Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1531


Chapter 1531 Zhenhua is moved (please subscribe)

As soon as these words came out, several staff members Revealing a surprised look...

I can't understand that such words were spoken by their president!

Because taking back that male student's Blacksmith Medal is equivalent to not recognizing his status as a Level 4 Blacksmith, and he will be blacklisted forever!

said in a hesitant tone, "President, will this be a bit too much?"

"If you don't take back that female student's medal, I'm afraid it will. Some people disagree and think our Blacksmiths Association is unfair!"

"President, in my opinion, we might as well keep our eyes closed!"

Zhenhua's deep voice Glancing at them, icily said, "What? Don't you even listen to me, the president?"

He is the president of the Blacksmiths Association, who wants to take back the blacksmith badge , that's all with no difficulty!

next to Mu Chen patted his shoulder, shook his head slightly and said, "Zhenhua, there is no need!"

He knew that the former was killing the chicken to warn the monkey , but obviously, doing so will have a great impact on the reputation of the Blacksmiths Guild, and it's not worth it!

Zhenhua was stunned for a while, then coldly said "hmph! Since you said so, good luck to that kid,'s not justified without some punishment, let him clean the building of our Blacksmiths Association. A week!"

After a pause, he added, "If you don't want to, just do as I said before!"

"Yes! President!"

These staff members were relaxed and secretly said, "As expected of the president, that look just now almost suffocated them"

Thinking of this, they also cast a grateful look at Mu Chen...

On the other side, the male students who were forging seemed to also see the arrival of Zhenhua entire group, and the whole person's mood began to have ups and downs...

The ugly complexion said, "Damn! Even the president of the Blacksmiths Association and the presidents of the branch are watching, what should I do? I'm so nervous!"

As he kept waving the forging hammer, his hands trembled from time to time, and he couldn't grasp it accurately. Strength!

seemed to seek some comfort, he subconsciously raised his eyes to look at Gu Yue, wanting to see a bit of panic on the other's face...

However, , he was disappointed! Not only was the latter not nervous at all, it was more like he was completely immersed in the forging, ignoring the hundreds of pressure-filled gazes around him...

Immediately after, after another ten minutes, he spoke again. He couldn't bear the huge pressure in his heart, and the forging hammer in his hand flew out heavily...

The whole person suddenly collapsed to the ground, and cold sweat kept dripping from his forehead...

Looking at the forging hammer in front of me, I want to pick it up, but I find that my legs are already weak and I can't do it at all!

This admiration made the surrounding blacksmiths frown, and they all said, "What is this guy doing? Why did he just lose the forging hammer! Hurry up and pick it up!"


"Look at how he's brow beaded with sweat, he's obviously reaching his limit, really boring! I can't believe this guy is a Level 4 blacksmith!"

"en! That's it! This level of forging, I can do it too!"

"I think I'm not good at dealing with such public situations, so the psychological pressure is too great, resulting in constant mistakes!"

"Perhaps, but the female student has already won, so why is she still forging?"

At this moment, Gu Yue did not even lift her eyelids in the face of the male student's mistakes. For a moment, he is still concentrating on forging...

Xie Ru, who was also watching this scene, reminded loudly, "Gu Yue, you have already won, you can stop forging!"

However, Gu Yue, who heard this sentence, did not react at all...

Xu Xiaoyan frowned, "Gu Yue doesn't seem to be listening to us at all, she looks like she's stunned! "

Ye Xinglan lifted her chin and said, "Is it a sudden enlightenment? I heard... there are indeed many blacksmiths who have successfully broken through under pressure!"

Xie Ru rolled the eyes, "Don't be kidding, that kind of opponent will put pressure on Gu Yue? It is estimated that Gu Yue is already close to a Level 5 blacksmith, just take advantage of this opportunity to break through!"

also has Zhenhua at this thought, his eyes glimmered and said, "This child is...sudden enlightenment? Could it be...she wants to break through to a Level 5 blacksmith?"

Mu Chen smacked his lips and said, "Wulin, didn't expect you are so perverted, even your companions are so perverted! Of course, it refers to innate talent!"

Tang Wulin helplessly shrugged his shoulders, "teacher, to be honest, I don't know either. Gu Yue has such a high innate talent! After all, she doesn't have any teacher to teach her!"

In his opinion, Gu Yue didn't spend much time on forging from beginning to end, but even if In this way, it can also reach the level of a Level 4 blacksmith!

At first glance, perhaps her innate talent surpasses her!

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the intention!

Zhenhua covered his mouth and coughed, and said solemnly, "Mu Chen, even you have such a talented Disciple, you say, can I accept this female student as a Disciple"


He himself is a Divine Craftsman. If he wants to receive Disciple, I don't know how many blacksmiths will come here...

But, how many can be attracted by him?

Until he saw the female student in front of him, he knew that if he didn't act, he might not have the chance to be a girl!

Mu Chen said in astonishment, "What? Did I hear right? You Zhenhua actually figured out that you want to accept this female student as a Disciple?"

He always knew about Zhenhua Hua eyes high above the top, not easy to accept apprentices!

"This girl can reach this level without the teaching of a teacher. If she can become my Disciple, perhaps her innate talent in forging will surpass that of Xiao Wu Lin!"

Mu Chen was stunned, looked at Gu Yue who was forging, and then looked at Tang Wulin...

He pursed his lips and said, "It's undeniable that this is a possibility, but you also need people to look up to you. Ah!"

Zhenhua rolled the eyes, "Tsk, I'm a dignified Divine Craftsman, isn't it enough to be her teacher?"

He can even receive Tang Wulin like this The enchanting Disciple, will the Divine Craftsman still fail?

Just kidding!

Listening to Tang Wulin talking about the two, he suddenly opened the mouth and said "President, I have to remind you that Gu Yue has a very high vision!"

Zhenhua wondered, "What does this mean?"

Tang Wulin sighed, "It is said that the deputy tower owner of Spirit Pagoda, Heavenly Phoenix Douluo, wanted to take Gu Yue as a Disciple, but he was swayed by him. Decidedly refused!"

This sentence directly made the former's face freeze...

It is true that he is Divine Craftsman, but that Heavenly Phoenix Douluo is Level 99 Limit Douluo , are ranked on the continent!

Even this one has failed, and I am afraid that I am also a little overwhelmed!

Mu Chen said with a smile "What? I'm discouraged, I said before that this child might not be able to like you, right?"

Zhenhua bronze oneself scolded " hmph! Don't be complacent! Maybe this girl happens to have a soft spot for the job of blacksmith!"

Of course, this sentence is just to cover up his embarrassment...

After all, there's not much certainty about whether you can make it your own Disciple!

(End of this chapter)

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