Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1562


Chapter 1562 Wusido's request (please subscribe)

Finally, the happy ending at the beach After vacation time, most of the Spirit Masters who came to participate in the Star Luo continent exchange competition have downplayed what happened a few days ago!

's attitude towards Star Luo Imperial Academy is also much better...

At this moment, Sima Lanxiao is looking at everyone below, showing a sunny smile , "I think everyone had a great time during the two-day vacation, thanks to the support of Star Luo Imperial Academy!"

"But next, I hope everyone can restrain their minds and focus on It's all on this exchange tournament, then, let's applaud and invite Secretary-General Pan to reveal the next itinerary for everyone!"

After finishing speaking, he handed the microphone to Pan who came to the stage. Wen...

After the intense noise stopped, Pan Wencai coughed slightly and explained, "First of all, our first stop is the capital of Star Luo Empire, Star Luo City!

"There will be a grand youth Spirit Master tournament there! Everyone is free to choose whether to participate or not! "

This sentence immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of many Spirit Masters, who opened the mouth and said "What... we are here to participate in the Star Luo continent exchange competition, not to participate in this youth. Spirit Master tournament! "

"Yes! I was already impatient to wait, and now I have to participate in another youth Spirit Master tournament, it might be better to cancel the exchange tournament! "

"Who is in the mood to participate in so many competitions?" Shouldn't you be exhausted? Besides, it is estimated that the rewards are also very general! "

"Whoever you want to go, I won't go anyway, it's a waste of time!" "

Luo Guixing frowned "What on earth is Star Luo continent doing? It's hard to use the few days of vacation time to downplay the attack!" Nothing to do now! "

Zheng Yiran echoed, "That is, if you want to participate in the so-called youth Spirit Master tournament, wouldn't it be better to just cancel the exchange tournament?"

Yang Nianxia pursed her lips and said. "Let's listen first, if the strength gap is not too big, you can try it! After all, with Wu Siduo's strength, it's no problem to lead us to the top three! "

Wu Siduo raised her brows when she heard this, "I didn't say I would take you with me"

In her opinion, other people are just a burden!

Seeing the extremely unhappy expressions on everyone's faces, Pan In Literature there is a little embarrassed and said, "didn't expect everyone seems to be reluctant, but the rewards of the Youth Spirit Master tournament are extremely precious. Soul bone! "

As soon as these words blurted out, they immediately caused bursts of exclamations...

Tang Wulin's eyes widened, "Spirit bone! Is this kind of precious thing actually taken out as a reward? "

Xie Ru licked his lips with a fiery face, "The soul bone was very precious in the past, and now it may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, Star Luo continent is really great Generosity, I just don't know what the championship reward of the exchange tournament is! "

However, Xu Xiaoyan's words were like a bucket of cold water pouring on him, "Stop dreaming! The youth Spirit Master tournament has a lot of powerhouses. Do you really think we can win the championship? "

Although their strength has improved a lot, they haven't reached this level of pride!

Gu Yue calmly said, "I also don't think it is necessary to participate in the youth competition in advance." Spirit Master tournament, it is possible to expose one's own strength, resulting in restrictions on the exchange tournament! "

Ye Xinglan nodded and said "Then refuse, Secretary Pan just said that you can choose independently"

Pan Wen sighed on stage, and continued to elaborate "apart from this, Our second stop is the Star Luo continent exchange competition..."


After all the procedures were read out, Wu Si Duo walked towards Tang Wulin and the others...

After seeing the former clearly, Gu Yue wondered, "Wusido? What's the matter with you? "

Xie Ru said in amazement, "Wusido actually came to us on the initiative, which is really rare!"

Xu Xiaoyan shrugged "Who knows, maybe there is something going on." Do you need our help?"

Wu Sido said earnestly, "Yes, I want to invite you all to participate in the Youth Spirit Master tournament! ”

He originally wanted to participate in the individual competition, but thought that the probability of winning the team competition was higher, so he wanted to find Tang Wulin and the others to form a team!

Xie Ru Squinting, "Wusido, if you want to form a team, why don't you find Yang Nianxia and the others? "

Although the relationship between each other has eased a little, but it is not so close, right?

Other people are also staring at Wu Si Duo, waiting for her reply...

However, Wu Siduo openly opened the mouth and said "They are too weak! The probability of winning the team competition is too low! "

This sentence made everyone's mouth twitch a few times...

This dance Sido is really straightforward!

But she said so , can be regarded as agreeing with the strength of his entire group!

Tang Wulin asked, "What do you think? I think you can participate or not! After all, there is no harm in improving strength! "

Gu Yue indifferently said "Yes, I have no opinion!" "

This face changed so quickly that Xie Rui couldn't help but complain, "Gu Yue, you didn't say that before!" "

He had said before that he might expose his abilities. It seems that women's hearts are needles in the sea!

Xu Xiaoyan also blinked her beautiful eyes, "Wu Siduo?" It's easy to invite us once, if you don't agree, isn't it too disrespectful to her! "

Ye Xinglan raised her chin and thought, "en! And if you participate, there are exactly seven people who can rotate! "

Xu Lizhi said honestly, "If Sister Xinglan participates, I will participate!" "

Seeing that they did not refuse, Wu Duosi said in a daze, "Thank you...Thank you!" ”

Before I came here, I was prepared to be rejected and humiliated, but now it seems that I was thinking too much!

Tang Wulin stretched, "Everyone They are all companions, don't need to see outsiders, let's go, let's go and explain to Master Old Xu! "


Inside the Holy Spirit!

I saw Ghost Emperor and several Evil Spirit Masters wearing black robes and exuding Titled Douluo-level aura Standing expressionlessly in the attic...

The former quietly said to the woman sitting on the seat, "Sir Demon Sovereign, those insects seem to have discovered the location of our Holy Spirit teaching, now Standing in place! There is no abnormal behavior."

The woman's face showed a hint of coldness, "Staying in place? Hehe... It should be waiting for the support of other forces! "

The reason why she didn't attack immediately was just because she was not confident in her own strength. I really thought I could deceive her?

One of the Evil Spirit Masters heard this and asked cautiously. "Then Lord Demon Sovereign, do you want to send someone to clean them up? "

Another Evil Spirit Master added, "Though there are powerhouses in those insects, but they certainly can't resist our attack!" "

The woman indifferently said "No, it's just a bunch of insects that can be crushed to death, they won't last a few days"

The only reason she really cares is that Harrosa and the The others have not returned yet, and now they are fighting, without any advantage!




(End of this chapter)

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