Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1554


Chapter 1554 Devil Spirit Great White Shark & Deep Sea Demon Whale King (Subscribe)

When Xie Le led everyone from the secret passage to the deck, and they all hid behind the bunker to observe quietly...

It is vaguely visible that every Spirit Master on the deck has released his Spirit looking up to the grim. Looking at the ocean ahead, it seems to be welcoming something...

Xu Xiaoyan wondered, "Hey, why did everyone release Spirit, and their faces are so grim!"

Gu Yue took a deep breath, "It seems we guessed right, this giant ship has been targeted by Sea Spirit Beast, I'm afraid it won't be long before the battle will start!"

And Tang Wulin's But his eyes were attracted by a huge mecha full of oppression force...

I saw him cry out in surprise "Hey...that's the legendary god level mecha! Could it be this person's Body Sect Sect Master?"

Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I have read a lot of information about mecha, and at a glance I recognized this mecha as the god level mecha of the Body Sect Sect Master!

Ye Xinglan squinted her eyes, "Even the Body Sect Sect Master has released a god level mecha to fight, the next battle, I'm afraid it will be very difficult!"

Xu Lizhi said cautiously, "Sister Xinglan, why don't we...let's go to the lower level?"

He has never seen such a battle before, so he is not afraid of impossible!

However, it seems that their discussion was too loud, and soon attracted the attention of a guard...

When they found the Tang Wulin entire group hiding behind the bunker, wrinkled He frowned and said, "Why did you children come up? Hurry up to the lower deck, the deck is very dangerous!"

Tang Wulin explained, "Keeping Big Brother Wei, we are just watching from the secret, and we will never show our faces. Yes!"

The guard decisively refused and said, "No, there are many Sea Spirit Beasts who came to attack this time. With your strength, once it is affected, you will surely die!"

Tang Wulin and the others looked at each other, nodded and said "Okay... okay"

But just as they were about to leave the deck and reach the lower deck, the entire ship suddenly began to shake violently!

At first glance, it was the ocean ahead that set off a terrifying wave of dozens of meters, which beat fiercely on the shield of the giant ship!

The whole scene is so terrifying!

At the same time, Makino, who had already felt that the entire giant ship was surrounded by the Sea Spirit Beast, shouted "Everyone pay attention, the Sea Spirit Beast is coming, all prepare for battle!!!"

And the guards who heard this, warned Tang Wulin and the others of the ugly complexion, "You just hide behind the cover, absolutely don't come out!"

After saying this, they said Xiao ran and returned to his own post...

Tang Wulin and the others dismounted the giant wheel, and cautiously hid beside the bunker...

At the same time, he stood at the back and was responsible for protecting The Spirit Masters released the Spirit Ability without any hesitation, and the spirit rings flashed under their feet...

“The fifth Spirit Ability! Petrification!!”

“ The fourth Spirit Ability! Tenacious is indestructible!"

"The fourth Spirit Ability! Chaos Gang!"

In an instant, countless Spirit abilities were superimposed on the giant wheel, for It greatly improves the defensive power!

As for the Spirit Masters who are in charge of reducing the Sea Spirit Beast battle strength in front, naked eyes can clearly see the huge shark group!

Especially the texture and volume on the shark fins remind people of a very terrifying Sea Spirit Beast!

Devil Spirit Great White Shark!

"My God, these Sea Spirit Beasts are demons...Devil Spirit Great White Shark!! And it's huge!"

"Devil Spirit Great White Shark in There is also an overlord in the ocean. Damn, today's luck is so bad!!"

"Can we really resist the attacks of so many Devil Spirit Great White Sharks?"

"Don't be afraid everyone, Devil Spirit Great White Shark is strong, but not very strong in single target attack, we have a very high chance of successfully resisting it!"

But it is not stable yet In the heart of the army, a hoarse voice sounded again in the ocean, "Stupid human beings, you have passed through our territory without authorization and killed our clansman. Are you ready to face extinction?"

Immediately after, from the ocean A huge silhouette emerged, and its silver white back was like an island, and its slender and sharp shark fins stood up straight, like a blade, exuding a chilling chill!

Not only that, but not far from him, a larger dark purple silhouette emerges. From the looks of it, the volume is not smaller than the former!

After these two huge monsters appeared, they immediately attracted everyone's attention...

Even Xu Sheng's dark eyes were a little surprised, face doesn't change Said "Maki Sect Master, it seems that there is more than one 100,000-year-old Sea Spirit Beast in this attack..."

Makino grim said, "Well, didn't expect Devil Spirit Great White Shark and Deep The Sea Demon Whale King will join forces to attack us, the situation is a little troublesome!"

All of them guessed wrong, except for these two ominous beasts that have reached a hundred thousand year cultivation base, Devil Spirit The populations of the Great White Shark and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King combined have reached a thousand terrifying!

Only relying on these Spirit Masters on the giant ship, if you want to resist, the chance is zero!

But fortunately, the opponent did not launch an attack immediately, which means there is still room for negotiation!

Thinking of this, he looked at the Devil Spirit Great White Shark and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King whose cultivation base had reached 100,000 years, opened the mouth and said, "We just passed through this place, we didn't. The clansman who took the initiative to kill you! Besides, today's human beings have no shortage of spirit rings for 100,000 years!"

"Please leave quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

However, after these words blurted out, the expressions of all Sea Spirit Beast became extremely violent, and a burst of oppression force hiding the sky and covering the earth continued to spread...

Devil Spirit Great White Shark angrily shouted "Shut up, you despicable humans, because of your interference, our Sea Spirit Beast has also lost its living space in the ocean!"

"There will be today The result, you all brought it on yourself!"

The next second, it controlled the ocean to form several water columns of more than ten meters, and collided with the giant ship...

Seeing this, Makino casually moved towards the incoming water column...

The huge spirit power gathered into a huge scarlet fist shadow, which was together with the water column strikes, and disappeared after a few seconds. Drop...

Immediately, coldly said, "If that's the case, let's talk with your strength, everyone, do it!"


Hiding in the bunker After Xie Lai, the whole person's scalp was a little numb, and trembling said, "Count...thousands of Devil Spirit Great White Shark and Deep Sea Demon Whale King, this manpower capable of competing?"

Tang Wulin pursed his thin lips and said with a bitter smile "If there is no special means...the probability that we can win is zero!"

Even he feels that there is no victory. probability!

Ye Xinglan also sighed and said, "The Sea Spirit Beast who came to attack are Devil Spirit Great White Shark and Deep Sea Demon Whale King, they are simply unfortunate within misfortune!"

Xu Lizhi Desperately said, "So, we will be the food for these Sea Spirit Beasts?"

But at this time, Gu Yue's eyes lit up and said, "No, maybe there is a glimmer of survival!"

From the very beginning, he found that everyone including Makino was intimidated by the mighty Sea Spirit Beasts!

Only Mr. Old Xu's face always showed indifference!




(end of this chapter)

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