Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1556


Chapter 1556 The dawn of victory! (Please subscribe)

Seeing his clansman exploded into a blood mist under the soul guide shell, Devil Spirit Great White Shark let out a harsh roar, "Damn humans! You courting death!"

In the next second, he dragged his sturdy body and moved towards the giant ship...

Seeing this, Makino said to Xu Sheng next to him, "Give me this Devil Spirit Great White Shark, The other Deep Sea Demon Whale King is up to you!"

The next second, he activated his mecha, and the arc flame of purple blue spurted out from his back, and moved towards the attacking ten Ten thousand years, the Devil Spirit Great White Shark rushed away...

Under the blessing of this power, Muye, who was as small as an ant, successfully resisted the Devil Spirit Great hundreds of times larger than him. White Shark, and evenly matched...

After sending out a shocking shock wave, both of them retreated more than ten meters...

Vaguely visible, Devil Spirit Great White Shark's scarlet pupils were full of shock, "What! This Spirit Master, who is less than Super Douluo, can actually compete with me in strength!"

Ordinary Titled Douluo in front of it He was a lamb to be slaughtered, but the man in front of him was completely different, and he was able to tie him!

Makino seems to have seen through its fears, said with a sneer "What? Are you surprised by my strength? Humans have never just fought with brute force, this is the biggest difference with your Spirit Beast. The difference!"

If you rely on your own strength, you may be able to block this, but it must be the case of releasing Spirit avatar or powerful Spirit Ability!

But with the bonus of god level mecha, the attributes in all aspects have increased geometrically. This is the scientific and technological power he pursued after giving up cultivation!

The insulted Devil Spirit Great White Shark lost his mind and roared, "Humans, stop being arrogant, I will tear you apart!"

In an instant , this Devil Spirit Great White Shark began to turn its huge body, forcibly setting off a waterspout with a height of about tens of meters, with an irresistible momentum, moved towards the giant wheel and swept in...

Makino's eyes narrowed, "such insignificant ability!"

In the next second, he injected spirit power into the mecha, causing the intimidating black muzzle to frantically absorb the surrounding power... …

In just a few seconds, a golden halo with a width of several meters was condensed in the muzzle...

With the movement of his mind, the thick laser suddenly burst out , hit the center of the waterspout at a speed that is difficult to see with naked eyes, and penetrate it with no difficulty...

After forcibly moving a few meters, the waterspout scattered into seawater...


Makino showed a strong fighting intent all over his body, stared at Devil Spirit Great White Shark and said, "If you have any other tricks, just come up with them, or else, just die obediently!!"


On the other side, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King looked down at Xu Sheng, who looked extremely small on the giant wheel, and his pupils were full of disdain...

Although it couldn't be like that one Devil Spirit Great White Shark spoke human's words the same, but also evolved spiritual wisdom...

In my inner perception, the spirit power fluctuations emanating from the man in front of me are very weak, and they are completely at my own will. A weakling that can be shredded!

Xu Sheng raised his eyebrows, "It seems that I have been underestimated, well, I haven't done anything to Spirit Beast for a long time, so let's make an exception today!" Next to

Hearing this, Shen Yi hurriedly said "Xu Sheng, I'll help you!"

Xu Sheng shook the head, "No, it's just the Deep Sea Demon Whale King from the 100,000-year-old cultivation base"

It may be nothing to me, but to Shen Yi, it is a terrifying ominous beast that may lose his life if a mistake occurs!

Shen Yi, who was rejected, also knew that participating in the battle at this level would only become a burden...

He couldn't help but reminded "Then...Xu Sheng, you must be careful. , In addition, the weakness of Deep Sea Demon Whale King is in its eyes, which are the most vulnerable parts of its body!"

Although Xu Sheng beheaded the dark hummingbird, one of the Four Great Heavenly Kings taught by Holy Spirit , but the Deep Sea Demon Whale King in front of him is an ominous beast that has reached a cultivation base of 100,000 years, and his strength is definitely not weak!

If you are careless, you may die without a whole corpse!

Xu Sheng didn't say any more, but stared at the Deep Sea Demon Whale King in front of him with his dark eyes...

Then, he used dive force to force his words to the In the latter's mind~...

"Deep Sea Demon Whale King, you can cultivate to a hundred thousand years, it is not easy, now give you a chance to retreat, otherwise, die!"

Deep Sea Demon Whale King's pupils narrowed slightly, "Humans, although I don't know how you communicate with me, but today, I will be on behalf of the clansman..."

Not yet After it was finished, Xu Sheng's silhouette disappeared instantly...

The next second, he appeared on the back of Deep Sea Demon Whale King with a blank face, raised his legs and slammed it. A stomping on the ground...

It was such a seemingly random kick, and when it hit the ground, it directly caused the Deep Sea Demon Whale King to let out a terrifying roar...

He kept tumbling over his body, trying to use inertia to throw Xu Sheng off his back...

However, it didn't work, and it didn't even make Xu Sheng shake at all!

I saw him smiled slightly, "Okay, in order to give you a chance to display your abilities, let's go to the deep sea!"

After saying this, he stepped down again …


The water splashed and spread, and ripples appeared...

And the Deep Sea Demon Whale King was also severely affected. The huge body was like a bullet out of the chamber, and Xu Sheng moved towards the bottom at a high speed and sank...

And this scene was clearly seen by everyone on the giant ship...

"I... my god, this... is this the strength of the Elder of the Sea God Pavilion? I thought he was just a Spirit Saint"

"Too terrifying , Deep Sea Demon Whale King has no chance to fight back in front of this one!"

"As expected of the Elder of the Sea God Pavilion! He is indeed powerful! We must be saved this time!"

Even the peeping Makino swallowed his throat and said with heart palpitations, "This guy... as expected, he hides his true strength, and even without the help of a foreign object, he can make Deep Sea, an ominous beast, by his own strength alone. The Demon Whale King has no room for resistance!"

I'm afraid...even the Old Guys can't do that, right?

As for the Tang Wulin entire group hidden behind the bunker, it is stared wide-eyed, I can't believe what I see!

Even the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, who even Super Douluo smelled, was completely beaten by their Old Xu division!

Xie Re rubbed his eyes, "I...I didn't have dizziness just now, didn't I? Master Old Xu just beat the ominous beast with his bare hands? outrageous"

Xu Xiaoyan's eyes lit up and said, "Thank you, what you said is wrong, that is kicking Spirit Beast with bare feet, so handsome!! As expected of the man I want to marry in the future"

Ye Xinglan Blinking beautiful eyes, she said dully, "This... how is it possible, isn't Master Old Xu a Spirit Saint? Why is he so powerful?" When an ordinary Spirit Saint encounters this kind of ominous beast, it is basically an instant kill!"

Gu Yuegrim said, "Master Old Xu's true strength far exceeds that of a Spirit Saint, even the elders of the Sea God Pavilion. I can't see through it."

Tang Wulin smiled bitterly and sighed, "Although I always knew that Master Xu's strength was very terrifying, but only now, did I realize that I was viewing the sky from the bottom of a well! ”

Master Old Xu is stronger than everyone he has ever met!





(end of this chapter)


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