Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1573


Chapter 1573 Dai Yuner Arrives (Subscribe)

Suddenly, in the auditorium Shen Yi, the contactor suddenly rang...

"di di di...di di di!"

I saw a look of doubt on her face, and she quickly got in touch. "Cai Dean, what's the matter with you?"

Cai Yue'er on the other side said with a grim expression, "Shen Yi, is Xu Elder with you?"

Shen Yi was stunned. , looked beautiful eyes towards Xu Sheng in front of him, opened the mouth and said "Xu Sheng is now on the referee's bench of the Youth Spirit Master tournament!"

Cai Yueer's tone showed surprise, "Young Spirit Master tournament? Why would you participate in that tournament? But, let's make a long story short!"

"War God Temple has discovered the Holy Spirit's residence a few days ago, and proposed to let us Shrek Academy and Spirit Pagoda and other forces unite to clear it up!"

"The specific time is next week, which happens to be the day you return to Shrek Academy!"

Hearing these words, Shen Yi's pupils shrank suddenly, cry out in surprise "What? Found the Holy Spirit's residence!"

Cai Yue'er said seriously, "Yes, the situation is urgent, be sure to tell Elder Xu the news! "

"Yes, Cai Dean, I'll tell Xu Sheng later!"

After getting a positive answer, Cai Yueer disconnected...

The students of Shrek Academy sitting next to her were puzzled and said, "Teacher Shen, what happened? We seem to have just heard about the Holy Spirit teaching station?"

"Could it be that we have found Holy Spirit already? The hiding place of the sect? If that's the case, then very good!"

"The Holy Spirit sect that exposed the hiding place will definitely become the target of all forces to unite and suppress!"

Shen Yi glanced at them, Said, "It's okay if you know it, don't spread it! Otherwise, Shrek Academy will be expelled! "

didn't expect to find the Holy Spirit teaching station when they went to Star Luo continent, so this time is a bit rushed!

This sentence The chill mixed in the words made all the students' backs feel cold and shrank to the side...

Although Teacher Shen has changed because of love, he is still the same person in essence. The terrifying white-haired Demoness!

However, at this moment, I don't know what the guard said to the host when he came on stage, and the latter's cheeks showed a look of consternation...

But soon, he calmed down, picked up the microphone and announced, "The game is now suspended! "

This sentence immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of some Spirit Masters, scolded "Is this suspended? What are you doing? "

"Our interest has just come up, why is it suspended? Is there something wrong with this host?" "

"It's all piped down. Under normal circumstances, the Youth Spirit Master tournament will not be suspended easily, just because something happens!" ”

"che, what else could happen? It's not the Emperor Your Majesty coming in person! ”

Of course, compared to these resentful Spirit Masters, the two teams on the stage are the most embarrassing!

Including Tang Wulin entire group!

Being stared at the host by these eyes, she covered her mouth and coughed. Brace oneself announced, "Just now, the honorable Her Highness the Princess of Star Luo Empire, Dai Yuner, has reached the young Spirit Master. The scene of the tournament, please applaud and welcome! "

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the Spirit Masters who were still angry just now lit up, and they all said with excitement, "My God, it's true, Her Highness the Princess actually personally arrive! "

"It is said that Her Highness the Princess of Star Luo Empire is a beauty! didn't expect to have a feast for the eyes today! "

"That is, the nobles who pursued our Her Highness the Princess don't know how far they can line up, but without exception, they were all rejected!" "

"Nonsense, in addition to having the identity of Her Highness the Princess, Dai Yuner is also from Monster Academy"

Sure enough, after more than ten seconds, wearing an Imperial Family Under the protection of the digital powerhouse, Dai Yuner, who was dressed in aristocratic costumes, stepped into the scene of the youth Spirit Master tournament...

This scene immediately attracted everyone present!

Xu Sheng on the referee bench raised his chin, said curiously "It's just coming, there's such a big battle? "

Next to him, Makino narrowed his eyes and said, "Well, how do you say it's also the Princess of Star Luo Empire... Huh? This little girl's innate talent is so amazing! "

In her perception, this Dai Yuner's spirit power level has reached the level of Spirit King, even among the younger generation, it belongs to the forefront!

Pan Wen He stroked his beard and said, "To make the Sect Master say that, it seems that this Dai Yun'er is indeed not simple! "

When the other referees saw this, they proudly said, "Her Highness the Princess is the daughter of the Star Luo Empire Emperor Dai Tianling, and instead of relying on power, she relies on her own strength. Entered Monster Academy! "

"Yes, Her Highness the Princess is definitely the pride of the Imperial Family, not only inheriting the soul of the ancestor Huo Yuhao, but also the ghost White Tiger of Dai Mubai!" In the future, we can definitely win Super Douluo! "

"In my opinion, Her Highness the Princess has as much innate talent as any of the Shrek Academy Inner students!" Even stronger! ”

Xu Sheng smiled slightly and did not make any rebuttal...

This Dai Yuner's innate talent is indeed good, but he is similar to the inner courtyard students of Shrek Academy. Than, at most at the bottom!

Dai Yuner took a deep breath and glanced at the powerhouses beside him, "You all step back! So as not to affect the progress of the youth Spirit Master tournament"

These powerhouses frowned, hesitantly said, "But, Her Highness the Princess, your safety..."

Hearing this, Dai Yun Er lightly said with a smile "This is the Star Luo Empire, how could anyone dare to attack me? "

Dare to blatantly take action against oneself in the youth Spirit Master tournament, it is impossible!

Helpless, these powerhouses have to retreat, but out of caution, they are still hidden in the venue all around, be on guard at all times...

Dai Yuner waved to the Spirit Masters in the auditorium, then walked to the referee's bench with a face doesn't change, and sat down gracefully ...

Immediately afterwards, his eyes began to look dishonestly at the people in the referee's bench, and he was immediately attracted by the handsome Xu Sheng!

There was a little starlight in his eyes... …

This man is so handsome! Is he a noble of our Star Luo Empire? But why have I never seen it before?

If I could let him be my teacher, how could it be? Isn't every day all happy?

But if the strength is too poor, the Imperial Father will not agree! And it will also damage the dignity of the Imperial Family!

Damn it, what should I do? What should I do? It's hard to see such a handsome man...

Just as she was fantasizing in her mind, the middle-aged man beside her whispered, "Her Highness the Princess, everyone Still waiting for you to announce that the showdown will continue! "

These words made Dai Yuner immediately came back to his senses, and her cheeks flushed a little...

Immediately, she stood up from the seat and used seriousness. The tone opened the mouth and said "I announce as Star Luo Empire Her Highness the Princess, the youth Spirit Master tournament will now continue! ”



(end of this chapter)

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