Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1563


Chapter 1563 Youth Spirit Master tournament (please subscribe)

Ghost Emperor's deep eyes flashed a few times, reminding him "Sir Demon Sovereign, don't forget, we killed most of Shrek Academy's inner courtyard students, and they hate it!"

If Shrek Academy and other forces unite to launch an attack in advance, Holy Spirit teaches It is likely to be beaten completely unprepared, and suffered a devastating blow!

Demon Sovereign glanced at him thoughtfully, indifferently said "I know this, but..."

After a pause, his tone gradually became colder, "Ghost Emperor, have you been a little too impudent recently? Could it be that you are going to disobey me?" I have touched my bottom line again and again, and I must be warned!

As soon as these words came out, Ghost Emperor's pupils tightened suddenly, and he quickly lowered his head, trying to keep himself as calm as possible, "Sir Demon Sovereign is joking, everyone knows that you It is Holy Spirit who teaches the real controller”

And the surrounding Evil Spirit Masters also quietly buried their heads...

Because in the dark, they have already invested in the Ghost Emperor, once Whatever conflict occurs with the Holy Spirit teaching, it will decisively betray Demon Sovereign!

The woman indifferently said "It's good that you have this self-knowledge. If you have a different mind, the Holy Spirit will no longer have the post of Sect Lord!"

The words are full of strong feelings The threatening color of...

Even though the Ghost Emperor's strength is strong, compared with her, there is still a big gap!

Ghost Emperor bowed slightly, "Yes, Lord Demon Sovereign"

The bottom of my heart is coldly said "Soon, the real controller taught by Holy Spirit will change hands, should be back in my hands!"


In the War God Temple, Chen Xinjie looked at Guan Yue, who was livid in front of him, and asked, " Guan Yue, why is your face so ugly, could it be that you were rejected?"

Guan Yue shook the head, restraining her anger and said, "Shrek Academy and Spirit Pagoda have agreed to our proposal, And I'm willing to give the greatest support!"

Chen Xinjie nodded, "Isn't this a good thing?"

Guan Yue was stunned, and grim said, "Palace Lord, although Spirit Pagoda and Shrek The Academy agreed, but the other small and medium forces, sects, almost rejected us!"

Chen Xinjie frowned, "How could this be? In the past actions involving Shrek Academy, most of the forces should be active. Participated in!"

Now most of them have refused, and I can't help but think deeply...

Guan Yue raised her chin and speculated "I guess, it should be inseparable from the Level 12 Soul Guidance Cannonball. If the Holy Spirit Cult successfully escapes, all forces will suffer devastating revenge!"

After a pause, he added, "In addition, launching an attack on the Holy Spirit Cult has its own advantages. It's a big risk! Apart from this, I can't think of any other possibility"

Chen Xinjie sighed, "It's true, it seems that the prestige of Shrek Academy is not as good as it used to be"

Close Yue asked again, "Palace Lord, do we still need to teach Holy Spirit? It is still very difficult to completely destroy the Evil Spirit Master with only Spirit Pagoda, Shrek Academy and our War God Temple!"

Furthermore, they are not 100% sure of winning the battle against the Holy Spirit!

Chen Xinjie looked into the distance and seriously said, "We have reached the most critical step, naturally we can't give up, even if we can't completely destroy the Holy Spirit Cult, we must try our best to reduce the number of Evil Spirit Masters as much as possible. !"

They can't just sit back and watch, or it'll be too late when the Holy Spirit reaches a certain level!

"Yes, Palace Lord, I'm going to prepare now to minimize the casualty rate against Evil Spirit Master!"

In today's battles, it's not just brute force , and the power of technology!


On the other side, on the soul train to Star Luo City……

I saw many fifteen or sixteen year olds on the train. The female students are staring at the entire group of Tang Wulin curiously...

They whispered, "Look, those students from Shrek Academy are going to participate in the Youth Spirit Master tournament of our Star Luo continent! "

"Shrek's normal, but aren't they a little too young, maybe they should come back in a few years?"

"Yeah, that age." Small, the strength will definitely not be too strong, if you go to participate in the youth Spirit Master tournament, you will probably be abused completely!"

"I said that you should not always pay attention to this, look at that boy, He's so handsome, if I were a few years younger, I might be chasing after me!"

"What's the matter, I can do it now, old cow eating the young grass... think about this It tastes great!"

Xie Lai heard these words, and said in a sour tone, "Did you hear it? Wulin, the elder sisters over there have been talking about you all the time!"

Why doesn't anyone say that he is handsome? He thinks that he is slightly inferior in temperament, but he is no weaker than Tang Wulin in terms of appearance!

Tang Wulin had to be embarrassedly laughed...

Compared to when he first entered Shrek Academy, his appearance has indeed undergone subtle changes!

Maybe it's because I spent a long time with Master Old Xu!

next to Xu Xiaoyan taunted "Xie Ru, are you jealous?"

Xie Ru's face darkened, he straightened his chest and said, "Bah, I will be jealous. He? What a joke, it’s just that these mortals haven’t noticed the attractiveness of me!”

Gu Yue lightly said with a smile “Xie Ru, although bragging is not illegal, you must have a certain degree. If you are really attractive, why hasn't anyone discovered it for so long?"

Xie Sha sneered "Tsk, I'm too lazy to pay attention to you guys, when I meet a woman with a high level of appreciation, I will naturally be fascinated by me diver. The soul is upside down!"

Wu Sido, who was sitting in the back, heard these cheerful words, coldly said "This guy's nonsense has been so much?"

But if so, carefully If you observe, you will see a few traces of envy in her eyes...

I also want to talk like them, but what a personality!

Ye Xinglan, who was next to him, said with a slight smile "en! They are considered treasures in the team, but sometimes there is a lot of nonsense!"

After a pause, she And curiously asked Sao, "Wusido, can you tell me what your spirit power level is now?"

Wusido was stunned for a while, and seemed to be thinking about whether to tell the former...

A few seconds later, her thin lips parted lightly, "I just broke through Level 16 not long ago!"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Xinglan couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath...

In the second grade, he reached the fifth Level 16 Spirit King!

If I reach the third grade, wouldn't I be able to break through to the Spirit Emperor?

This innate talent is terrifying!

Wu Siduo wondered, "What's wrong, is there something wrong with my spirit power level?"

Ye Xinglan shook the head and explained, "It's nothing, I couldn't understand you before. Why do you want to participate in the Youth Spirit Master tournament, I probably understand now!"

Wishido looked thoughtful and said, "Really?"

After a simple sentence, the atmosphere fell silent again. …

(end of this chapter)

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