Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1500


Chapter 1500 Holidays are over! (Please subscribe)

Seeing Tang Wulin and the others get on the soul train, Gu Yue pursed her thin lips and said silently in her heart, "Everyone, although I really want to tell you my true identity, but Now is not the time!"

Now Di Tian and other ominous beasts have just established their legion, and their overall strength cannot compete with 1st Rate Influence at all!

So, before you have enough self-protection ability, your identity absolutely cannot be revealed!


Sun Moon Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy!

I saw several teachers in the ring who were constantly using Spirit Ability to attack Xu Sheng, their faces were all gloomy to the extreme...

Because no matter how they attacked, they couldn't cause a little bit of damage to them. Effective damage!

One of the teachers clenched his fists and gnashing teeth said, "Is this guy really a Sea God Pavilion Elder? He is only a Spirit Saint, but his strength is more terrifying than Titled Douluo!"


Another teacher said unwillingly, "Damn! Even in four-on-one, we didn't have any upper hand at all! No, not even his defense can be broken! If this is Spirit Saint, I'll be in my life. It's on a live dog!"

"Wait...have you found it? This guy has always been calm and calm, as if he has no pressure at all!"

"We can't sanction him with our strength, it seems that we must inform Dean and the others!"

After finishing speaking, Dean of the Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy quietly sent a message...

While listening to their talk, Xu Sheng, who face doesn't change teased "Sun Moon Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy's teacher, is the strength only at this level?"

Although it is Spirit Douluo, but even Shrek Academy's Spirit Saint level teacher can beat them!

Strength, very general!

Standing behind Wu Duosi, watching this scene, her beautiful eyes gleamed and she said, "Master Old Xu...really strong! It was so easy to resist the attack of the four Spirit Douluo powerhouses! This kind of strength, I'm afraid it's not weaker than Cai Dean and the others!"

Yuanen Yehui glanced at her, and the corner of his mouth turned slightly, "What? Are you worried about Master Old Xu?"

Wu Duo Si did not speak, but her actions have already explained everything...

"Then you will be disappointed, Old Xu division was fighting against the two Super Douluo. Kill the dark hummingbird, one of the Four Great Heavenly Kings taught by Holy Spirit!"

"Also, even other Sea God Pavilion Elders have said that Master Xu's true strength has always been a mystery, perhaps more than Pavilion The Lord is stronger!"

After she finished speaking, she didn't say any more, and decided to cross her knees to restore her spirit power...

From this point of view, she can already show that she is right Extreme trust from Xu Sheng!

Wu Duo Si, who was suspicious, hesitated for a while, but also learned from the former and began to restore the spirit power!

This is a very normal behavior, but in this situation, it seems a bit funny!

The students below angrily said "Fuck, those two Evil Spirit Masters dared to cross their knees to restore their spirit power, how much they look down on our Sun and Moon Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy!"


"Damn, our Sun and Moon Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy has never been insulted so much, and they must pay the price!"

"Although I want to say the same, but in front of me The strength of this man is really strong, and I am afraid that the teachers who join forces are not his opponents! Only when Dean and the others come, they can kill him!"

"That means, we can only watch Watching those two Evil Spirit Masters restore their spirit power in front of us, it's too fucked up!"

Xu Sheng stretched, coldly said "You shouldn't have any other tricks, right? It's time to end!"

He lost his interest in playing with these teachers...

The naked eye can be seen, thick and ash-gray flames Ghost Vine rose from the ground and directly enveloped the entire arena...

Swept from all directions...

Seeing Xu Sheng release his Spirit, middle- aged man taunted "hmph, trifling plant-based Spirit, I don't believe you alone want to kill the four of us?"

But the next second, his face froze...

Because in the face of these vines attacking in front of me, my body seems to be suppressed, and it is impossible to move!

Immediately cry out in surprise "What... what's the situation, why can't I move!"

Immediately looked at the other teachers beside them, and found that they were also struggling frantically. But the body still did not move at all!

In this way, a thought flooded into the hearts of several teachers, that is the end!

That man was teasing them from the very beginning!

simply did not use half of the strength!

Under this thick desperate situation, their bodies were bounded by the ghost ghost Vine, and they suffered the burning sensation of the soul brought by the ash-gray flame...

The whole There was a painful roar in the ring...

After ignoring these people, Xu Sheng turned his head and looked towards Yuanen Yehui and the two behind him, and said softly, "Have you recovered your spirit power? It's time to go!"

Hearing this numb voice mixed with a bit of numbness, their faces turned a little ruddy, and they whispered "um"...

Immediately afterwards, they Leading them towards the gate...

Seeing the three approaching, the students of the Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy under the ring took the initiative to make way for them!

Just kidding, even these Spirit Douluo-level teachers were killed overnight!

It is conceivable that the powerhouse at this level is not something they can provoke!

But just a second before stepping out of the gate, Xu Sheng suddenly stopped and said abruptly, "Oh, yes, tell you Dean of the Academy, about today's matter, I I will tell Shrek Academy truthfully!"

This sentence made all the students face ashes, as if they all knew what the next ending of the Imperial Family Soul Guidance Academy would be!

Shrek Academy!

I saw that the door of the Academy has opened, and the returning students from the outer courtyard have poured in one after another...

Of course, different from the lively and cheerful atmosphere in the past, every The faces of the students from the outer courtyard were extremely ugly!

Because when they came, everyone received what happened recently!

Especially the fact that Tang Sect was destroyed by a Level 12 Soul Guidance projectile made them worry about whether Shrek Academy would be destroyed next!

Seeing all this, Shen Yi, grim said, "Cai Dean, it seems that the students have all suffered a lot because of Tang Sect! This is not a good thing"

Cai Yueer nodded, "Well, but this is also inevitable, such a big thing, it is impossible to hide the students!"

Don't talk about these students, even Sea God Pavilion Elder and Teachers aren't sure if Shrek Academy will be destroyed next!

Because there is no way to counter the Level 12 Soul Guidance projectiles, this is always a huge hidden danger!

However, as long as you give them a little more time, they will be able to come up with some countermeasures!

At the very least, make sure that Shrek Academy isn't wiped out! !




(end of this chapter)

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