, flew out several hundred meters away, and fell to the edge of the ring...

Looking pale, she climbed up from the ground weakly, supporting her trembling body. "cough this a Spirit Douluo-level powerhouse? The gap between each other can't be made up by a spirit ring of 100,000 years! "

Wu Duosi immediately jumped onto the ring, rushed to Yuanen Yehui's side, quickly helped her up, and anxiously said "Yuanen Yehui, are you alright?" But don't die! "

Yuanen Yehui shook the head, weakly replied "I'm fine... It's just that today, I might not be able to leave alive!" ”

These teachers of the Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy of the Sun and Moon dared to play such a heavy hand, I guess they did not intend to let them leave alive!

And the middle-aged man saw When Yuanen Yehui was still able to stand up under his own attack, he was shocked and said, "This girl has little spirit power left, and she can actually block my attack! ”

Students with such innate talent will definitely be valued in Shrek Academy!

If she is asked to report back, the Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy of Sun Moon is very They may be wiped out!

It's better to do one and two!

After beheading them and destroying the evidence, even Shrek Academy is impossible easily Let's do it!

thought of this, looked towards Yuanen Yehui's eyes filled with a strong killing intent!

took a deep breath, coldly shouted "The sixth Spirit Ability, Hundred Fist of the Seas”

The whole person jumped decisively to the in midair, wrapped his arms with spirit power, and began to punch at a speed that was difficult to see with naked eyes...

In an instant, a hundred light blue fist marks were formed in the air. After locking Yuanen Yehui and the two of them, those who hiding the sky and covering the earth bombed towards them...

Yuanen Yehui and Wu Duosi, whose spirit power had been exhausted, chose to close their beautiful eyes when looking at the falling fist marks in the sky, and a deep despair emerged in their hearts...

Now they have no ability to resist, the only possibility is to die under this intensive attack!

However, the expected pain did not appear, instead it sounded A familiar word...

"Sun Moon Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy, is this how they treat our Shrek Academy students? "

Hearing these words, Yuanen Yehui and the two immediately opened their eyes and stared deeply at the incomparably tall silhouette standing in front of them...

I saw the latter snapped his fingers indifferently, taking him as the origin, and instantly triggered a violent shock wave, swept away all around ...... Immediately after being touched, it turned into ash!


(end of this chapter)

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