Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1564


Chapter 1564 Arrived at Star Luo City (Subscribe)

Another box of the Soul Train In...

Shen Yi looked at Xu Sheng next to him and worriedly said "Xu Sheng, why did you agree to let them participate in the Youth Spirit Master tournament?"

This youth Spirit Master tournament is open-ended , that is, everyone can watch the game, which means that other students who come to participate in the Star Luo continent exchange competition can completely prepare for Tang Wulin and the others in this way!

Xu Sheng heard the words and said with a slight smile, "This is a request from Wuduosi and the others, I always refuse it, and the reward this time is still a spirit bone. This kind of opportunity"

If it is a thousand-year-old soul bone, there is no need to participate, but the reward is 10,000 Year Spirit Bone. Now that the Land Spirit Beast is almost extinct, it belongs to

Shen Yi pouted, "Winning the championship? I think it's a little over the top. The head of the Star Luo delegation can say that as long as the Spirit Master participating in the Youth Spirit Master tournament is under 20 years old, it's not fair at all!"

After a pause, he complained again, "I really don't understand why Star Luo continent is holding two tournaments at the same time, especially the youth Spirit Master tournament has more rewards than the Star Luo continent exchange tournament!"

At the same time, Pan Wen, who was not far away, said with a smile embarrassed when he heard this sentence, "Uh...this Teacher Shen, can you take care of us a little when you speak?"

After speaking, he pointed to the people next to him...

The people in charge of this trip and the Star Luo delegation are all here!

Shen Yi's face suddenly turned red, and weakly said, "Hug...sorry"

Accidentally said what was in his heart, and in front of the host, it was almost It's a shame!

Pan Wen said with a bitter smile "Teacher Shen doesn't need to apologize, after all what you said is true, this youth Spirit Master tournament has an undeniable advantage over older Spirit Masters!"

"But I don't think it's a bad thing to let the young Disciples hone. Besides, the students of your academy should not be underestimated. If they win the championship, they can be considered the best of both worlds!"

Sima Lanxiao next to him is also nodded, "Yes, if the younger students of Shrek Academy can win the championship, I'm afraid it will increase their influence a lot!"

"Yes, In the history of the Youth Spirit Master tournament, there has never been such a young student participating and winning the championship! Once successful, it will definitely be famous on the Star Luo continent!"

As for the members of the Star Luo delegation It is snort disdainfully, and I don't think the students of Shrek Academy can win the championship!

After all... At the Youth Spirit Master tournament, there will even be a Spirit Emperor level opponent!

If you are a former inner court student, there is still great hope, but an outer court student... Oh, not worth mentioning!


A few hours later, the soul train has arrived at Star Luo City!

After everyone got off the bus, Tang Wulin couldn't help stretching, and said with a happy face, "Is this Star Luo City? It's really much better than a seaside city"

Star Luo City in front of you, the surrounding scenery and decoration are not weaker than Shrek City, and even have a unique flavor!

Xie Ru nodded said with emotion, "en! But this journey has almost exhausted me to death, and my entire back is sore and numb!"

Xu Xiaoyan said contemptuously "It's hypocritical, it's just a soul train!"

Xie Ru said unhappily, "I just sigh! Why do you like Xu Xiaoyan so much at me now?"

Ye Xinglan covered it On his forehead, he sighed, "Every time I get out of the car, it makes a noise, eh!"

Gu Yue lightly said with a smile "There's no way this can be done, who would call them enemies!"

Xu Lizhi interrupted honestly, "But Gu Yue, I think you and Wulin seem to be more like an enemy... no, a couple!"

Gu Yue coughed, but didn't say it again. What more to say...

Until now, she was thinking about how to face Tang Wulin!

At this moment, Tang Wulin's contactor made a sound, "di di di...di di di"

Everyone turned their attention to see clearly Tang Wulin said in surprise, "It's a dance teacher!" after receiving the comments from the interviewer!

Since Wu Zhangkong didn't teach them, he has rarely contacted himself!

came back to his senses and quickly connected...

As expected, a cold voice came from the opposite side, "Wulin, you guys have arrived at Star Luo City. Is it?"

Tang Wulin said in a positive tone, "Well, just got off the bus!"

Wu Zhangkong was stunned for a while, and then asked, "I heard that sailing at sea I met Sea Spirit Beast on the way, are you all right?"

Although the words were calm, I could vaguely feel the concern mixed in them...

I can't help but let it go Tang Wulin's heart warmed, "Well, don't worry, dance teacher, we are all fine!"

A deep breath came from the opposite side, "That's good!"

But then, Tang Wulin asked back, "Dance teacher, you specifically contacted me, should it not be just for this problem?"

"Yes, I guess if nothing happens, you have already arrived at Star Luo. City, so, I would like to suggest that you all visit the Tang Sect headquarters"

Tang Wulin cry out in surprise "Tang...Tang Sect headquarters? Wasn't it already destroyed by Level 12 soul-guided shells?"

In his impression, Tang Sect should no longer exist, but now it seems that this is not the case!

"The only thing that was destroyed was the Tang Sect headquarters of Doluo Continent, which was the Tang Sect headquarters of Star Luo continent! This time, some Tang Sect Disciples were sent to Star Luo continent because of this factor!"

Hearing this explanation, Tang Wulin showed a sudden realization, "so that's how it is, didn't expect this kind of operation!"

He is numb now, Never thought that Tang Sect would have multiple headquarters!

Be aware that Spirit Pagoda and other Great Influences have only one headquarters!

From this point, it can be seen that its background is definitely not simple!

"If you are interested, take a look. The location is..."

After telling Tang Wulin the exact location of the Tang Sect branch, Wu Zhangkong hung up. Disconnected...

Xu Xiaoyan couldn't wait to ask, "Wulin, I just heard what you said about Tang Sect headquarters, what did the dance teacher say?"

Tang Wulin explained Said, "The dance teacher suggested that we visit the Tang Sect headquarters and said that it might be of some help!"

Xie Sha's eyes widened, and cry out in surprise "Tang Sect headquarters? Are you kidding me? That's not it. Have you been blown up by the Level 12 Soul Guidance cannonball taught by Holy Spirit?"

Gu Yue tugged at his sleeve and reminded "Xie Ru, the students who pipe down Tang Sect are still It's all behind!"

Xie Ruga said with a smile "Oh oh... I'm just a little excited to hear this!"

Ye Xinglan's beautiful eyes looked towards Tang Wulin, He asked "Wulin, don't give a shit, what's going on?"

Tang Wulin didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "at first I also have this expression of Xie Ru, but the truth is Yes, Tang Sect has set up headquarters on multiple continents, and what the Holy Spirit Church destroyed was only the headquarters of Doluo Continent!"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused everyone's exclamation...

"What?? And the Tang Sect headquarters in Star Luo continent?"





(end of this chapter)

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