Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1572


Chapter 1572 Dai Tianling's speculation (please subscribe)

The worker respectfully said "Yes Your Majesty, Shrek Although the Academy has been severely damaged, it has a reputation as the No. 1 Academy in the continent. As long as it can develop steadily, it will be back to Peak soon!"

"Also, you have made the investigation come to fruition. !"

Dai Tianling's eyes were full of anger, "Oh? Talk about it!"

The dock of Star Luo continent turned into purgatory overnight, and it was still Happened during the exchange tournament, how could it not have caught his attention!

So immediately after receiving the news, I asked my subordinates to investigate!

The worshiper's eyes flickered, "Replying to his Majesty, the Spirit Master who died in the pier, the death is extremely tragic, it can be 100% sure that it was the hand of the Evil Spirit Master! And... the remaining evil The aura is very rich, I'm afraid of many people!"

Dai Tianling raised his chin and thought, "That is to say... Are these Evil Spirit Masters likely to come here from Doluo Continent stealth?"

As far as he knows, the Evil Spirit Masters of Star Luo continent are not yet united, they are basically scattered in various places of Star Luo continent, it is difficult to gather such a huge team!

The only possibility is that these Evil Spirit Masters are all taught by Holy Spirit of Doluo Continent!

worshiper pursed his lips, took a deep breath and said, "Your Majesty, now this kind of thing happened, I suggest to strengthen the defense against the exchange activities of Star Luo continent, if the Evil Spirit Masters want to take advantage of the It’s easier to deal with an attack on the exchange tournament!!”

Dai Tianling glanced at him, “Well, then this matter is left to you, make sure the exchange tournament is absolutely safe!”

After all, the students who came to participate in the exchange activities this time are very important to various forces. If there are any casualties, it will be difficult for him, the Star Luo Empire Emperor, to calm down the anger of the Great Influences!

The worker bowed slightly, "Yes, Your Majesty! The minister will step back first!"

At this time, Dai Tianling looked helplessly towards a certain person. "There's no one left, come out!"

However, there was no response in the great hall...

Dai Tianling opened the mouth again and said "Yun'er, Don't pretend, you can't hide the spirit power in yourself"

As soon as these words came out, a head popped out from behind the cover not far away, said with some guilty conscience "hehehe ...Imperial Father, How do you know I'm eavesdropping?"

Immediately, he walked in front of the former...

Dai Tianling smiled bitterly and said, "You are the only one who can be so willful. !"

After a pause, he asked again, "Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

After the discussion just now, he is in a very bad mood now, and it's not a big deal. Patience...

Dai Yuner also seemed to know that Dai Tianling's face was a little ugly, and said bluntly, "Imperial Father, did you promise me last time that I would choose the teacher myself?"

Dai Tianling nodded lightly, "I said it myself, of course it counts!"

Dai Yun'er said, "Then, I want to go to the Youth Spirit Master tournament to have a look, Maybe there is a suitable candidate!"

Dai Tianling was stunned, "Young Spirit Master's okay, but don't use your willful temper!"

Dai Yuner patted his chest, "Don't worry, Imperial Father, can you still believe Yuner?"

After saying this, she jumped out of the great hall...

Dai Tian Ling sighed and said, "Hey, just because it's Yun'er, I'm not at ease! I hope it doesn't cause any trouble!"

"Forget it, let's think about how to solve the Holy Spirit teaching first. Let's go!"


Backstage at the Youth Spirit Master tournament!

Xie La stretched out and praised, "If Gu Yue didn't see their weakness, I'm afraid we might not be able to win!"

Ye Xinglan He also echoed, "That's right! After dividing the battlefield, they are not opponents at all!"

Wu Siduo indifferently said "However, the bigger reason is that Gu Yue's Spirit just restrained Star Luo Imperial. Family Element Academy students!"

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Gu Yue with complicated eyes...

She used to think that Gu Yue's Spirit was, but today she is Only after the companions fought side by side did they realize that they were wrong!

Tang Wulin said with a slight smile "Anyway, I am proud to be able to eliminate the Star Luo Imperial Family element Academy team in the first round!"

With this lesson, presumably the opponents they will arrange next are not the Academy directly under Star Luo Empire!

Xu Xiaoyan was a little disappointed and said, "Hey, it's a pity that neither Lizhi nor I can play! It would have been great to have known the seven-player team game!"

Xu Lizhi's throat was sobbing. After swallowing, he buried his head and said, "Well, I also want to fight side by side with Sister Xinglan!"

Gu Yue glanced at them, "Don't be so sorry, let's see which team we will fight next, It's good to have another rotation."

Xu Lizhi and Xu Xiaoyan's expressions softened a bit, "en!" In a disdainful tone, "Tsk, don't you really think that you can win the top prize by defeating the illusory Star Luo Imperial Family element Academy?"

"Fortunately, I already knew about Star Luo. Those trash of Imperial Family Element Academy can't be counted on at all! It's up to us to beat Shrek Academy!"

"Just blow it up, Star Luo Imperial Family Element Academy can also be ranked on Star Luo continent. It's third! If it's you, I'm afraid the defeat will be even worse!"

"che, that means they didn't meet the Star Luo Monster Academy, otherwise, the absolute death will be ugly! You must know that you can enter the Star Luo Monster Academy. Monster Academy, but they are all elites selected by each Academy!"

Hearing these comments, Xie Sha wondered "Star Luo Monster Academy? When did Star Luo continent have this Academy? It looks even more powerful than Star Luo Imperial Academy"

He remembered that the most powerful Academy in Star Luo continent should be Star Luo Imperial Academy.

And this Star Luo Monster Academy is actually an elite selected from multiple academies, I am afraid that the overall strength is much stronger than that of Star Luo Imperial Academy!

Ye Xinglan frowned "I haven't heard of it, but this Monster Academy, shouldn't it contain all the Spirit Masters of extraordinary natural talent? Just like our Shrek Academy!"

Xu Xiaoyan said disdainfully, "Tsk, it's just our pirated copy, Shrek Academy is also Monster Academy when translated, but well, it may have several points of strength to have this name!"

Shrek Academy It is the recognized first Academy of the continent, a trifling Star Luo Monster Academy, how could it shake its status!

Tang Wulin seriously said, "Let's keep an eye out, anyway, this is an Academy stronger than Star Luo Imperial Academy!"

Star Luo Monster Academy?

I really want to see their background!

A few hours later, the host's voice came on the radio again...

"The next game, Shrek Academy..."

Tang Wulin looked towards the rest, "Let's go, guys, it's time for us to play!"




(End of this chapter)

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