Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1574


Chapter 1574 Evil Spirit Master's Tricks (Subscribe)

After the words fell, the two teams on the stage were dueling The team released Spirit...

Just feeling the spirit power fluctuations from the opponent, the corners of Xie La's mouth curled up, "Sure enough, this time the opponent is far weaker than before. Many! It seems that Star Luo Empire is also afraid that we will eliminate the Academy that they are looking for again!"

Tang Wulin nodded and agreed, "Indeed! In the past with Star Luo Imperial Family element Academy, a lot of abilities have been exposed!"

Ye Xinglan and Wu Siduo's beautiful eyes condensed, "No problem!"

The next second , broke out at a terrifying speed, and rushed towards the opponent's lineup, without worrying about encountering a two-on-five situation!

Gu Yue stretched out her hand to stop it, but it was still a step too late, so she could only sigh, "Hey, why are they both so reckless, but...forget it, let's go together!"

Seeing that the duel started normally and everyone was distracted from her body, Dai Yuner was secretly relaxed...

Although she had seen many big scenes, but Being watched by so many people is inevitably a little uncomfortable!

Immediately, her beautiful eyes glanced at Xu Sheng quietly again, and whispered to the middle-aged man next to her, "Do you know who that man is?"

The latter was stunned. I was stunned, thinking it was Muye, "Her Highness the Princess, do you mean the Body Sect's Sect Master??"

Dai Yuner shook her head slightly, "No, it's the one next to the Mu Sect Master? A handsome man, is he from our Star Luo Empire?"

The middle-aged man suddenly realized and explained, "Go back to Her Highness the Princess, that is the Sea God Pavilion Elder of Shrek Academy. It is said that when he encountered the Sea Spirit Beast during the voyage, it was the Sea Spirit Beast who killed the 100,000-year-old Sea Spirit Beast."

Dai Yuner's pupils shrank suddenly, and in the bottom of his heart, he cried out in surprise "What! Beheading the 100,000-year-old Sea Spirit Beast?"

You must know that in the ocean, the 100,000-year-old Sea Spirit Beast is as powerful as the 20,000-300,000-year-old ominous beast on land!

Of course, what surprised her the most was the identity of Xu Sheng's Sea God Pavilion Elder!

The middle-aged man said suspiciously, "Her Highness the Princess, don't you have a crush on that Elder Xu?"

Strong strength, not ordinary Handsome, it's normal for this kind of man to be attracted to Her Highness the Princess!

Dai Yuner, whose illusion was pierced, started to get hot, and there was a bit of shyness in her words, "What are you talking about!"

middle- When the aged man heard the words, he immediately apologized and said, "Sorry, Her Highness the Princess, it's the minister who overstepped the rules!"

Muye glanced at Dai Yuner with a strange face, and indifferently said "Xu Elder , that Her Highness the Princess seems to be talking about you!"

Xu Sheng also just casually "en!"...

He could also feel the peeping sensation just now , however, did not take it seriously!

After all, there should be no intersection between the two!


Besides the venue of the Youth Spirit Master tournament, there are already densely packed Evil Spirit Masters in pitch black robes hiding all around ……

However, it blocked spirit power fluctuations, so it was not discovered by the surrounding Spirit Masters!

One of the Evil Spirit Masters said with a sneer "Is this the Youth Spirit Beast tournament? It's really lively! If I could kill everyone and absorb their blood essence, wouldn't it be... …”

next to another Evil Spirit Master frowned “Don’t forget our main mission is to kidnap the Princess of the Star Luo Empire! Don’t do other superfluous things!”

“ But there are so many powerhouse guards from Star Luo Empire in the Youth Spirit Master tournament, it is not easy to catch her!"

"And, if all are dispatched, they will be discovered immediately! "

"Oh...this is not simple? Pull up the person you caught!"

After the words fell, a man with a terrified face was brought up, With a bitter face, he pleaded, "Please... please don't kill me, I'm willing to do anything, please!"

He is a servant who takes care of Dai Yuner's daily life, but he doesn't know why , woke up and was tied to the Evil Spirit Master's team!

The Evil Spirit Master led by him showed a cold smile, "Don't worry, as long as you do as I say, I won't kill you!"

Then, he told the plan This servant...

After listening to this, the latter's whole body continued to tremble, "What... what? This, this... I... can't do it!"

These Evil Spirit Masters actually want him to deceive Her Highness the Princess, which is a capital crime!

Evil Spirit Master licked his lips, "Really? Then you're useless, go to hell!"

After finishing speaking, extend the hand towards the servant's Cheek scratching...

When it was about to touch, the fear of death still made the servant panic and say "Wait...wait! I...I promise you!"

The bottom of my heart is an apology, "I'm sorry, Her Highness the Princess, for me to live, I can only let you die!"

The Evil Spirit Master showed a successful smile, "Very good , but don't play tricks, your life is in our hands!"

As a powerful Evil Spirit Master, it is very simple to use Spirit Ability to control the life and death of the opponent!

Afterwards, the servant took a deep breath and, under the watchful eyes of many Evil Spirit Masters, stepped into the youth Spirit Master tournament venue...


Shrek Academy, Sea God Pavilion!

I saw Cai Yue'er's face grimly and said, "I have told Shen Yi about the campaign against Holy Spirit, and she will tell Elder Xu!"

"But... ...the exchange activities on Star Luo continent have not yet started, I don't know if we can make it in time!"

Zhuo Shi narrowed his eyes and said, "Why don't we delay the era of the eradication, there are many Elders in , the winning rate of being able to destroy the Holy Spirit will be greatly improved!"

Long Yeyue also agreed, "en! I also agree! Xu Elder's strength is not weaker than Pavilion Lord, with him, we Shrek The Academy will have the upper hand in the showdown with the Holy Spirit! Besides, there is also the assistance of Spirit Pagoda and War God Temple!"

Kaede Wuyu coldly said "No, if you delay the time, it is very likely that Discovered by the Holy Spirit teaching, when the time comes, if they insist on fleeing, it will be difficult for us to find a trail!"

"When the time comes, the threat will be even greater! We cannot take the students I bet my life!"

Yali pursed her thin lips, "What Feng Elder said is not unreasonable, if the Evil Spirit Master taught by Holy Spirit is really transferred, everything we do will be It fell short!"

"Besides, given Elder Xu's character, if he is unwilling to take action, no one can force him, and the Pavilion Lord should know this best!"

I only saw it with my own eyes. Only when Xu Sheng tortured and killed the dark hummingbird of the Four Great Heavenly Kings did he realize how terrifying his strength was!

Cai Yue'er looked towards Yun Ming, "Everyone has different opinions, Pavilion Lord, you decide"

There was a deep chill in Yun Ming's eyes, and announced He said, "Just launch the attack on the scheduled day, and I can't tolerate the arrogance of the Holy Spirit Cult anymore!"

The elders looked at each other and said in unison, "Yes, Pavilion Lord!"





(End of this chapter)

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