Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1555


Chapter 1555 Facing Sea Spirit Beast (Subscribe)

Xie Ru raised his eyebrows, "Gu Yue, do you think we have a chance to win this battle?"

Although most of the Devil Spirit Great White Shark and Deep Sea Demon Whale King have only a thousand-year cultivation base, they can't hold many, especially in the ocean. Comparable to 10,000 Year Spirit Beast!

No way they have any chance of winning!

Before Gu Yue could answer, Ye Xinglan said with a confused expression, "Thank you, you underestimate the lethality of the spirit tool! We don't have a winning percentage, not because there are too many Sea Spirit Beasts. ”

Although there are many thousand-year-old Sea Spirit Beasts, in front of the soul-guided cannonballs, they are almost killed!

The real danger is the two 100,000-year-old Devil Spirit Great White Shark and Deep Sea Demon Whale King at the head!

Only by beheading them will it be possible to disperse these Sea Spirit Beasts!

Gu Yue agreed and said, "en! The lethality of the soul-guided shells equipped on this giant ship has reached Level 8 spirit tool, which is enough to completely destroy this Sea Territory!"

After a pause, he continued, "But if you do this, the giant wheel itself will also be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke! Therefore, you can only use soul-guided shells below Level 6 to attack!"

However, Tang Wulin said with a deep meaning, "Gu Yue, have you been watching Master Old Xu all the time?"

Gu Yue showed some surprises, "Could it be that you noticed it too?"

Tang Wulin affirmed, "Well, it can only be said that Master Old Xu is worthy of Master Old Xu. No matter what danger he is in, he can't let him have a trace of fear!"

And they The conversation between the two made the others stunned, Xu Xiaoyan frowned, "It's all over, what are you two talking about dumb?"

Gu Yue shook the head, not wanting to explain It means, "It's nothing, just keep watching, if there is no accident, we will all be fine!"

She, trust her intuition!


On the other side, the lower level of the giant wheel!

Because of the terrifying fluctuations emitted by many Sea Spirit Beasts, many Spirit Masters have noticed that something is wrong...

They have used windows and other objects to observe the outside world. Get up...

After seeing the situation clearly, one of the students of Star Luo Imperial Academy took a few steps backwards, tremblingly said, "I... My god, those two creatures are monsters. What? It has such a huge body!"

Another female student scolded "Idiot! Those are Devil Spirit Great White Shark and Deep Sea Demon Whale King, judging from their length, at least 100,000 Years of cultivation base!"

"How do you say such a thing with such a calm face? That is the Devil Spirit Great White Shark and Deep Sea Demon Whale King of a hundred thousand years of cultivation base! More than the ominous beast of the continent!!"

"It's over... it's over! In addition to the ominous beasts headed by these two, there is also a densely packed Spirit Beast that can't be counted with naked eyes. Our giant ship is attacking!"

"Damn it! I don't want to die here, I would have known that I would not have participated in this crap exchange!"

"That's right, if we If something goes wrong, Star Luo continent will never be able to walk around!! Everything is their fault!"

These noisy discussions quickly spread to everyone's ears...

Luo Guixing patted the table and stood up, cry out in surprise, "What? We actually encountered Devil Spirit Great White Shark and Deep Sea Demon Whale King who are a hundred thousand years of cultivation base, isn't that dead? ?"

Zheng Yiran said in a panic, "Why is this happening, no wonder the powerhouses of all forces are on the deck, will they leave us and run away without authorization!"

She You can't easily hand over your life to others!

The rest of the Shrek students immediately said in a positive tone "No, at least the teachers of Shrek Academy will not abandon us!"

"Yes, I believe that Teacher Old Xu and the teacher will not abandon us! Teacher Shen! They must be on deck against these Sea Spirit Beasts!"

"I also believe in the two teachers, otherwise, how could the dead seniors in the inner courtyard sacrifice themselves for the Academy!"

Luo Guixing glanced sideways at Wu Duosi, who was drowning her drink with her face expressionless, subconsciously thinking that she hadn't heard what just happened...

So, hurriedly opened the mouth and said "Wuduosi, why are you still drinking?, we encountered two hundred thousand year old ominous beasts and their tribes."

Wuduosi looked up He glanced, indifferently said "Oh, I got it"

This simple answer made Luo Guixing's mind full of question marks, "???"

This guy really heard himself Did you just say something?

That's one hundred thousand years of ominous beast!

Ominous beast!

And there are thousands of Sea Spirit Beast groups! !

scolded "I said Wuduosi, did you hear it clearly? If something goes wrong, everyone on the huge ship will die!"

Wuduosi was stunned for a moment. "Well, then what?"

Luo Guixing clenched his fists and said, "Then? You are just..."

The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, but he found himself saying everything come out!

In the end, he waved his hand violently and sat down on the chair, "It's unreasonable!"

This guy, shouldn't he be naturally frigid? Life and death are out of sight!

Wuduosi also seemed to feel that her answer was too rude, calmly said "You also know that you were attacked by many Sea Spirit Beasts, escape is obviously impossible!"

" All we can do is to wait patiently for the results, and not cause any trouble for Mr. Old Xu and the others!"

As soon as these words came out, the students of Shrek Academy were all silent...

Indeed, their life and death are beyond their own control, and no matter how worried they are, it will not make any difference...


On the deck, I saw Devil Spirit Great White Shark Scarlet's eyes flickered, and in a tone full of killing intent, "Come on, clansman, shred these guys with your sharp teeth!"

After the words fell, those in the ocean The thousand-year-old Devil Spirit Great White Shark and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, who had been inactive for a thousand years, hiding the sky and covering the earth moved towards the giant ship and bit them away...

Pan Wen saw this scene and immediately shouted loudly "All the guards of the giant ship listened to the order and immediately used the offensive spirit tool to bomb the Sea Spirit Beast!"

The next second, the guards in white costumes turned on the spirit tool and put the spirit Power is injected into it...

Immediately after, the cannonballs exuding pitch black halo rushed out of the giant ship and attacked the Sea Spirit Beasts...

When completely hit, these shells burst into dazzling rays of light, and a violent explosion occurred...

Part of the Sea Spirit Beast with a weaker cultivation base, under the attack of these soul-guided shells, In an instant, it was blown into minced meat, and scarlet's blood dyed the ocean with layers of red glow, like purgatory!

This scene seems to have aroused the confidence of everyone on the deck, and they all said in a happy tone, "We have a chance, most of the Devil Spirit Great White Shark's defensive power is very weak! For a time It's hard to threaten the giant wheel!"

"Hmm! As long as the Sect Master and the others solve these two ominous beasts, we should be able to win!"

"Come on everyone, the giant wheel The safety of the children at the lower level is all on us, and we must not fail!”






(end of this chapter)

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