Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1502


Chapter 1502 Tang Sect Disciple (please subscribe)

Another place, the ancient moon who has already boarded the soul train , following the weak induction of himself and Di Tian, came to the legion's station!

When she realized that the legion in front of her was already very large, her beautiful eyes flashed gleamed, and she said in surprise, "Oh? Is this the legion after Di Tian's expansion?"

She originally thought that she would develop slowly, but didn't expect to expand to such a large extent in a short period of time!

Vaguely visible, many legion members are happily discussing...

One of the members picked up the form in his hand and said joyfully, "Today we have joined hundreds of legion members. No. Spirit Master, I'm afraid it won't take long to become continent 1st Rate Influence!"

Another member next to him also proudly said, "That's right, who told us to reach the Limit Douluo! This is enough to support the prestige of our entire legion!"

"That's not true, our legion has won the support of the Federation, and it seems that even the War God Temple is very optimistic!"

"Don't talk about it! Let's keep a low profile! Otherwise, it will attract the attention of other forces, and maybe something will happen!"

Gu Yue pursed her thin lips and walked over , "Well, can I join in?"

Her words immediately attracted everyone's attention, and when they felt the spirit power fluctuations exuding from her body...

They were all surprised. "What? You've reached Spirit Ancestor in your teens! What a terrifying innate talent!"

"Being able to absorb such a child with innate talent, I'm afraid the captain and the others won't refuse it! "

"It's hard to say, in my opinion, let's ask the head of the group, after all, our legion has no precedent for recruiting children!"

Those who can join their legion , all adults!

"No need, we're already here!"

After the words fell, they walked out of a man who was invisibly majestic!

is Di Tian, and other ominous beasts!

Seeing this, these legion members hurriedly bowed and said, "Head of the group, everyone!"

Di Tian just glanced at them lightly, "Well, you first Leave it"


After these legion members complied, they left decisively!

At this time, Di Tian's golden eyes stared at Gu Yue in front of him and respectfully said, "Lord! You are finally here!"

The other ominous beasts also said in unison "Lord!"

Gu Yue nodded and asked, "Di Tian, is this the Spirit Beast legion you built? How is the current situation?"

Di Tian was stunned, replied "Yes, Lord, now our legion has nearly tens of thousands of Spirit Masters, it should not be long before we can continue to expand around!"

After a pause, he continued, "In addition, , in addition to the continuous expansion of the legion scale, we have also obtained the support of the federation, and we are already trying to research spirit tools!"

Gu Yue's face froze, "What is the cost of obtaining federation support?"


She doesn't trust the Federation to give such a big support to a strange legion for no reason!

Bi Ji smiled slightly, "As expected of the Lord, I can't hide it from you, the price we paid is also very simple, just nominate the federation!"

This kind of Things can be important or they can be meaningless!

After all, when legion really develops to the point where it can compete with 1st Rate Influence, it can be ignored!

But before that, it's not a bad thing to be temporarily attached to the Federation!

Gu Yue looked thoughtful nodded, "so that's how it is, that's not a problem!"

One of the ominous beasts changed the subject and said, "Lord, you finally came back. , how long are you going to stay this time?"

Gu Yue's cheeks showed a little helplessness, "Just drop in today, I'm going back to the Academy tomorrow!"

She also thought Stay here and see legion for yourself, but Shrek Academy's rules are tough!

If you do not return to the Academy within the specified time, you will be expelled directly!

Hearing this sentence, all the ominous beasts were a little disappointed...

Seeing this, Di Tian said with displeasure "Okay, the Lord has come back after a long time. What are you doing with such an expression!"

After speaking, Chao Gu Yue suggested, "My lord, let me take you in to see the inside of the legion! Maybe there is something we haven't thought of!"

Gu Yue whispered "en!" and followed Di Tian's pace...

Watching the two of Di Tian leave, the ominous beast who was standing on the spot was a little not knowing what to do...

He said blankly "Then what are we going to do?"

Bi Ji swept them angrily, "Of course I'm going to guard all around. Recently, our legion has been monitored by many forces!"

Especially... Evil Spirit Master with a stench all over his body!

This vaguely made her smell an ominous omen......


When Tang Wulin entire group entered the Academy, look directly Dumbfounded...

At this moment, the classrooms and spare areas of the entire Academy are filled with densely packed silhouettes, and the uniform Tang Sect costumes have already explained their identities!

Tang Wulin sucked in a breath of cold air, " many Tang Sect Disciples, are they fake?"

No wonder Teacher Shen reminded them to talk to Tang Sect Disciple getting along well!

Xie Ru rubbed his eyes and said in despair, "I'm not dazzled, is this really the Tang Sect Disciple that is about to be extinguish?"

The current Tang Sect The total number of Disciples, I am afraid, is more than the outer students of their Shrek Academy!

Ye Xinglan said with emotion, "Tsk, there are so many Tang Sect Disciples, it seems that the inner courtyard also needs to be put into use again!"

Otherwise, the outer courtyard alone will block people!

Xu Xiaoyan said with doubts, "I have a question, Tang Sect no longer exists, and Shrek Academy just happens to lack Spirit Master, why not accept Tang Sect Disciple as a Shrek student?"

Tang Wulin shook his head and vetoed, "Impossible, Tang Sect Disciple treats its own sects with great affection. As soon as the sects are destroyed, let them join Shrek Academy, no one is willing to accept it!"

Besides, now that I have joined Shrek Academy, I may not be able to split it out and re-establish Tang Sect in the future!

And Zheng Yiran's entire group on the other side also discovered Tang Wulin and the others ahead!

Luo Guixing was surprised and said, "That's...Tang Wulin and the others, their aura is so much stronger!"

Zheng Yiran's face was ugly and said, "Damn, how is this possible, there are only them among them. The two of them were promoted to Spirit Ancestor, why the breath has skyrocketed so much!"

Xu Yucheng glanced at them "their strength will soon catch up with us, even far surpasses! There is no need to have What kind of hostility, after all, they are all Shrek students!"

After this vacation, he has completely figured it out!

It's not good for both of them if they are hostile to each other!

used to be able to rely on strength and prestige to suppress, but now, their status in the class is already very embarrassing, and if they take the initiative to pick things up, I am afraid that it will become a situation where everyone is shouting and beating!

is a smart guy who knows how to choose!




(end of this chapter)

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