Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1532


Chapter 1532 teacher, Zhenhua! (Please subscribe)

Under everyone's unwavering gaze, Gu Yue finally stopped the movement in his hands, and the forged product on the table was completely formed!

At first glance, this forged product is not Top Grade, but at least it has reached High Level!

After she took a deep breath, she murmured, "didn't expect to forge at will, and then touch the threshold of a Level 5 blacksmith!" The teachers all said, "The forging is over? This female student's innate talent is really terrifying. She is forging while sudden enlightenment, and it looks like the finished product is not bad!"

"That's for sure, look at that. Appearance and texture! I'm afraid it's not too far from Top Grade, and it's not the same as the guy on the opposite side who can't even stand up!"

"Yes, it is said that this duel is still the one who doesn't pull up. The students of the shitty Academy took the initiative to initiate it, and now it's good, it's a shame!"

"Anyway, it's not a loss to see the forging of Level 4 blacksmiths today!"


Seeing the end of the duel, Zhen Hua, the president of the guild, immediately walked over to Gu Yue's forging table with his hands behind his back, his head held high, and after scanning the finished product on the forging table with his deep eyes...

exclaimed, "Yes, this forged product is also a High Level among Level 4 blacksmiths. Of course, if you can control the heat, it may reach Top Grade!"

heard His praise was combined with the words of other blacksmiths. Gu Yue realized that the former was the chairman of the blacksmiths association, and a surprised look appeared on his cheeks...

Immediately, face doesn't t change said, "President, you have been overraised!"

As everyone knows, this small move made Zhenhua even more excited...

He has a good innate talent and can maintain The humble attitude is indeed worthy of being his Zhenhua Disciple!

Compared to Gu Yue, the face of the male student sitting on the ground was extremely gloomy...

He stood up in a hurry, trying to take advantage of all the focus. When he was on Gu Yue, he and his companions quietly left...

However, always paying attention to his Xie Rui, loudly taunted "What? You are sneaking, do you want to run away?"

Xu Xiaoyan also hit a person when he's down and said, "That's right, wasn't he just arrogant? Why is he so covered in dirt now? Don't even dare to say anything?"

Ye Xinglan also said indifferently " You can leave if you want, but have you forgotten what to do?"

The male student's cheeks turned blue and white when he heard the words, and he had to brace oneself, "Yes... I'm sorry, it was ours before. No, I'm sorry!"

Obviously, he also knew that in front of the public, it was right to take the initiative to admit his mistake!

After speaking, I just felt that my face was hot, and I escaped from the Blacksmiths Association as if I didn't want to die!

At this time, a staff member covered his mouth and coughed. After stepping out, he announced loudly, "This private duel is over, please don't gather here for the forgers who are watching! To avoid getting in the way. After the showdown ended, Xie Ru praised without hesitation, "Gu Yue, didn't expect you to be so good at forging, it's really good for you. Let's get angry."

Xu Xiaoyan said, "Well, you didn't see the faces of those guys just now, they looked like a Muggle, hahaha!"

Ye Xinglan also revealed With a smile, "Thank you for worrying about you before, but now that I think about it, it's all about us!"

Gu Yue shook the head and said softly, "No, I'm just good luck. !"

At the same time, Tang Wulin also walked over with Zhenhua and the others...

The former said with a slight smile "Gu Yue, although I don't know the reason. , but congratulations for winning the duel!"

Gu Yue nodded, "hmm"

Xie Rui and the others couldn't wait to ask when they saw Tang Wulin " Wulin, how is your Level 6 blacksmith assessment?"

"What's the question, just look at the medal on his chest, it's definitely a success"

"Hey...really, a teenage Level 6 blacksmith, even the entire Federation doesn't have a monster like Wulin, right?"

Tang, who was praised like a fairy Wulin, scratched his head, sorry, "No, no, everyone's words are a little too exaggerated."

After a pause, he seemed to have thought of something, opened the mouth again and said "By the way, let me introduce to you. Come on, this is my teacher, Mu Chen, this is the president of the Blacksmiths Association, Zhenhua, and the others are the branch presidents of the Blacksmiths Association!"

Hearing this , Gu Yue and the others greeted respectfully...

Mu Chen waved his hand and said with a big smile "Since they are all friends of Wulin, there is no need to be more polite!"

And Zhenhua stared at Gu Yue intently, and said, "Naughty girl, your name is Gu Yue, right?"

Gu Yue was stunned for a while, and said "Yes, president, do you have any problem?"

She should have nothing to do with this president, but she always feels The eyes of the other party locked on him from the very beginning!

Zhenhua took a deep breath, " problem, I just think you have an eye for Gu Yue, so I think..."

The doubts on Gu Yue's cheeks Tang Wulin, who was next to Zhenhua, saw that Zhenhua couldn't utter a word for a long time, so he decided to help him...

Explained, "Gu Yue, in fact, is a The president has taken a fancy to your innate talent and wants to accept you as a Disciple!"

Zhenhua is also a Divine Craftsman, and being his Disciple will definitely get a lot of help!

After these words fell, Zhenhua glanced at Tang Wulin with his grateful eyes...

Good boy, I didn't see you wrong!

Immediately, he said to Gu Yue in a sincere tone, "That's right, that's it, don't know if you want to be my Disciple?"

Next to Xie Ru and the others directly Silly...

"Hey... the president wants to take Gu Yue as a Disciple, which is... a good thing!"

"Well, there is this Divine Craftsman Gu Yue's forging skills may catch up with Wulin!"

"That's right, maybe it will help us all to a certain extent!"

Gu Yue didn't rush to answer, those beautiful eyes flashing rays of light seemed to be thinking...

Tang Wulin, who was familiar with her, was sighed in her heart...

It seemed that She was about to be disappointed, Gu Yue showed this expression, mostly thinking about how to refuse politely without hurting the face of the other party!

But...this time, he guessed wrong!

I saw Gu Yue bowing slightly and respectfully said, "I do, Disciple Gu Yue has seen the teacher!"

Zhenhua's face suddenly brightened, and he immediately said with a big smile "Okay, okay! From now on, you will be my Disciple of Zhenhua, hahaha!"

Being able to accept a Disciple with such innate talent is more exciting than how many Top Grades he has forged. Delight!

next to Mu Chen also showed a relieved look, teased "Zhenhua, you are satisfied now, I finally accepted the disc, should I invite everyone to fight their teeth?"

Mu Chen patted his chest and said proudly, "It's a small matter! Today Gu Yue, Xiao Wu Lin, and your companions can say whatever they want, I'll pay for it!"





(end of this chapter)

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