Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1501


Chapter 1501 draws attention (please subscribe)

While standing outside the gate of Shrek Academy, Tang Wulin entire group, immediately Just looking at the situation of the Academy...

Xie La stretched and said with emotion, "I've finally returned to the Academy, and it seems that nothing happened!"

Ye Xinglan said indifferently, "Well, but other students probably also received the news that Tang Sect was destroyed, otherwise they would not show the expression of trembling with fear!" The student, surprised and said, "Really, every student I just saw looked ugly!"

Xu Xiaoyan shrugged and said, "After all, it's a Level 12 soul-guided cannonball, if it's placed in our Academy , I don't know if I can resist it!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang Wulin shook the head and vetoed, "Impossible, the formidable power of the Level 12 soul-guided projectile can already destroy a city. , not only has a wide range, but also has strong lethality!"

After a pause, he said with a bitter smile "With our Shrek Academy alone, if there is no Level 12 defensive spirit tool at the same level, and Tang Sect's It doesn't make any difference!"

The Tang Sect, which was very good at spirit tool, was destroyed, how could Shrek Academy be able to stop it?

Xie Ru smacking his lips, "That's true, but it's useless to think too much, let's advance to the Academy"

So, the entire group entered the Academy...


After seeing Cai Yueer and Shen Yi who were talking about them, she stepped forward...

They said in unison, "Cai Dean, Teacher Shen!"

Cai Yueer just Slightly nodded, and then said to Shen Yi, "Shen Yi, I'll leave it to you here, I still have things to deal with!"

After finishing speaking, he left decisively...

Shen Yi then came back to his senses looked towards Tang Wulin entire group, and when he sensed that their spirit power had improved, he said in a surprised tone, "en? Two people broke through Spirit Ancestor!"

Tang Wulin explained, "Teacher Shen, it's three people! Gu Yue has also broken through"

Shen Yi counted and found that there was no silhouette of Gu Yue, and puzzled, "Then why doesn't she have one?" Go back to the Academy?"

Xie Ru waved his hands helplessly, "Gu Yue said she had a private matter to deal with, so let us come back first! By the way, do you know where Master Old Xu went? "

When Xu Sheng was mentioned, Shen Yi's face became bitter and resentful, "Xu Sheng? He left a few days ago, but he has been teaching Yuanen Yehui and Wu during this time. Doss!"

Even if she leaves, she will not be alone with herself, she suspects that the former really hates herself!

Hearing this news, Xu Xiaoyan cry out in surprise, "What? Training Yuanen Yehui and Wu Duosi?"

Xie Ru clenched his palms angrily, "Damn! This dance Dosi, no wonder our invitation was rejected, and she also secretly went to Master Old Xu to teach her! And Yuanen Yehui!"

Tang Wulin also said with some remorse." Oh, there is no way, who told us at first not to trouble Master Xu, didn't expect someone else to catch the worm the early bird!"

They originally planned to find Xu Sheng Teaching, but thinking about not bothering the other party, so I decided to go to other academy to improve the actual combat experience!

Shen Yi sighed, "Okay, let's all go in, but here I remind you that you will live in harmony with Tang Sect Disciples in the future!"

As soon as these words came out, Tang Wulin and the others were dumbfounded, didn't they just say that Tang Sect has been extinguish sect?

Why let them live in harmony with Tang Sect Disciple?

Tang Wulin frowned and said "Teacher Shen, isn't Tang Sect being extinguish sect? What do you mean"

Shen Yi glanced at him, calmly said " Before the Tang Sect was destroyed, most of the Disciples escaped, and now they are members of the Shrek Academy!”

Unfortunately, both Tang Sect sect master Cao Zhide and Soul Guidance Hall Disciple are there! The soul-guided cannonball fell...


Holy Spirit!

I saw Hades respectfully said to the woman on the seat, "Sir Demon Sovereign, Spirit Pagoda has been successfully killed by us, but due to the interference of Shrek Academy, Spirit Pagoda cannot be controlled. !"

If it wasn't for the dark bloodfiend letting the Vice-Sect Master go, then with this plan, the Spirit Pagoda can definitely be won!

But it's useless to say anything now, just hope Lord Demon Sovereign doesn't get angry!

The woman's beautiful eyes flashed a few gloomy colors, icily said "Where's the dark bloodfiend?"

Feeling the change in the former's breath, Hades reached out and wiped it. With cold sweat on his forehead, he cautiously said, "Lord Demon Sovereign, please calm down, the dark bloodfiend has been severely injured, and the spirit power level has dropped to Level 17! I have let him go down to rest!"

This is Lord Demon Sovereign's Strength? It's definitely not something you can compare yourself to!

is both Level 99 Limit Douluo, the former can definitely crush itself!

The woman pursed her thin lips, pressing down the surging killing intent emanating from her body, scolded, "Just dealing with a Spirit Pagoda tower owner will suffer such serious injuries, it really is a waste!"

Within the entire Holy Spirit Church!

Only she, Ghost Emperor, Hades, and dark bloodfiend have reached the level of Limit Douluo!

The latter fell to the ninth level 17, which indirectly affected her future plans!

Hades' eyes flickered, changing the subject and saying "Sir Demon Sovereign, in addition to this, the other thing you ordered has been completed"

Pause After a while, he opened the mouth and said, "The surrounding forces have been secretly controlled by us! We have converted most of the Spirit Masters into Evil Spirit Masters!"

The woman's beautiful eyes swept away Diess glanced and calmed down the mood just now...

"Very well, it seems that in this Holy Spirit teaching, only you can make me trust a little bit!"

Hades buried his head, "Demon Sovereign, you are overpraised!"

The bottom of my heart is secretly relaxed...

The woman took a deep breath, there is no doubt about it Tone: "Hades, there seems to be a new legion emerging recently, and in just a few weeks, it has reached the scale of thousands!"

"I want to send you to take them Absorb into Holy Spirit to teach, or make some trades!"

This legion's ordinary Spirit Master, she doesn't look down on it at all, the reason why she said this is just because of a rumor!

There are digital Super Douluo and Limit Douluo level powerhouses in that legion!

If it can be incorporated into the teaching of Holy Spirit, in terms of high-end battle strength,

Hades' face condensed, and he asked, "Demon Sovereign, please let me guess, you Did you like the high-end battle strength of that legion?"

This legion that suddenly appeared, he sent someone to monitor it a long time ago, but he never took it seriously!

didn't expect to be able to get into the eyes of Lord Demon Sovereign!

The woman was not surprised that he could see through her own thoughts...

said without thinking "Well, if not, then please solve them all!"

The weak Evil Spirit Master, she has as many as she wants!

Hades bowed slightly, "Yes, Lord Demon Sovereign!"

If the rumors were true, he wouldn't sneak in like the brainless dark bloodfiend!

(end of this chapter)

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